







汉语拼音:shǒu zhǒu







  1. 胳膊肘。上臂和前臂相交接的部分。

    柳溪 《爬在旗杆上的人》:“他吸了口烟,把手托着下巴,手肘支在桌边上。” 徐迟 《鱼的神话》:“ 王书记 也听出神了,他说着,用手肘撞撞他的老战友,那位指挥长的手肘。”



  1. Make sure your hips and butt come up off the bench as you raise your knees up to touch your elbows and.


  2. As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquiline, unsmiling in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides.


  3. With an inhalation, lift your torso as if you were going to stand up again, straightening your elbows.


  4. Composedly smoking, he leaned an elbow on the chimney-piece, at the side of the fire, and looked at the schoolmaster.


  5. Luckily I have purchased this product a week before my son had a fall and put in three scrapes on his forehead, elbow and a knee.


  6. He slept fully dressed with his head on his hand, his elbow sinking deep into the red down-cushions his host had arranged for him.


  7. Bashed him with my elbow after that until he fell through my arms into a heap at my feet.


  8. Imagine that you are reaching forward and down over a wall as you swim, with the edge of the wall at your elbow.


  9. Jonathan pulled his sleeve up to show Marc three long scars stretching along the inside of his arm from his wrist to his elbow.


  1. 我刮伤了我的手肘。

    I scraped my elbow.

  2. 以头, 膝盖, 或手肘攻击。

    Attacks with the head, knees, or elbows.

  3. 那女孩刮到了手肘。

    The girl scraped her elbow.

  4. 手肘被弯曲几乎达到90度。

    Elbow is bent almost to 90 degrees.

  5. 你的手肘碰到我的头。

    You hit your elbow on my head.

  6. 我就用两只手肘这样。

    I got both elbows down like this.

  7. 她被钉子挂伤了手肘。

    She scratched her elbow on a nail.

  8. 距离够近,就善用手肘!

    If you are close enough to use it, do!

  9. 你的手肘在戳我的肋骨。

    Your elbow is jabbing me in the ribs.

  10. 他把手肘支撑在枕头上。

    He propped his elbow on the pillow.

  11. 破了皮的膝盖和擦伤了的手肘。

    Skinned knees and scraped elbows.

  12. 你不可能舔得到自己的手肘。

    It is impossible to lick your elbow.

  13. 她采取手肘置于膝盖上的姿态。

    She poised her elbow on her knee.

  14. 我打网球的手肘又开始痛了。

    My tennis elbow began to ache again.

  15. 步骤的狗和弯曲手肘模拟运动。

    Step to the front of the dog and bend the elbow to simulate movement.

  16. 他的手肘这样子的时候他抓着球

    his elbow go in like this. he grip the ball.

  17. 照顾好自己的手肘,你在这呢

    I want you to take care of that elbow. there you are.

  18. 你不但失去這些肌肉 還有你的手和手肘

    You're missing not only these muscles, but your hand and your elbow too.

  19. 我要投篮的时候,你碰着我的手肘了。

    You hit my elbow when I was shooting.

  20. 他从梯子上摔下时扭伤了手肘。

    He give his elbow a wrench when he fall off the ladder.

  21. 莎拉波娃拉近了手肘和身体的距离。

    Sharapova has pulled her elbow closer to her body.

  22. 他的手肘从衬衫的破袖子中露出来。

    His elbow was poking through his torn shirt sleeve.

  23. 他的手肘从他衬衫袖的破裂处露出来。

    He is up to his elbow soapsuds, washing his shirt.

  24. 你永远不可能用你的舌头舔到你的手肘。

    You never lap up your elbow with your tongue.

  25. 現在假設你失去了包括手肘以下的手臂

    Now you've lost your arm above the elbow.

  26. 他用手肘打在对手的下巴上,击败了对手。

    He downed his opponent with one blow to the chin.

  27. 在墨西哥的许多地方,手肘意味着吝啬。

    In many parts South of the border, the elbow is linked to stinginess.

  28. 那個腳踏車電纜可以打開或關閉手或鉤子 或是使手肘彎曲

    And that bicycle cable can open or close a hand or a hook or bend an elbow.

  29. 尤其是适合手,膝盖,手肘及其他身体干燥部分。

    Ideal for cracked hands, knees and elbows.

  30. 呼气时曲手肘,胸部向下放于大腿上。

    On the exhale bend your elbows and lower your chest onto your thighs.


  1. 问:手肘拼音怎么拼?手肘的读音是什么?手肘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手肘的读音是shǒuzhǒu,手肘翻译成英文是 elbow



根据体型不同手肘的样子也不尽相同手肘 : shǒu zhǒu 1.胳膊肘。上臂和前臂相交接的部分。