







汉语拼音:cāng ěr






  1. 一年生草本植物。春夏开花,绿色,果实倒卵形,有刺。荒地野生。茎皮可取纤维,植株可制农药;果实称“苍耳子”,可提取工业用的脂肪油,亦可入药。

    宋 陆游 《山园草间菊数枝开席地独酌》诗:“君不见诗人跌宕例如此,苍耳林中留 太白 。”



  1. Methods The distillation and water extraction alcoholic precipitation methods were used to prepare Longdancanger Mixture.


  2. Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals.


  3. Objective To research the preparation of Longdancanger Mixture and its quality detection method.


  4. Inspired by the amazing sticking power of the cocklebur seed in 1948, George Mestral invented Velcro.


  5. RESULTS The identified characteristics of chromatography were distinct and the spots were clear.


  6. Objective: To analysis the constituents in the supercritical fluid extraction of Xanthium mongolicum fruit.


  7. TLC for the qualitative testing of Longdancanger Mixture is accurate and sensitive.


  8. Progress in studies on sesquiterpene lactones from Xanthium L.


  9. Observation of number of chromosomes in Leonurus japonicus and Xanthium sibiricum.


  1. 例如牛蒡属的牛蒡以及苍耳 属的 苍耳。

    Examples include burdock and cocklebur.

  2. 苍耳抑菌成分提取工艺

    Extraction technique of effective antifungal compositions in xanthium sibiricum

  3. 苍耳杀线虫活性的初步研究

    Study on Nematicidal Activity of Xanthium sibiricum.

  4. 苍耳油制取亚油酸的研究

    Study on Linoleic Acid Prepared from Cockebur Kernel Oil.

  5. 益母草和苍耳染色体数目的观察。

    Observation of number of chromosomes in Leonurus japonicus and Xanthium sibiricum.

  6. 大豆和苍耳的临界速度试验研究

    Study of Critical Velocity of Soybean and Xanthium Sibiricum

  7. 苍耳种子萌发和出苗特性的研究

    Study on the Germination and Emergence Characteristics of the Xanthium Sibiricum

  8. 标题益母草和苍耳染色体数目的观察。

    Observation of number of chromosomes in Leonurus japonicus and Xanthium sibiricum.

  9. 我就像苍耳一样, 想随着你到天涯。

    I would like to with you, like xanthium throughout the world.

  10. 苍耳愈伤组织诱导及继代培养研究

    Studies on callus induction and subculture of Xanthium sibiricum

  11. 苍耳子的生物活性成分及品质评价

    Bioactive Constituents and Quality Evaluation of Fructus Xanthii

  12. 苍耳子不同提取物的毒性比较实验

    The Toxicity Comparison Experiment of the Extractions from Fructus Xanthii.

  13. 苍耳提取物对粘虫具有一定的杀虫效果。

    The extracts of Xanthium sibiricum had insecticidal effect on armyworm.

  14. 苍耳属的任何长皮刺而粗糙的杂草。

    Any coarse weed of the genus Xanthium having spiny burrs.

  15. 苍耳根的抑菌范围最窄,抑菌作用最小。

    Sibiricum Patrin's root is weakest both in the scope and effect.

  16. 辛夷和苍耳子的临床药理研究进展

    Advance in research on pharmacology of Flos magnoline and Siberian cocklebur fruit

  17. 复方苍耳虫油膏外治颜面疔疮30例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 30 Cases of Face Furunculosis With Compound Cangerchong Basilicon

  18. 曼陀罗和苍耳对污染土壤中镉的吸收与富集

    Sorption and Accumulation of Cadmium in the Polluted Soil of Datura stramonium and Xanthium sibiricum

  19. 复方苍耳虫油膏对实验性疮疡促愈作用的研究

    Study on the Effect of Compound Cocklebur Basilicon on Experimental Pyocutaneous Disease for Promoting Concrescence

  20. 其成份包括苍耳子,木兰花,野菊花和甘草。

    Its ingredients include Xanthium fruit, magnolia flower, wild chrysanthemum and licorice root.

  21. 苍耳子的肝脏毒性及配伍减毒机理研究

    The Study of Siberian Cocklebur Fruit's Toxic Effect on Liver and Its Mechanism of Detoxicity by Compatibility.

