


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 呴 [xǔ]2. 呴 [hǒu]3. 呴 [gòu]呴 [xǔ]慢慢呼气:“吹~呼吸,吐故纳新。”呴 [hǒu]古同“吼”。呴 [gòu]鸣叫。……








汉语拼音:xiāng xǔ yǐ shī






  • 【解释】:彼此以呼出的气湿润对方。后比喻在困难时以微小的力量,竭力互相帮助。
  • 【出自】:《庄子·大宗师》:“泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相呴以湿,相濡以沫。”成玄英疏:“呴气相湿。”


  1. 网络
  2. xu

  1. 这座教堂以湿壁画著称。

    The church is famous for its frescoes.

  2. 以湿的卸妆棉抹净双眼,最后涂上特效果酸活肤精华液。

    Wipe dry with facial cotton and apply Alpha Hydroxy Serum Plus.

  3. 浸短暂地插入液体, 以弄湿, 涂层或浸透

    To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate.

  4. 昏暗的街灯下,我翻起衣领以抗御湿冷的夜。

    Beneath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp air.

  5. 治湿痹以除湿为主, 兼以祛风散寒, 位以健脾益气

    Treating wet BI syndrome, eliminate wet sickness primarily, concurrently relieves wind and disperses cold, assist to benefit spleen.

  6. 结果显示治疗肥胖的方剂及药物以祛湿, 利水方剂最多。

    The results showed that most prescriptions about obesity and drugs have the functions of clearing damp and inducing diuresis.

  7. 仿蟒衬里保持脚部保暖,排湿,以减少足部疲劳。

    Faux boa lining keeps feet warm and wicks away moisture to reduce foot fatigue.

  8. 原指离开水的鱼相互吐沫沾湿, 以求得暂时的生存。

    Originally the phrase means two fish out of water moisten each other with saliva to keep each other alive temporarily.

  9. 潮的用湿气充满的或以湿为特征的

    Filled with or characterized by moisture.

  10. 他们坐在炉火前以烘干他们的湿衣服。

    They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes.

  11. 他们坐在炉火前以烘乾他们的湿衣服。

    They sit in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes.

  12. 以湿布加少量清水擦洗乾净,再用清洁湿布抺净。

    Rinse with clear water and wipe dry with clean cloth.

  13. 仅可干洗之衣物若要求湿洗,以干洗价格计价。

    If dry clean item is asked to be wet cleaned, we will charge dry clean price.

  14. 它还提供湿租,以寻求更多的主要航空公司。

    It also provides wet lease services to major airlines seeking additional capacity.

  15. 面料使用力学纤维结构设计, 以达到良好的排湿功能。

    Moisture management is achieved through several mechanical fabric construction methods.

  16. 面料使用力学纤维结构设计,以达到良好得排湿功能。

    Moisture management is achieved through several mechanical fabric construction methods.

  17. 用水喷湿物质覆盖, 再以圆锹装入容器。

    Cover residues with humid absorbent material, then fill into container by shovel.

  18. 扇湿画以加速其干的过程

    Fanned the wet paint to hasten drying.

  19. 禁止用湿手拔插电源, 以防触电。

    Wet hand is not allowed to touch power to avoid shock.

  20. 带上这把伞以防淋湿或遇雨。

    Take this umbrella with you shall get wet and catch.

  21. 但是每一次尝试, 我都以失败泪湿了自己。

    But each time I try, I just break down and cry.

  22. 奶油油润泽保湿整天以改善外观和感觉的皮肤。

    Creamy Moisturizing Oil moisturizes all day long to improve the look and feel of skin.

  23. 该方案还可用于其它物料加湿以抑制粉尘散发。

    This plan cart be also used to moistening other materials to control diffussion of their dust.

  24. 记录保存环境要求防潮,防湿等,以防止毁坏或变质。

    Records should be kept in a dry condition, avoiding deformation or deterioration.

  25. 观察组以强氧化离子水作为湿化液,每周更换。

    In the observation group, the strongly oxidated ionwater was used as the humidified water and was exchanged weekly.

  26. 有时也搁置增湿剂以调矮丝网的表背压辛。

    Sometimes use conditioning agents to improve screen surface tension.

  27. 有时也搁置增湿剂以调矮丝网得表背压辛。

    Sometimes use conditioning agents to improve screen surface tension.

  28. 同时, 也不要用湿拖把天天擦地, 以一周一次为宜。

    At the same time, also do not use wet mop wipe with everyday, once a week.

  29. 以小麦淀粉为原料,选用湿法工艺制备小麦羟丙基淀粉。

    Reaction of wheat starch with propylene oxide in slurry for producing hydroxypropyl wheat starch was investigated.

  30. 板材窑干前应进行调湿处理,以降低含水率梯度。

    Before kiln drying it is good to process conditioning treatment to reduce the moisture content gradient.



关于 “ 相呴以湿,相濡以沫 ” 的辞格(即修辞格),以中华书局之译义,则前后句当皆为倒装句,为 “ 以湿相呴,以沫相濡 ” ,分别译为二句 :“ 用湿气相互滋润,用唾沫相互沾湿 ” 。湿,指湿气;呴,指吐口水,此引申为湿润。但据《新华多功能字典》与《辞海》之释于二句,则皆合而为一: “ 用唾沫相互湿润 ” 。以此观之,当为以互文形式言一义而已。虽然如此,而 “ 相呴以湿 ” 应是顺句方通,为 “ 相互吐沫来湿润对方 ” 。