







汉语拼音:yún qǐ






  1. 如云涌起。比喻众多的事物一下子出现。

    《艺文类聚》卷六二引 汉 刘歆 《甘泉宫赋》:“离宫特观,楼比相连,云起波骇,星布弥山。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·诔碑》:“自 后汉 以来,碑碣云起。”《云笈七籤》卷二八:“糗粮山积,匠石云起。” 汪辟疆 《唐人小说·<玄怪录>叙录》:“且小説自 贞元 、 元和 之间,作者云起,情文交互。”



  1. Here, the "carefully" clean "no dye" is eternal, Xie blooming flowers, clouds from Yunfei, but "first meaning" no change.


  2. Spend lazy days watching the clouds drift by or spend active days hiking the glorious hills.


  3. Static view from the clouds and cloud-to sit bow to Fisherman.


  4. Who can sit watching the clouds cloud drop, stroll?


  1. 由于春雨连绵, 蚊子云起, 黄热病猖獗。

    Spring rains gave rise to clouds of mosquitoes and an outbreak of yellow fever.

  2. 用上天高云淡得呼唤, 等待坐看云起得爱恋。

    With the heavenGao Yundan summon, waited for the seat looked the cloud gets up beingin love withfeel deeply attached to.

  3. 用上天高云淡的呼唤,等待坐看云起的爱恋。

    With the heavenGao Yundan summon, waited for the seat looked the cloud gets up beingin love withfeel deeply attached to.

  4. 云中起电的缘由是一个古老但仍未解决的问题。

    The origin of electrification in clouds is an old and still unsolved problem.

  5. 天空不留痕迹的积起厚厚的云,下起这场毫无预兆的雨。

    The sky without leaving any traces of the stacking up thick clouds, under this field without warning in the rain.

  6. 在降低成本方面,云解决方案可能会起到很大的作用

    Cloud solutions may have a big role to play in reducing costs

  7. 我让她们看云, 她们一边感叹一边用小相机拍起云来。

    I told them to look at the clouds and they started to moan and sigh and started to photograph the clouds with their small photo cameras.

  8. 雷雨云起电

    electrification in thunderclouds

  9. 云起风帆正当时。

    At that time, since clouds are sailing.

  10. 坐看云起时。

    And then sat down and watched clouds arise.

  11. 楼阁玲珑五云起

    Ornate pavilions rose through coloured clouds

  12. 行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。

    Upon coming to the end of water flow, I would sit down to behold white clouds float.

  13. 坐地板上张大嘴仰视一下云起兄!

    Sitting on the floor worshiping LZ with mouth wide open!

  14. 行到水穷处,口渴,坐看云起时,头晕。

    Line to water poor place, thirsty, sat watching the clouds up, dizzy.

  15. 新一轮铁道建设潮起云涌

    Surging Railway Construction in a New Round

  16. 云卷云舒随风起。

    The clouds massed, whipped up by the wind.

  17. 它要到它的窝里去,因为起云啦,它觉得要下雨啦。

    It wanted to get to its nest, for the clouds had touched the swells, and it felt rain coming.

  18. 若干年以后,人们在谈起传教士时常常是人云亦云。

    In later years it would become fashionable to say of the missionaries.

  19. 看着云舒云卷, 起起落落间, 月, 渐渐明朗起来。

    Watch cloud volumes, the ups and downs, the month, gradually falling into place.

  20. 九道湾大峡谷东起密云水库, 西起云蒙山主峰。

    East nine bay Grand Canyon Miyun Reservoir, west Yunmeng prominent peak.

  21. 介绍了辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉钠在乳化香精和起云剂中的应用。

    The application of starch sodium succinate to the emulsion flavor and beverage cloud is also introduced.

  22. 近几年来,云计算在国内外可谓风生水起,热闹非凡。

    In recent years, cloud computing is wind at home and abroad, boisterous.

  23. 小草对着天空说, 云啊, 再爱一次吧, 于是下起了雨。

    The grass faces the sky, saying, Cloud, loves once again. so it rains.

  24. 云开低凸起

    Yunkai Low Uplift.

  25. 大风起兮云飞扬。

    A gale has risen and is sweeping the clouds across the sky.

  26. 起风了, 云聚了, 下雨了。

    The wind blew, the clouds gathered, the rain fell.

  27. 晨兮彩云起, 吾忧且喜兮。

    Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.

  28. 慧云李是刚冒起的明星。

    Vivien leigh, now a rising star.

  29. 因为我讲起了马云的童心!

    Because I tell the childishness that removed Ma Yun!

  30. 大枫起兮云飞扬, 美誉四海兮大枫强!

    Cloud flies when Maxleaf arises, fame reaches everywhere when Maxleaf becomes strong!