




1. 症 [zhèng]2. 症 [zhēng]症 [zhèng]病,病状:病~。~状。~候。不治之~。对~下药。症 [zhēng]〔~结〕a.腹内结块的病;b.喻问题难解决的关键。(癥)……



汉语拼音:zá zhèng






  1. 即杂病。

    《新华日报》1990.8.24:“她自幼跟随母亲学习运用祖传中医药秘方治疗肿瘤及其它疑难杂症。”参见“ 杂病 ”。



  1. It's been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as he's dealing with eye problems at the moment.


  2. The goal is to be able to look at complex diseases like cancer.


  3. Shop assistant: You are too worried! Hepatitis is no more difficult to treat with the advanced medical treatment presently available.


  4. Fish oil supplements have been hailed as a wonder treatment for conditions ranging from autism to dementia.


  5. We seek answers to all of our problems and queries. The question that puzzles and perplexes us most is where we came from.


  6. Following modern therapeutics of time has broad prospects in clinical medicine, especially punishment of difficult and complicated cases.


  7. and as a concrete problem of it, skipping appeal on foot contains many paradoxes.


  8. Another gotcha is: you must make sure that the spaces are placed between your angle brackets and the name.


  9. Fond of wine and meat, able to cure any difficult disease.


  1. 杂病,杂症

    midcellaneous diseases.

  2. 你为你的病人治疗各种疑难杂症

    You fight for your patients against the worst possible odds.

  3. 这个老中医能治愈各种疑难杂症。

    The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is able to cure all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases.

  4. 这个老中医能治愈各种疑难杂症。

    The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is able to cure all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases.

  5. 白羊座的人喜欢有很多的疑难杂症。

    Aries people like having lots of problems.

  6. 白羊座得人喜欢有很多得疑难杂症。

    Aries people like having lots of problems.

  7. 升阳法对疑难杂症的异病同治

    The same therapy to treat with complicated disease by elevating positive

  8. 论祛风解表药在内伤杂症中的运用

    On the Application of Herbs Expelling Wind to Relieve Supperficies in the Treatment of Internal Injury and Miscellaneous Diseases

  9. 对肛肠疾病中的疑难杂症的治疗有独到之处。

    Of anorectal diseases in the treatment of incurable diseases are unique.

  10. 有几个注意事项这一进程,许多疑难杂症的。

    There are several caveats to this process and many gotcha's.

  11. 第一个疑难杂症我冲进源于依赖物业的使用。

    The first gotcha I ran into stems from the use of Dependency properties.

  12. 他的病又不是疑难杂症,吃点药就会好的。

    His disease isn't very serious. After taking some pills, he will be fine.

  13. 他的病又不是疑难杂症,吃点药就会好的。

    His disease isn't very serious. After taking some pills, he will be fine.

  14. 般若波罗蜜多,是良药,能医治一切的疑难杂症。

    Prajna Paramita is magic medicine that cures all kinds of puzzling and incurable diseases!

  15. 般若波罗蜜多,是良药,能医治一切得疑难杂症。

    Prajna Paramita is magic medicine that cures all kinds of puzzling and incurable diseases!

  16. 里诺因为眼睛的疑难杂症已经很久没有为米兰踢比赛了。

    Its been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as hes dealing with eye problems at the moment.


  1. 问:杂症拼音怎么拼?杂症的读音是什么?杂症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杂症的读音是zázhèng,杂症翻译成英文是 Miscellaneous internal diseases in tradition...