  22. 意大利苍耳二形性种子萌发、植株生长差异及生态适应性

    Dimorphic seed germination, plant growth difference, and ecological adaptability of Xanthium italicum

  23. 目的建立苍耳子中苍耳子噻嗪双酮苷的含量测定方法。

    Objective To develop a method for the determination of the content of xanthiside from Xanthiunm sibiricum by HPLC.

  24. 苍耳不同溶剂提取物对粘虫和蚜虫的杀虫活性研究

    Insecticidal activity of the different extracts of Xanthium sibiricum on Mythimnaseparata and aphis

  25. 苍耳、万寿菊、菖蒲粗提液对菜青虫的防效试验

    Effect of Extracts from Siberian Cocklebur, Aztec marigold, Calamus Against Cabbage Worm.

  26. 对不同批次以及不同产地的苍耳子样品进行了对比研究。

    The samples from different batches and different habitats were also studied.

  27. 苍耳子提取物抗鸭乙型肝炎病毒作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effect of Fructus Xanthii Extract on Duck Hepatitis B Virus

  28. 本文就苍耳中次生物质对小菜蛾的生物活性进行了研究。

    Biological activities of secondary substance from Xanthium sibiricum on Plutella xylostella were studied.

  29. 方法采用蒸馏法与水提醇沉法相结合制备龙胆苍耳合剂

    Methods The distillation and water extraction alcoholic precipitation methods were used to prepare Longdancanger Mixture.


  1. 问:苍耳拼音怎么拼?苍耳的读音是什么?苍耳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳的读音是cāng'ěr,苍耳翻译成英文是 Xanthium sibiricum

  2. 问:苍耳子拼音怎么拼?苍耳子的读音是什么?苍耳子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳子的读音是cāng'ěrzǐ,苍耳子翻译成英文是 Siberian Cocklour Fruit; fructus xanthii

  3. 问:苍耳属拼音怎么拼?苍耳属的读音是什么?苍耳属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳属的读音是cāng'ěr shǔ,苍耳属翻译成英文是 Xanthium

  4. 问:苍耳明拼音怎么拼?苍耳明的读音是什么?苍耳明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳明的读音是,苍耳明翻译成英文是 xanthumin

  5. 问:苍耳烷拼音怎么拼?苍耳烷的读音是什么?苍耳烷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳烷的读音是,苍耳烷翻译成英文是 xanthane

  6. 问:苍耳素拼音怎么拼?苍耳素的读音是什么?苍耳素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳素的读音是cāng ěr sù,苍耳素翻译成英文是 xanthinin

  7. 问:苍耳组拼音怎么拼?苍耳组的读音是什么?苍耳组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳组的读音是cāng'ěr zǔ,苍耳组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Xanthium

  8. 问:苍耳酯拼音怎么拼?苍耳酯的读音是什么?苍耳酯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳酯的读音是,苍耳酯翻译成英文是 xanthumin

  9. 问:苍耳醇拼音怎么拼?苍耳醇的读音是什么?苍耳醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳醇的读音是,苍耳醇翻译成英文是 xanthanol

  10. 问:苍耳壳针孢拼音怎么拼?苍耳壳针孢的读音是什么?苍耳壳针孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳壳针孢的读音是cāng'ěrkézhēnbāo,苍耳壳针孢翻译成英文是 Septoria xanthii

  11. 问:苍耳属植物拼音怎么拼?苍耳属植物的读音是什么?苍耳属植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳属植物的读音是,苍耳属植物翻译成英文是 cocklebur

  12. 问:苍耳轴霜霉拼音怎么拼?苍耳轴霜霉的读音是什么?苍耳轴霜霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳轴霜霉的读音是cāng'ěrzhóushuāngméi,苍耳轴霜霉翻译成英文是 Plasmopara angustiterminalis

  13. 问:苍耳叶刺蕊草拼音怎么拼?苍耳叶刺蕊草的读音是什么?苍耳叶刺蕊草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苍耳叶刺蕊草的读音是cāng'ěryè cìruǐcǎo,苍耳叶刺蕊草翻译成英文是 Pogostemon xanthiiphyllus



“苍耳”是个多义词,它可以指苍耳(菊科苍耳属植物), 苍耳(原变种), 苍耳(苍耳号), 苍耳(作家兼评论家), 苍耳(乐小米编著长篇小说)。