







汉语拼音:ān mián








  1. 安然熟睡。

    《魏书·韩显宗传》:“ 显宗 曰:‘臣仰遭明时,直笔而无惧,又不受金,安眠美食,此臣优於 迁 固 也。’” 唐 元结 《石宫四咏》之四:“晨光静水雾,逸者犹安眠。”《红楼梦》第一○九回:“起初再睡不着,以后把心一静,谁知竟睡着了,却倒一夜安眠。”吕剧《李二嫂改嫁》第一场:“星星没落我去挖米,又怕惊动你安眠。”

  2. 死的婉辞。

    唐 元稹 《哭女樊四十韵》:“空垂两行血,深送一枝琼。祕祝休巫覡,安眠放使令。” 柔石 《人鬼和他底妻的故事》:“于是慢慢地仔细地……放入棺里,使这安眠的人,非常舒适地安眠着。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十四章:“在 朝鲜 我们牺牲了多少好同志呵!他们已经安眠在 朝鲜 的土地上了。”



  1. Let me make it up to you by giving you this modest dose of Ambien.


  2. you know? On Thursday she had a new bottle of tablets, but I can't find it here in her room.


  3. Haven't you heard it's a battle of words The poster bearer cried. Listen son, said the man with the gun There's room for you inside.


  4. One evening, just as she was on the verge of swallowing her draught, there was a timid knock on her door.


  5. Before going to bed with warm water feet first, and then take the heat dose of liquid, the time is not long you can sleep peacefully.


  6. Even if I had not given this soldier his sleeping draught, he could not have kept his eyes open!


  7. He was like an insomniac disregarding the ill effects of sleeping pills and thinking only of the immediate relief.


  8. At two in the morning he went and woke the ship's doctor, and asked him for a sleeping pill.


  9. She heard him in the kitchen where he mixed the draught in batches now to last a week at a time, storing it in a corner of the cupboard.


  1. 一片安眠药

    a sleeping table.

  2. 一服安眠药

    a sleeping potion.

  3. 服安眠药自杀

    Commit suicide by taking sleeping spills.

  4. 借助安眠药睡眠

    sleep with the aid of narcotic

  5. 安眠药产生效果

    The sleeping pills did their work.

  6. 安眠补脑糖浆

    Anmian Bunao Syrup.

  7. 对不起 是安眠药。

    George.george George.George I'm sorry.It's the pills.

  8. 我们这儿有安眠药。

    We have sleeping pills here.

  9. 那安眠药马上见效。

    The sleeping pill operated at once.

  10. 服用过量的安眠药

    take a massive overdose of sleeping tablets

  11. 他买了些安眠药。

    He bought some sleeping pills.

  12. 或者给他吃安眠药。

    Or give him sleeping pills.

  13. 你经常吃安眠药吗

    Dr Do you often take the sleeping pills

  14. 请给我一点安眠药。

    Can I have some sleeping pills, please?

  15. 我需要一些安眠药片。

    I need some sleeping pills.

  16. 她一直在服用安眠药。

    She's been taking sleeping pills.

  17. 我整日安眠, 我彻夜哭泣!

    By day I sleep, at night I weep!

  18. 她服用过量的安眠药。

    She took an overdose of sleeping pills.

  19. 曾企图食安眠药自杀

    Had tried killing himself with sleeping pills

  20. 他试图服安眠药自杀。

    He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.

  21. 他服用安眠药过量致死。

    Hes been overdosing himself.

  22. 一瓶红酒, 安眠药片

    Red wine and sleeping pills

  23. 服用安眠药来支持自己

    Hold oneself together with sleeping pills

  24. 服用抗菌素, 安眠药片等

    be on antibiotics, sleeping pills, etc.

  25. 我被人下了安眠药。

    I'd been doped with Somnolin.

  26. 所以我吃了颗安眠药

    and I took a sleeping pill.

  27. 孕酮是极佳的安眠药。

    Progesterone is a great sleeping pill.

  28. 他有时不得不服用安眠药。

    Occasionally he had to take sleeping pill.

  29. 我还加了一点安眠药。

    I mixed in a little bit of sedative too.

  30. 我给你开一些安眠药。

    Ll prescribe some sleeping pills for you.


  1. 问:安眠拼音怎么拼?安眠的读音是什么?安眠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠的读音是ānmián,安眠翻译成英文是 sleep peacefully

  2. 问:安眠药拼音怎么拼?安眠药的读音是什么?安眠药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠药的读音是ānmiányào,安眠药翻译成英文是 a pill that tranquilizes the central nervous sy...

  3. 问:安眠岛拼音怎么拼?安眠岛的读音是什么?安眠岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠岛的读音是Ānmián Dǎo,安眠岛翻译成英文是 Anmyeondo Island

  4. 问:安眠岛拼音怎么拼?安眠岛的读音是什么?安眠岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠岛的读音是ānmián dǎo,安眠岛翻译成英文是 Anmyeondo Island

  5. 问:安眠的拼音怎么拼?安眠的的读音是什么?安眠的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠的的读音是,安眠的翻译成英文是 dormitive

  6. 问:安眠邑拼音怎么拼?安眠邑的读音是什么?安眠邑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠邑的读音是Ānmián Yì,安眠邑翻译成英文是 Anmyeon Town

  7. 问:安眠酮拼音怎么拼?安眠酮的读音是什么?安眠酮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠酮的读音是,安眠酮翻译成英文是 mandrox

  8. 问:安眠松林拼音怎么拼?安眠松林的读音是什么?安眠松林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠松林的读音是ānmián sōnglín,安眠松林翻译成英文是 Anmyeon Pine Forest

  9. 问:安眠岛外景地拼音怎么拼?安眠岛外景地的读音是什么?安眠岛外景地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠岛外景地的读音是ānmián dǎo wàijǐng de,安眠岛外景地翻译成英文是 Anmyeondo Open Set Studio

  10. 问:安眠岛自然休养林拼音怎么拼?安眠岛自然休养林的读音是什么?安眠岛自然休养林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:安眠岛自然休养林的读音是ānmián dǎo zìrán xiūyǎng lín,安眠岛自然休养林翻译成英文是 Anmyeondo Natural Recreation Forest


安眠也指有利于生命和健康的睡眠方法,包括适当服用安眠药以提高睡眠质量,避免失眠的严重危害。安眠药种类繁多(迄今已合成2000余种),历史古老,早在上世纪人们就使用安眠药,如溴剂、巴比妥类。由于它们催眠效果不太理想,副作用较多,且易成瘾,现今,上述的几类安眠药已有被淘汰的趋势。 它有较好的抗焦虑作用,可以改善紧张、焦虑、恐惧等不良情绪,因而也被称为抗焦虑药。也会发生一些不良反应,对失眠,提升睡眠质量,缓解头疼、眩晕、疲惫等现象;舒解紧张、焦虑、抑郁、记忆力减退、神经衰弱等不适症状有较好作用。