





1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……



汉语拼音:shǐ nǚ








  1. 婢女。

    《水浒传》第二四回:“那 清河县 里有一个大户人家,有个使女,小名唤做 潘金莲 。”



  1. So she kept close to the young women of Boaz, gleaning until the end of the barley and wheat harvests. And she lived with her mother-in-law.


  2. And Rebekah arose, and her damsels, and they rode upon the camels, and followed the man: and the servant took Rebekah, and went his way.


  3. Now when Leah saw that she ceased bearing, she took Zilpah her female servant and gave her to Jacob as a wife.


  4. And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai.


  5. And a certain servant girl, seeing him seated in the light of the fire, looked intently at him and said, This man was with Him too.


  6. When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took her maidservant Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife.


  7. And a maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them.


  8. She did not hesitate. Her simple answer was "I am the Lord's servant. . . May it be to me as you have said. "


  9. But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him.


  1. 她反对她的使女喝啤酒。

    She objected to the consumption of beer by her maidservants.

  2. 因为他顾念他使女的卑微。

    For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.

  3. 这一番话,有使女管家信以为真了。

    So the housekeeper accepted what Walters said as true.

  4. 你有一位笨手笨脚粗心大意的使女。

    You have a clumsy and careless servant girl.

  5. 他的那些粗俗话常使女听众感到尴尬。

    His earthy remarks often embarrassed the women in his audience.

  6. 拉班又将婢女辟拉给女儿拉结作使女。

    And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.

  7. 于是两个使女和他们的孩子前来下拜。

    Then the maidservants and their children approached and bowed down.

  8. 打发使女出去, 自己在城中至高处呼叫,

    She has sent out her maids, and she calls from the highest point of the city.

  9. 拉班又将婢女悉帕给女儿利亚作使女。

    And Laban gave his servant girl Zilpah to his daughter as her maidservant.

  10. 在那些日子, 我要将我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女。

    And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

  11. 他敲大门的时候,有一个名叫洛德的使女过来听。

    When he knocked on the gateway door, a maid named Rhoda came to answer it.

  12. 你有一位笨手笨脚粗心大意的使女。杰克的一双手很粗笨。

    You have a clumsy and careless servant girl. Jack is clumsy with his hands.

  13. 大使携礼物觐见女王。你有一位笨手笨脚粗心大意的使女。

    The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen. You have a clumsy and careless servant girl.

  14. 她设法在管家屋里会见了克拉弗林夫人的心腹使女。

    She had managed for herself an interview with Lady Clavering's confidential attendant, in the housekeeper's room.

  15. 因为他顾念他使女的卑微。从今以后, 万代要称我有福。

    For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

  16. 她建议亚伯拉罕娶她的使女夏甲, 为他生子立后!

    She proposed to Abraham that he take Hagar, her handmaid, and try to have a son by her!

  17. 撒拉的使女埃及人夏甲给亚伯拉罕所生的儿子是以实玛利。

    This is the account of Abraham's son Ishmael, whom Sarah's maidservant, Hagar the Egyptian, bore to Abraham.

  18. 各种各样的男男女女使这个晚会充满了活力。

    The party was animated by all kinds of men and women.

  19. 他是复活和生命,是好牧人、是使男女信众重生的神。

    He was the Resurrection and the Life, the Good Shepherd, the God who made men and women to be born again.

  20. 这起偷税漏税事件使这位女演员十分难堪。

    The case of taxation evasion has put the famous actress on the spot.

  21. 惟有基督的临格才会使男男女女饱享受乐。

    The presence of Christ alone can make men and women happy.

  22. 首席女歌唱家使听众着了迷。

    The prima donna captivated the audience.

  23. 那位漂亮的女演员使我神魂颠倒。

    The beautiful actress made my heart melt away.

  24. 那位漂亮的女演员使我神魂颠倒。

    The beautiful actress made my heart melt away.

  25. 那位漂亮得女演员使我神魂颠倒。

    The beautiful actress made my heart melt away.

  26. 这位首席女歌手使我们部门平稳的工作出现混乱。

    The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department.

  27. 这位首席女歌手使我们部门平稳的工作出现混乱。

    The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department.

  28. 这位首席女歌手使我们部门平稳得工作出现混乱。

    The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department.

  29. 她在阿伊达里的表演使她赢得了女高音的国际声誉。

    It was her performances in Aida which gained her an international reputation as a soprano.

  30. 哪知这丑女的矫揉造作使她样子更难看了。

    Who would have thought this clown female caused her appearance to be uglier affectedly.


  1. 问:使女性化拼音怎么拼?使女性化的读音是什么?使女性化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:使女性化的读音是,使女性化翻译成英文是 feminize



使女shǐ nǚ