


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……


1. 仆 [pū]2. 仆 [pú]仆 [pū]向前跌倒:~倒。前~后继。仆 [pú]被人雇佣差遣服务的人,与“主”相对:~人。~从。旧谦称“我”。……



汉语拼音:nǚ pú









  1. You had a maid. If I had a normal family, and a good up-bringing, then I would have been a well-adjusted person.


  2. He took a Madison car and went direct to Ogden Place, this time walking boldly up to the door. The chambermaid answered his knock.


  3. I ran over to the office , and asked if I could talk to the maid who had been on duty that morning.


  4. The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Tom, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear.


  5. You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids, and you think you know something about love.


  6. The maid outfits or any other sexy costume is another one of those presents that's really more for you than it is for her.


  7. A little further away was a young woman who had just arrived on her horse, with her maid on foot.


  8. He's trying to determine the exact amount of poison needed to kill Cleopatra and her handmaidens .


  9. It might be if it was kept nice, but the maids are lazy, and I don't know how to make them mind. It worries me though.


  1. 女仆在哪里?

    Where is the maidservant

  2. 做杂务的女仆

    the scullery maids

  3. 按铃召唤女仆

    to ring for a maid.

  4. 他们有三个女仆。

    They keep three maids.

  5. 她大声责骂女仆。

    She ranted at her maid.

  6. 她在他家当女仆。

    She worked as a lass at his house.

  7. 作为女仆受雇于人

    Hire oneself out as a maid

  8. 我毕竟不是她女仆

    I mean, I'm not her valet.

  9. 女仆一直这样想着。

    She thought along these lines.

  10. 我已把女仆辞了。

    I have turned off my maid.

  11. 女仆替他开了门。

    The chambermaid answered his knock.

  12. 女仆似乎在戏弄园丁。

    The chambermaid appears to be setting her dap for the gardener.

  13. 有个女仆做家务事。

    There is a maid to do the housework.

  14. 有位女仆做家务事。

    There is a maid to do the housework.

  15. 你摸着的这个女仆。

    You finger the body of the maid he paid for.

  16. 她是那个家族的女仆。

    She is a handmaid of that family.

  17. 女仆们开始擦亮银盘。

    The maids began to polish up the silver dishes.

  18. 还是用模仿女仆那套。

    Wow. Impersonating a maid stereotype.

  19. 女主人迫使女仆日夜工作。

    The hostess kept her maid at work day and night.

  20. 她命令她的女仆去购买。

    She ordered her maids to buy them.

  21. 印度大约有一百万女仆。

    In India there are about one million girl servants.

  22. 我已把我的女仆解雇了。

    I have sent my maid away.

  23. 你爱上了他们的女仆?

    You're in love with their maid?

  24. 女仆端上了第一道菜。

    The maid served the first course.

  25. 女仆伺候我母亲极为周到。

    The maidservant valeted my mother very well.

  26. 她的头发是她的女仆所卷的。

    Her hair was craped by her maid.

  27. 女仆将银行家迎入家中。

    The banker is let into his house by the maid.

  28. 女仆每星期换一次床单。

    Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.

  29. 女仆受到其上司的严责。

    The servant girl was blasted by her boss.

  30. 女侍,女仆女性仆人,如一女佣

    A female servant, such as a maid.


  1. 问:女仆拼音怎么拼?女仆的读音是什么?女仆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女仆的读音是nǚpú,女仆翻译成英文是 A woman servant; maid



“女仆”是个多义词,它可以指女仆(同名话剧), 女仆(2009年智利电影), 女仆(职业的一种)。