




1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:yìng tǐ







硬体 [yìng tǐ]
  1. 是计算机硬件的简称(中国大陆及香港用语,台湾叫作:硬体),是指计算机系统中由电子,机械和光电元件等组成的各种物理装置的总称。这些物理装置按系统结构的要求构成一个有机整体为计算机软件运行提供物质基础。简而言之,硬件的功能是输入并存储程序和数据,以及执行程序把数据加工成可以利用的形式。从外观上来看,微机由主机箱和外部设备组成。主机箱内主要包括CPU、内存、主板、硬盘驱动器、光盘驱动器、各种扩展卡、连接线、电源等;外部设备包括鼠标、键盘等。



  1. By means of a simple Web-access, this would also allow checking directly before buying hardware in a store to see how well it is supported.


  2. In earlier years analog TV (using specialized hardware and with 6 MHz bandwidth) was the largest practical consumer of the radio spectrum.


  3. Recursion relies on a stack-based approach to passing variables. Many small machines have no hardware support for a stack.


  4. Be careful: other options, not related to a specific hardware, should be left at the default value if you do not understand them.


  5. However, we do not see improvement in software on a par with that in hardware there.


  6. enables you to turn off hardware acceleration for debugging and test purposes.


  7. Efficient operation, I realized, comes from the degree to which the hardware is customized for the task at hand.


  8. The service quality of the general affairs office in the project for the hardware and environmental facilities had 17 indicators.


  9. The hardware includes cables, connectors , and interfaces showing the condition of the physical connection between the devices.


  1. 电脑的硬体需求是什麽?

    What spec machine will it need?

  2. 苹果电脑生产电脑硬体以及软体。

    Apple Computer makes both computer hardware and software.

  3. 从事系统软件及硬体的装设。

    Performed system software and hardware installations.

  4. 使用硬体图形加速,而不是软体加速。

    These results are explained in terms of the acceleration motion of dislocations.

  5. 这磁碟片跟硬体有啥不同?

    How is a floppy disc different from a hard disc ?

  6. 决定性的因素可能是价格和硬体。

    Price and hardware could be decisive.

  7. 最后于结论中提供硬体实现的结果。

    The implementation results are also provided to conclude this paper.

  8. 最后于结论中提供硬体实现得结果。

    The implementation results are also provided to conclude this paper.

  9. 我们将在日后公布具体的硬体配备需求。

    What are the system requirements for Diablo III

  10. 你还想念那段开发新硬体的时光呢

    CVG Do you miss working alongside new hardware.

  11. 叶片受软体和硬体外物撞击的损伤分析

    Impact damage analysis of blades due to impacts from soft body and hard one.

  12. 系统程式就是驱动电脑硬体工作之软体及轫体程式。

    The programs implemented in either software and firmware that makes the computer hardware usable.

  13. 通常硬体作法比较快但后处理佳果比较好。

    Generally the hardware approach is faster but post processing achieves better quality.

  14. 有一个未选定得动作被硬体按钮所用。

    One of unselected action used for hardware button.

  15. 有一个未选定的动作被硬体按钮所用。

    One of unselected action used for hardware button.

  16. 像很多的装潢, 硬体, 都是他帮我完成的。

    Things like decoration, and installation of hardware were all completed by him.

  17. 韧体是内嵌在装置硬体内得软体, 用以驱动硬体运作。

    Firmware is software embedded in the hardware of your device that enables it to operate.

  18. 这两款产品有硬体加密引擎确保数据安全性。

    Both devices have a hardware encryption engine for data security.

  19. 他们的确在供应链及硬体设计上有些独到之处。

    They do have some expertise in supply chain, they do have some expertise in hardware design, he said.

  20. 可以让您基于侦错和测试目的关闭硬体加速。

    enables you to turn off hardware acceleration for debugging and test purposes.

  21. 韧体是内嵌在装置硬体内的软体,用以驱动硬体运作。

    Firmware is software embedded in the hardware of your device that enables it to operate.

  22. 这让你知道你若懂得窍门又有硬体多有可为!

    It really show what you can do if you have the know how and the hardware.

  23. 特别得注意对硬体和对它得评估, 应用和选择被给。

    Particular attention is given to hardware and to its evaluation, application and selection.

  24. 特别的注意对硬体和对它的评估,应用和选择被给。

    Particular attention is given to hardware and to its evaluation, application and selection.

  25. 高速硬体旋风铣削在滚珠螺母滚道加工中的应用

    The Application of Highspeed and Hard Whirling to Machining Ball Nuts Raceway

  26. 在硬体元件结合在一个像移动可穿戴设备吊坠。

    The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device.

  27. 他挣扎恢复平衡,然后,他发行了他的气息,而他的硬体软化。

    He staggers and regains his balance, then he releases his breath, and his stiff body softens.

  28. 原文在经济持续增长的趋势和社会软, 硬体的配合下。

    Trend of econcomy. With the match of social infrastructure and policy.

  29. 精密得生产与检测设备从硬体上保证了产品品质。

    Precision production and testing equipment from the hardware, that guarantee the quality of products.

  30. 精密的生产与检测设备从硬体上保证了产品品质。

    Precision production and testing equipment from the hardware, that guarantee the quality of products.


  1. 问:硬体拼音怎么拼?硬体的读音是什么?硬体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬体的读音是,硬体翻译成英文是 hardenite

  2. 问:硬体抽象层拼音怎么拼?硬体抽象层的读音是什么?硬体抽象层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬体抽象层的读音是,硬体抽象层翻译成英文是 Hardware abstraction

  3. 问:硬体暂存器拼音怎么拼?硬体暂存器的读音是什么?硬体暂存器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬体暂存器的读音是,硬体暂存器翻译成英文是 Hardware register

  4. 问:硬体操作军官拼音怎么拼?硬体操作军官的读音是什么?硬体操作军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬体操作军官的读音是yìng tǐ cāo zuò jūn guān,硬体操作军官翻译成英文是 Hardware Action Officer