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《宋书·索虏传》:“於是王公以下上书太子皆称臣,首尾与表同,唯用白纸为异。” 唐 白居易 《开元九诗书卷》诗:“红笺白纸两三束,半是君诗半是书。” 清 高士奇 《天禄识馀》卷上:“古弹文纸白纸为重,黄纸为轻。” 清 朱实发 《葺穷屋》诗:“窗櫺糊亮白纸裁,阶除扫浄无尘埃。”
毛泽东 《论十大关系》十:“‘白’,就是一张白纸,文化水平、科学水平都不高。” 郭小川 《春暖花开》诗:“伟大祖国,还是一张白纸。无尽宝藏,还关在深深地底。”《人民日报》1982.8.9:“关于机械工业,我知道解放前的 茶恩寺 是一张白纸。”
Then, *e up with a piece of blank paper, seven days a week by painting a table, the development of all-day learning program.
然后,拿出一张白纸,按一周七天画一张表格,制定各天的计划学习时间。" Let's take a look at your situation, " he said calmly. On a sheet of paper he drew a vertical line down the middle.
“我们来看看你的境遇吧,”他平静地说,然后在一张白纸中间竖着画了一条垂直的线。Round up a black item and a gray item. Set these on your white sheet of paper under the strong light, along with one of your white items.
找出一个黑色和灰色的物体,并把它们和你的白色物体一起放在白纸上,打上强光。Shortcomings of others can be spotted at once as if stains on white paper, but those of our own can be barely found by ourselves.
他人身上的缺点就像白纸上的黑点,一眼就能看出来;而自己身上的缺点却很难发现。My mind, which had been essentially empty to that point, filled with baseball statistics.
我的头脑那时候象张白纸,写满了棒球比赛数据。Sign your name and leave a fingerprint at the bottom of a piece of white paper, fold it to a plane then free it out of the window.
在一张白纸右下角签上自己的名字,按上指印,叠成飞机,打开窗户让它飞出去。Before he started, he took out an enormous piece of paper, stuck it to the wall, and blotted a small black dot in the middle.
中文版有位学者受邀对一群企业界人士演讲。在演讲前,他拿了张很大的白纸,贴在墙上,然后在白纸上画了一个小黑点。I thought about it for a minute, and then got a fresh piece of paper and wrote it down. I stared at the words.
我考虑了一分钟,然后拿出一张白纸,把它写了下来盯着看。The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'The light is dim. Read the letter to me.