




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……







汉语拼音:jí zhuǎn zhí xià








  • 【解释】:形容形势或文笔等突然转变,并且很快地顺势发展下去。
  • 【出自】:叶剑英《伟大的战略决战》:“由于迅速而顺利地取得了辽沈战役的胜利,就使全国战局急转直下,使原来预计的战争进程大为缩短。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;形容突然转变


  1. Mr. Jones said he inherited about $750 million in debt, and that financial markets had turned south when he tried to refinance.


  2. Given the key part that this incident is said to have played in the diplomatic scene , I can't refrain from registering my view .


  3. The complex had been largely pre-sold, but when the bottom fell out of the market buyers refused to pay up.


  4. Years of boom, buoyed by cheap foreign-currency loans and a currency pegged to the euro, have turned to a spectacular bust.


  5. None of that is much comfort for the Georgian leadership, which is coping with tens of thousands of refugees and a nose-diving economy.


  6. He did not mention that a run of bad inflation figures (up to 4. 4% in February) has made a fiscal U-turn trickier.


  7. "This has been a fast-moving scenario, with the violence really accelerating over recent days, " one official said.


  8. "Markets turned considerably worse around mid-November, " Staite said. "I would expect to see a lot more analysts cutting their numbers. "


  9. By the turn of the century, it had become apparent that the value of content was plummeting as more and more media were digitized.


  1. 她病情急转直下。

    Her health deteriorated so quickly.

  2. 改变局面使事态急转直下

    turn the tide

  3. 突然急转直下, 冲入深海

    Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep

  4. 前方的军事局势急转直下。

    The military on the front went swiftly ahead.

  5. 马匹的平均价格急转直下。

    Average house prices have broken sharply downward.

  6. 马匹的平均价格急转直下。

    Average house prices have broken sharply downward.

  7. 然而,生意迟早会急转直下。

    However, in time business may take a turn for the worse.

  8. 苏珊的健康状况急转直下。

    Susan's health took a turn for the worse.

  9. 苏珊的健康状况急转直下。

    Susan's health took a turn for the worse.

  10. 凯伦的健康状况急转直下。

    Karen's health took a turn for the worse.

  11. 凯伦的健康状况急转直下。

    Karen's health took a turn for the worse.

  12. 但到了4月份,形势急转直下。

    But in April, things took a sudden turn for the worse.

  13. 在以后的几周里, 事态急转直下。

    Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed.

  14. 因为从那之后事情就急转直下了。

    Because it was going downhill straight from there.

  15. 事情怎么会急转直下变得如此糟糕?

    How did things get so bad so quickly?

  16. 到底是什么触发了事态的急转直下?

    Exactly what had triggered this avalanche?

  17. 这些政策使得建筑业的形势急转直下。

    These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.

  18. 然而最近3个多月澳元汇率急转直下。

    Recently, however, more than3 on the Australian dollar exchange rate a standstill.

  19. 荷兰的急转直下的结局一直在我们的脑际萦回。

    The swift fate of Holand was in all our minds.

  20. 荷兰得急转直下得结局一直在我们得脑际萦回。

    The swift fate of Holand was in all our minds.

  21. 经过2012年的增长,金融类股票的形势急转直下。

    Financial stocks have a rough time, reversing the gains of2012.

  22. 经过2012年得增长,金融类股票得形势急转直下。

    Financial stocks have a rough time, reversing the gains of2012.

  23. 事态的急转直下让许多分析师大感意外。

    The rapid turn of events surprised many analysts.

  24. 已婚多年的妻子 也许要面对急转直下的现实。

    A longtime wife may confront a harsh new reality.

  25. 但去年的信贷危机使得冰岛命运急转直下。

    The credit crunch last year brought a reversal of fortune.

  26. 这条山间小道急转直下通到一个小山谷。

    The mountain path descended precipitously to a small valley.

  27. 这种冲突持续了数年,直到一天,事情急转直下。

    This conflict continued for years, until one day, everything changed.

  28. 而她也开始跟她的教练产生矛盾,情况急转直下。

    She began having trouble with her coach, and things went downhill from there.

  29. 调查显示,可乐,甚至健怡可乐的形象都在急转直下。

    His research shows the image of colas, and even diet colas, continues to deteriorate rapidly.

  30. 调查显示, 可乐, 甚至健怡可乐得形象都在急转直下。

    His research shows the image of colas, and even diet colas, continues to deteriorate rapidly.


  1. 问:急转直下拼音怎么拼?急转直下的读音是什么?急转直下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:急转直下的读音是jízhuǎnzhíxià,急转直下翻译成英文是 to take a sudden turn and then develop rapidly...


