




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:zhèn zi






  1. 一段时间。

    曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“她这阵子在屋里干什么?” 欧阳山 《苦斗》七二:“你真是鬼灵精!这阵子你跑到哪里去了呢?”



  1. He said I could stay at his boat for a while.


  2. Recently, there were mother and child who walked head-on me with sweaty smile as I took a stroll along the street.


  3. Many practitioners from her previous path pressured her and some even slandered her, but she managed to hold her own and move on.


  4. A while back, there was a story about Reuben Gonzolas, who was in the final match of his first professional racquetball tournament.


  5. 'You've been a fine bother to us all this time, and I'm glad to hear it's going to stop.


  6. A while ago I wrote an article called Lord Palmerston on Programming in which I claimed that some of these programming worlds, like .


  7. It was, as Bill afterwards expressed it, "during a moment of temporary mental apparition" , but we didn't find that out till later.


  8. Not long ago I broke two bones in the back of my hand. They operated on it, put me in a cast for several weeks, and told me not to use it.


  9. I was a far better student in college than I had been at George Washington High.


  1. 对称阵子天线

    doublet antenna.

  2. 全阵子代数

    total matric subalgebra.

  3. 一阵子好运气

    a streak of good luck

  4. 这阵子你在哪里?

    Where have you been all this while?

  5. 这阵子正闹时令。

    At this time of year, seasonal diseases are rampant.

  6. 还得有一阵子

    So It's going to be a while.

  7. 我希望你躲意阵子。

    I just want you to lay low for a while.

  8. 务必再坚持一阵子,

    Just try to hang in there.

  9. 你可离开一阵子了。

    You were away.

  10. 要出城避一阵子。

    Have to get out of town for a while.

  11. 要出城避一阵子。

    Have to get out of town for a while.

  12. 要出城避一阵子。

    Have to get out of town for a while.

  13. 我这阵子一直对莉莉很好。

    I'm being good to lil this time around.

  14. 有一阵子我们通过信。

    For a time we corresponded.

  15. 他白白忙了一阵子。

    He busied himself for quite some time for nothing.

  16. 有一阵子, 我相当痛苦。

    For a while I was pretty miserable.

  17. 这阵子真辛苦,好在多劳多得。

    It's hard work, but luckily one gets paid more for doing more.

  18. 那就跟我住一阵子

    So stick with me for a while.

  19. 有一阵子,她时睡时醒。

    For a while she dozed fitfully.

  20. 保罗已经有阵子没来了。

    Paul had been distant for several weeks.

  21. 他当了一阵子的老师。

    He worked awhile as a teacher.

  22. 带反射面的阵子阵列天线

    dipole array antenna with reflector

  23. 你这阵子工作得很辛苦呀。

    You're working pretty hard these days.

  24. 蜡烛劈劈啪啪响了一阵子。

    The candle sputtered for a moment.

  25. 她结婚已经有一阵子了。

    She has been married for a while.

  26. 你们来了,因为有一阵子

    you guys are here, 'cause for a while there.

  27. 午饭时可能会晴一阵子。

    It might clear up for a while around lunchtime.

  28. 云计算已经火了一阵子。

    Cloud computing has been around for some time now.

  29. 这个姑娘常常会哭一阵子。

    The girl often has a crying spell.

  30. 为此斥责了我好一阵子。

    For this, the teacher dressed me down for a good while.


  1. 问:阵子拼音怎么拼?阵子的读音是什么?阵子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阵子的读音是zhènzi,阵子翻译成英文是 A period of time.