







汉语拼音:wú yì






  1. 不也。表示委婉的反问语气。

    《左传·成公十二年》:“ 子反 曰:‘如天之福,两君相见,无亦唯是以一矢以相加遗,焉用乐?’”《国语·周语中》:“女今我王室之一二兄弟,以时相见,将和协典礼,以示民训则,无亦择其柔嘉……体解节折而共饮食之。” 韦昭 注:“无亦,不亦也。” 明 李东阳 《陆孝子诗序》:“且天下之语誶色忤,食稻衣锦者何限?不彼之责而责此,无亦自比於不孝,设淫辞而助之攻乎?” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·局诈》:“丞曰:‘某新肄一曲,无亦愿闻之乎?’”



  1. You do not and will not engage in the forbidden dealings set out in Clause 8. 1 Above;


  1. 无引航站,亦无电台。

    No pilot station, no radio.

  2. 乃至无老死, 亦无老死尽。

    Until We Come to No Old Age and Death and No Ending of Old Age and Death.

  3. 我亦无他,惟手熟尔。

    I have no knacks other than hands-on experience.

  4. 无永远的成功,亦无致命的失败。

    Success is not forever and failure is not fatal.

  5. 再多的忏悔亦无补于事。

    This continual repenting doesnt help at all.

  6. 母亲亦无言语,撩起衣襟拭眼。

    Mother, no speech, up the skirts swab eyes.

  7. 无爱亦无嗔

    Sans amour et sans haine,.

  8. 大部分患者既往体健,亦无外伤病史。

    Most patients were otherwise healthy, and with the exception of 8 cases, lacked antecedent trauma.

  9. 不再同胶水浪费时间, 亦无残胶余孽。

    No longer weasting time with glues, and also have no glue that stay.

  10. 对于现代化坦克或飞机, 亦无有效的防御方法。

    There was no dependable defense against a modern tank or plane.

  11. 心肌纤维数,心肌纤维直径和毛细血管直径亦无显著差异。

    The myofibre number, myofibre diamters and capillary diamters also seemed no different.

  12. 这种装置设计得节约燃料, 在性能上亦无损失。

    This arrangement is designed to save fuel without sacrificing performance.

  13. 骡子既无足以自豪得祖宗,亦无可以寄托希望得子孙。

    A mule has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.

  14. 骡子既无足以自豪的祖宗,亦无可以寄托希望的子孙。

    A mule has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.

  15. 对于扬州学派的文学成就,迄今亦无充分的认识。

    There is also no abundant understanding for Yangzhou School's literature achievement.

  16. 术后并无神经麻木及感染现象,亦无张口受限情况。

    There was no paresthesia, infection, or limitation of mouth opening after surgery.

  17. 明代各个重刻本都出自浙本,亦无出自蜀刻之书。

    All the editions of Ming Dynasty originate from the Zhe edition.

  18. 且在聚合反应后,亦无发现寡聚合物存留在分散媒中。

    After the polymerization, no oligomers in dispersion medium was founded.

  19. 两组血凝参数在整个观测期间均无改变,亦无累积效应。

    The parameters of coagulation remained unchanged during the whole observation period. There was no accumulation effect detected in either group.

  20. 首先,德尔菲的神殿中根本就没有裂沟,亦无气体逸出。

    First, no chasm or gaseous emission had ever existed in the temple at Delphi.

  21. 首先,德尔菲得神殿中根本就没有裂沟,亦无气体逸出。

    First, no chasm or gaseous emission had ever existed in the temple at Delphi.

  22. 他说全家正举债度日,而他亦无钱替儿女买新学年的书。

    He said the family was relying on borrowed money and he could not afford new school books for his children.

  23. 政府官员得裙带关系和贪污腐化, 虽无外患亦能毁灭国家。

    Nepotism and corruption among government officials can ruin a nation without foreign aggression.

  24. 政府官员的裙带关系和贪污腐化,虽无外患亦能毁灭国家。

    Nepotism and corruption among government officials can ruin a nation without foreign aggression.

  25. 氧亦漂浮无影踪

    Oxygen also has no trace afloat

  26. 无苦集灭道无智亦无得

    no suffering, accumulation, cessation, or path no wisdom and no attainment.

  27. 若是饥而欲食, 渴而欲饮, 则此欲亦岂能无?但亦是合当如此者。

    As to the desire for food when hungry and the desire for drink when thirsty, how can one be without them?

  28. 若获指示,其亦得无其他军事行动参与。

    They may also occur, if directed, in the absence of other military operations.

  29. 准铸态贝氏体铸铁中的贝氏体亦属无碳化物贝氏体。

    When nucleated on the interface of flake graphite, upper bainites can be formed at the end o.

  30. 虽有几房姬妾,奈他命中无子,亦无可如何之事

    He had several concubines but fate had not granted him another son, and he could not remedy this.



【拼音】wú yì

【注音】ㄨˊ ㄧˋ


【引证解释】 [be not] 同“不亦”。表示委婉的反问,可译为“不是”、“岂是” 无亦犹是也夫。——明· 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》