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1. 尼 [ní]尼 [ní]梵语“比丘尼”的简称,佛教中出家修行的女子:~姑。~庵。削发为~。古同“昵”,相近,亲近。……
汉语拼音:ní gū
唐 李商隐 《杂纂》:“尼姑似鼠入深处。” 明 高明 《琵琶记·祝发买葬》:“我当初早披剃入空门也,做个尼姑去,今日免艰辛。” 清 梁绍壬 《两般秋雨盦随笔·尼姑》:“ 汉 刘峻 女出家,乃尼姑之始而尚未立名。 东晋 妇人 阿藩 ,习西域之教,始有尼姑之称。” 洪深 《少奶奶的扇子》第四幕:“你难道要我剪了头发做尼姑……才算得改过。”
She has a wide influence there with millions of believers. Even politicians go and call on her. Some of them go so far as to kowtow to her.
台湾有个尼姑叫澄严法师,她的影响力在台湾非常大,有几百万信徒,政治人物都要去拜访她,有的还向她磕头。But even without any sort of view, the convent seems a nice spot to be a nun.
不过,即使没有任何景观,这个修道院看来还是尼姑的好去处。One day, an old nun feel body unwell, so called a small nun took her to the hospital the examination urine sample.
一天,一个老尼姑觉得身体不适,于是就叫个小尼姑拿着她的尿液样本去医院检查。Another about a young nun coming of age is shaping up to be a corker.
另一种是关于一个年轻的尼姑的未来是一个杰出的人的故事。And he travelled up to Canton with Chinese colleagues to visit young novices in a nunnery of ill repute.
曾经和中国教授们一同游广州,到一个名声不大好的尼庵里去看小尼姑。Monks and nuns of the soul, see the land promised to the Buddha, and insatiable, requiring each of them to see the world.
和尚与尼姑的魂灵见土地菩萨应允了,又得寸进尺,要求每年出来看一看世界。However, there was a sudden screech again, and the nuns drove down the wall with their red BMW's yet again, killing another fifteen monks!
但突然外面又一声巨响,尼姑们又开着她们的红色宝马把墙撞倒了,且压死了十五个和尚!A-ming: She will when pigs fly! She swore she'd rather be a nun than be his wife!
阿明:不可能的!她发誓她宁可当尼姑也不会嫁给他!The head monk himself drove his blue BMW to give chase, but yet again, was unable to beat the nuns back to their nunnery !