


教人的人:老~。导~。~傅。~生。~徒。~德。良~益友。好(hào )为人~。擅长某种技术的人:工程~。医~。技~。效法:~法古人。榜样:~范。指由师徒或师生关系产生的:~母。~兄。~弟。~妹。对和尚或道士的尊称:法~。禅~。军队:会~。出……





汉语拼音:shī tài







  1. 方言。对年长尼姑的尊称。

    《玉佛缘》第一回:“ 周氏 夫人道:‘师太是一庵之主,如何去得?’”



  1. I quote it here only as an illustration of the fact that the patient may think that the analyst may be misled if he gives him certain facts.


  2. The Russian designers love the moon so much, which they've been dreaming of bringing the Moon down to the Earth.


  1. 实验室技术员、药剂师、内科医师和麻醉师也太少。

    There are also too few laboratory technicians, pharmacists, internists and anaesthesiologists.

  2. 但投资者和分析师都太了解这一策略了。

    But investors and analysts are wising up to that tactic.

  3. 规划师似乎不太接受现行的政府指道方针。

    Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines.

  4. 我不能当骑师,因为我太高了

    I can't be a jockey because I'm 6'2.

  5. 当一个象这小子那样的大法师, 那也太容易, 太没出息了!

    How easy and cheap it was to be a great magician on this fellow's terms!

  6. 她需要把照片给催眠师, 但这没有太大帮助。

    She needs to bring a photo to the hypnotist but isn't having much luck.

  7. 从樵夫口中得知,其妻被告老太师葛登云抢去。

    Be informed inside axman mouth of the accused old lady ascends cloud grab.

  8. 华太师居然敢得罪我们皇爷。

    Wah dares to offend Our Majesty.

  9. 曾被规划师们称为原版的穿着网球鞋的小老太

    Original Little Old Lady in Tennis Shoes

  10. 工艺师葛韬向焦部长介绍阴阳太极壶的创作过程。

    Jiao Ran acquaints himself with Mr. Ge Tao the producing process of teapot.

  11. 我们离魔法师很近了。我能感觉得到。这种感觉太强烈了。

    We are so close to the Sorcerer. I can tell. The feeling is so powerful.

  12. 今天,纣王闲来无事,就请了黄飞虎,闻太师和周文王来下下棋。

    Today, King Zhoufeel free and has invited General Huang, Grand Preceptor and Prince Wen for chess game.

  13. 是那位发型师建议我这样做的,她说我的头发颜色太单调了。

    Well, my stylist suggested it. She said the color of my hair was drab and boring.

  14. 犹太经师不愿拿生命去赌博。

    Judaic classics division does not wish to take life to gamble.

  15. 犹太乐团犹太乐师的演奏节目犹太民间音乐

    klezmer bands klezmer repertory klezmer music.

  16. 统治, 治理管理统治。用在指古代犹太士师时

    To govern rule. Used of an ancient Israelite leader.

  17. 国家意志、太学传统与京师大学堂的建立

    Nation Will, Imperial University's Tradition and the Foundation of the Imperial University of Peking

  18. 即使是对比拉拉队分析师的分析,这也太过了。

    Even by the standards of hooray analyst coverage, this was extreme.

  19. 分析师的这个预测值很有可能是太保守了。

    Analysts forecast that the value is likely to be too conservative.

  20. 政府兴办了太医局训练和培养合格的中医师。

    The goverment set up the Imperial Medical Bureau for training and bringing up qualified TCM workers.

  21. 政府兴办了太医局训练和培养合格得中医师。

    The goverment set up the Imperial Medical Bureau for training and bringing up qualified TCM workers.

  22. 蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。

    Sapphire color and too deep, longitudinal is superior, also hard to depict the famous.

  23. 太学的发展,使京师洛阳形成了浓厚的经学文化氛围。

    The development of the university made Luoyang form the strong atmosphere of study of Confucian Classics.

  24. 推拿和指压不太一样, 指压师只会按压你得穴道。

    Traditional Chinese massage is different from Shiatsu. People who practice Shiatsu just press your acupoints.

  25. 推拿和指压不太一样,指压师只会按压你的穴道。

    Traditional Chinese massage is different from Shiatsu. People who practice Shiatsu just press your acupoints.

  26. 其中最有价值的是有关章太炎和刘师培的文章。

    The most valuable part is the writings on Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei.

  27. 每次他因为太累而做不出某个把戏时, 驯兽师就打他。

    Every time he could not do a trick because he was too tired, the ringmaster beat him.