


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……







汉语拼音:dì fāng shí






  1. 各地因经度不同,太阳经过各地子午线的时间也不同,把太阳正对某地子午线的时间定为该地中午十二点,这样定出来的时间称做地方时。



  1. Buried in the soil, in a place I didn't expect many had ever visited, I found a series of old military buttons and a flintlock musket.


  2. As I climb higher, I reflect on man's desire to sit on the throne of the gods. Every step taken seems to bring me closer to heaven.


  3. In making some alterations, the workmen came upon an old dungeon, which had been, for many years, built up and forgotten.


  4. As he got higher he jumped and climbed as if he were a squirrel .


  5. By the time I got to where he was laying, it was apparent Ugly's sad life was almost at an end.


  6. When the guy holds the iPhone in his hands, touching the outside antenna band in two places, he drops reception.


  7. You don't have to call me to check whether the stories are true every time I go to one of these destinations.


  8. She was shattered wto learn that her mother had banked all her savings in that most traditional of hiding places.


  9. Returning to his old neighborhood, Bernard became caught up in gang warfare and the target of anti-Semitic hostility.


  1. 我们到这地方时, 又脏又累。

    We arrived at the place tired and dusty.

  2. 中国和美国使用的地方时不同。

    China and America have different regional times.

  3. 太阳同步轨道卫星交点地方时漂移估算方法研究

    A Method to Estimate the Excursion of Sun Synchronous Orbit Satellite Orbital Nodical Local Time

  4. 当我们不得不离开那个地方时,我真有点恋恋不舍。

    I was so disappointed when we had to leave the place.

  5. 当我问他经理在什么地方时, 他只是向上指了指。

    When I asked him where the manager was, he simply pointed up.

  6. 当他们想到某个地方时, 就打开门坐进车里。

    They open the door and get in when they want to go somewhere.

  7. 当旅行到一个陌生的地方时, 常看地图总没错。

    Always consult a map when you travel to a new place.

  8. 当渔船接近钓鱼地方时,发出此号表示我正在抛渔网。

    When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds it meansI am shooting nets.

  9. 爬到高一点的地方时他又跳又爬, 就好象是只松鼠。

    As he got higher he jumped and climbed as if he were a squirrel.

  10. 勇气,是坐车游览到风景最好的地方时,你被挤在中间。

    Courage a scenic car trip and stuck in the middle during the best part.

  11. 当我们来到一处狭小的地方时,我注意到人们低下头来。

    When we came to a narrow place in the road, I noticed people ducking.

  12. 最好能够提前准备,在进入一个地方时充分了解自己在做什么。

    It's better to be prepared ahead of time and go into a place with your eyes open.

  13. 当高地受到侵蚀, 物质沉积到别的地方时, 地壳的重量就改变。

    Weight of the crust changes as elevations are eroded and materials are deposited elsewhere.

  14. 当以前找这些地方时 人们会在地图上标注其为吸管终端。

    And when you used to find these things, they would put a label on a map that said terminal siphon.

  15. 它把两颗雨滴掉落在相邻的地方时的波纹 组合在了一起

    It adds together the interference pattern from two raindrops that land near each other.

  16. 你到一个新地方时,得需要一段时间去了解当地的风俗民情。

    When you go to a new place it takes a while to learn the ropes.

  17. 地方恒星时正午

    local sidereal noon

  18. 我到那地方之时是18岁,正患有肺炎。

    I went there when I was 18,during a case of pneumonia.

  19. 它们飞行和需要找地方着陆时,都需要颜色。

    They need to, because they fly and need to find places to land.

  20. 你在那地方兜圈子时,有没有人张牙舞爪的?

    Did they show their teeth, as you surrounded their dwelling?

  21. 汽车从车间的一个地方向另一地方移动时,就安装好了。

    Motorcars are assembled as they travel from one part of a workshop to another.

  22. 汽车从车间得一个地方向另一地方移动时,就安装好了。

    Motorcars are assembled as they travel from one part of a workshop to another.

  23. 当你到一个新的地方旅行时, 总是靠著一张地图帮忙。

    Always consult map when you travel to a new place.

  24. 一些人当他们在隐蔽的地方游泳时,喜欢把衣服脱光。

    Some people like to strip themselves naked while they have a swim in a secluded place.

  25. 当你在有风的地方打球时,反手的上旋球就不那么好打。

    When you are playing at the place with the wind, it wasn't easy for me to play the backhand with topspin.

  26. 拇指姑娘要找一个地方避寒时,她终于看到一个闪烁的光。

    Thumbelina was looking for a place to take shelter when she finally saw a twinkling light.

  27. 地方自由原子时的计算

    Time Difference Between TA and UTC Calculation of Local Free Atomic Time Scale

  28. 这个地方在空袭时被炸成一片废墟。

    The place was badly smashed up in air raids.

  29. 但中央在向地方征调粮食时遇到很大困难。

    But the Central Committee faced great difficulties when they decided to collect grain from the local.

  30. 很明显, 无论他们到什么地方, 她时时刻刻都在警惕着。

    Wherever they went she was evidently always on the watch.


  1. 问:地方时拼音怎么拼?地方时的读音是什么?地方时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地方时的读音是dìfāngshí,地方时翻译成英文是 As a result of the earth's rotation, time is differ...

  2. 问:地方时角拼音怎么拼?地方时角的读音是什么?地方时角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:地方时角的读音是dì fāng shí jiǎo,地方时角翻译成英文是 Local Hour Angle