


1. 糜 [mí]2. 糜 [méi]糜 [mí]粥:肉~。~沸(形容混乱纷扰)。烂,碎:~烂。~躯(牺牲生命)。~灭。浪费:~费。姓。糜 [méi]不黏的黍(亦称“穄”):~子。~黍。~子面。……





汉语拼音:mí làn









  1. 碎烂。

    汉 王充 《论衡·书虚》:“一 子胥 之身,煮汤鑊之中,骨肉糜烂,成为羹葅,何能有害也。”《后汉书·寇荣传》:“登金鑊,入沸汤,糜烂於炽爨之下,九死而未悔。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二二:“昨夜打得一隻狗,煨得糜烂在这里,与公子同享。”

  2. 腐烂;腐化。

    《晋书·孔群传》:“﹝ 孔羣 ﹞性嗜酒, 导 尝戒之曰:‘卿恒饮,不见酒家覆瓿布,日月久糜烂邪?’” 洪深 《电影戏剧的编剧方法》第二章:“这些诚然是好材料,一方面可以刺激那些过着糜烂的生活的,觉着无聊与疲倦的人们。”

  3. 毁伤;摧残;被蹂躏。

    《孟子·尽心下》:“ 梁惠王 以土地之故,糜烂其民而战之。” 汉 刘向 《说苑·敬慎》:“接刃流血,伏尸暴骸,糜烂国家,十有餘年。” 明 高攀龙 《大司徒修翁李先生七十序》:“东南半壁天下,几糜烂於豺虎之吻。” 叶圣陶 《我们的骄傲》:“话都说得挺好听,家乡糜烂,不能不设法挽救啊,不入地狱,谁入地狱啊,无非那一套。”

  4. 医学上指皮肤或黏膜表面受到损伤或局部发炎所形成的浅表性缺损。如:子宫颈糜烂。



  1. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government.


  2. Emilia. If he say so, may his pernicious soul Rot half a grain a day! he lies to the heart: She was too fond of her most filthy bargain.


  3. However, if there were things festering under the surface of your relationship, those eclipses were to bring them to light.


  4. Routine gynecological examination project have cervical check to see cervical inflammation, cervical erosion.


  5. It is the point and key that actively treating cervical erosion in earlier period is to stop it taking place to cancer.


  6. Their erosive lesions might have existed for 1 year or more causing patients' anxiety, fear of misdiagnosis cancer.


  7. Conclusion Microwave therapy instrument for cervical erosion is effective and has no side effect, and it can be widely used in clinic.


  8. The father died to leave one page paper ago, up jotted down a clan to fasten, all already debauched .


  9. most topographic variation is the result of local erosion or, in the North, of glacial debris deposited during the Ice Age.


  1. 胃炎伴糜烂

    Gastritis accompanied with erosion.

  2. 糜烂性胃炎

    erosive gastritis.

  3. 特发性牙糜烂

    Idiopathic erosion of teeth

  4. 糜烂性龟头炎

    erosive balanitis.

  5. 他的伤口已经糜烂。

    His wound has already become infected.

  6. 下唇糜烂患者的护理

    Nursing of the patients with lower lip erosion.

  7. 糜烂性龟头包皮炎

    erosive balanoposthitis

  8. 他总是寻花问柳,生活糜烂。

    He was always whoring after the pleasure of evil living.

  9. 糜烂性女阴阴道炎

    erosive vulvovaginitis

  10. 让它侵蚀就逐渐糜烂一切。

    That rotting inward slowly moulders all.

  11. 宫颈糜烂治疗会影响顺产吗?

    Can cure of palace neck debaucjed affect natural labor?

  12. 流涎, 鼻炎, 结膜炎和口腔糜烂。

    Salivation, Rhinitis, conjunctivitis and oral erosions.

  13. 他经常嫖宿,生活糜烂堕落。

    He leads a dissipated and corrupt life and sleeps with a prostitute every so often.

  14. 他经常嫖宿,生活糜烂堕落。

    He leads a dissipated and corrupt life and sleeps with a prostitute every so often.

  15. 糜烂性萎缩性胃炎怎么治疗?

    How is gastritis of sex of erosion sex atrophy treated?

  16. 毒气之王和糜烂性毒剂

    King of the Poisonous Gas and Vesicant Agent

  17. 糜烂性胃炎, 胆囊炎怎么治疗?

    Erosion sex gastritis, how is cholecystitis treated?

  18. 爱宝疗栓治疗宫颈糜烂?

    Does bolt of cure love treasure treat palace neck debaucjed ?

  19. 宫颈糜烂是严重的妇科病吗?

    Is palace neck debaucjed defect of serious department of gynaecology?

  20. 多腔性糜烂性外胚叶病

    ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis

  21. 宫颈糜烂和宫颈囊肿一定要手术吗?

    Palace neck debaucjed and palace neck cyst must operation

  22. 死亡细胞的脱落, 产生糜烂和溃疡。

    Detachment of the dead cells produces erosions and ulcers.

  23. 目的研究治疗宫颈糜烂的有效药物。

    Objective The utility drug of therapy cervical erosion was investigated.

  24. 中药外用治疗宫颈糜烂的临床研究

    Clinical Study of External Application of Herbal Medicine for Cervical Erosion

  25. 他们把你卷入他们肮脏糜烂的圈子里。

    They suck you in to their seedy world.

  26. 宫颈糜烂到最严重会导致卜孕么

    Is palace neck debaucjed about to the most serious meeting predict pregnant

  27. 在这种情境之下, 生活总是糜烂的, 肉感的。

    Life is always mushy and sensual under these conditions.

  28. 腹壁肠造口周围皮肤糜烂的防治

    The Prevention and Treatment of Skin Erosion around Ostium of Abdominal Wall

  29. 巧用微波治疗子宫颈糜烂及宫颈管炎

    Treatment to Cervical Erosion And Endocervicitis by Microwave

  30. 云南白药联合微波治疗宫颈糜烂疗效观察

    Observation on Efficacy of Yunnan White Combined with Microwave on Cervical Erosion


  1. 问:糜烂拼音怎么拼?糜烂的读音是什么?糜烂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糜烂的读音是mílàn,糜烂翻译成英文是 rotten; debauched

  2. 问:糜烂剂拼音怎么拼?糜烂剂的读音是什么?糜烂剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糜烂剂的读音是mí làn jì,糜烂剂翻译成英文是 vesicant

  3. 问:糜烂性毒剂拼音怎么拼?糜烂性毒剂的读音是什么?糜烂性毒剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糜烂性毒剂的读音是,糜烂性毒剂翻译成英文是 Blister agent

  4. 问:糜烂性毒气拼音怎么拼?糜烂性毒气的读音是什么?糜烂性毒气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糜烂性毒气的读音是mí làn xìng dú qì,糜烂性毒气翻译成英文是 blistering gas

  5. 问:糜烂性胃炎拼音怎么拼?糜烂性胃炎的读音是什么?糜烂性胃炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糜烂性胃炎的读音是mí làn xìng wèi yán,糜烂性胃炎翻译成英文是 erosive gastritis

  6. 问:糜烂性龟头炎拼音怎么拼?糜烂性龟头炎的读音是什么?糜烂性龟头炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糜烂性龟头炎的读音是mí làn xìng guī tóu yán,糜烂性龟头炎翻译成英文是 erosive balanitis


