







汉语拼音:rù mèng








  1. 进入梦境。指睡着。

    朱自清 《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》:“如睡在摇篮里,倦了的我们便又入梦了。” 陈毅 《由太行山西行阻雪》诗:“衾寒难入梦,险韵诗自课。”

  2. 指别人或事物出现在自己的梦中。

    唐 白居易 《长恨歌》:“悠悠生死别经年,魂魄不曾来入梦。” 唐 罗隐 《緜谷回寄蔡氏昆仲》诗:“山将别恨和心断,水带离声入梦流。” 郭沫若 《蔡文姬》第三幕:“我总想在梦里看见他们一眼,但奇怪的是他们总不来入梦。”



  1. And does it seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day?


  2. Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The Blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lulled by the coil of his crystalline streams.


  3. Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows, crisp linen and a duvet.


  4. The fields are tiny, the air makes you sleepy, the sky is of the deepest blue.


  5. Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all.


  6. Rain do not know what it is when to stop , I saw a beautiful rainbow flags put on the air , because I had the daydream which fall asleep .


  7. Where I will have no worries, and do nothing but dream.


  8. All-white jacquard thread Blankets, suitable for either Bedding or covering, accompany you to dreamland.


  9. I finally found them in the den, sitting side by side in their recliners , fast asleep, holding hands. It sure was a pretty, old world.


  1. 不觉入梦梦亦空。

    Unconsciously dream dreams also empty.

  2. 鸟兽和百花,即将朦胧入梦。

    Birds and beasts and flowers Soon will be asleep.

  3. 被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦。

    Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams.

  4. 有些梦想随风而逝, 不用入梦。

    Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all.

  5. 圣骑士孤自入梦,为众人而战!

    Paladin dreams alone, and fights for all!

  6. 睡去, 呼吸麝香与豆浆的味道入梦。

    The early morning that smells of musk and soybean milk.

  7. 睡去,呼吸麝香与豆浆得味道入梦。

    The early morning that smells of musk and soybean milk.

  8. 我们想到一个小男孩正要入梦

    We think about a little boy trying to get to sleep.

  9. 电风扇吹着闷热得风, 陪着我安然入梦。

    Fan blowing hot wind, accompany me in the dream.

  10. 电风扇吹着闷热的风,陪着我安然入梦。

    Fan blowing hot wind, accompany me in the dream.

  11. 唔, 也许你的特别的梦中人昨夜未曾入梦来。

    Well, maybe your special dream character didn't put in an appearance last night.

  12. 我把小屋盖在刚果河畔,入梦有它相伴。

    I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.

  13. 舞蹈就像是在哄孩子入梦的母亲, 宁静安详。

    The tranquil dance is similar to a mother singing her baby to sleep.

  14. 舞蹈就像是在哄孩子入梦得母亲,宁静安详。

    The tranquil dance is similar to a mother singing her baby to sleep.

  15. 夜晚躺在枕边, 我入梦而睡, 梦里我一直在飞。

    Upon a dream I sleep at night, with my pillow by my side, into new worlds I always fly.

  16. 田地不大, 空气催人入梦, 天空是最深最深的湛蓝。

    The fields are tiny, the air makes you sleepy, the sky is of the deepest blue.

  17. 如果是空间的距离, 思念便是甜蜜的, 甜蜜的带着微笑入梦。

    If it is the spacial distance, missing is treacly, entering into dreams with smile in your face.

  18. 他们把这种与另一个世界的沟通叫做灵魂入梦。

    They call the state in which they interact with this other world the Ghost Trance.

  19. 松软的大枕头,清新的床单及羽绒被,伴您恬静入梦。

    Drift off into a restful sleep, surrounded by larger pillows, crisp linen and a duvet.

  20. 我翻了个身, 朦胧地又将入梦, 突然那声音又将我唤醒。

    I turned over, and was about to drift back hazily into my dream when suddenly the sound awoke me again.

  21. 那种一碰枕头就入梦的感觉真好,听不见嘈杂与喧闹。

    Touched the pillow to fall asleep kind of nice to feel, hear noisy and boisterous.

  22. 文字中翻拣出古桥残败风景依旧,银钩悬窗离人入梦。

    Picked up bridges turned the text of Canbai landscape remains the same, Yingou hung window from the people fall asleep.

  23. 在那幽冥中我入了梦。

    And dreaming through the wtilight.

  24. 多少次你们船航行入我梦中。

    How often have you sailed in my dreams.

  25. 睡更多更好的觉, 捷径何在?看看这篇文章, 今晚就入好梦。

    Desperate for a good night's sleep ?Check out ourand you could be sleeping better by tonight!

  26. 蛹蝶, 依然寂静睡, 梦入甜美的歌隧。

    The butterfly sleeping, dreaming of a sweat song.

  27. 偶然走入解不开的谜阵里, 梦里, 时间。

    Accidentally walks in riddle whichinto cannot untie, in dream, time.

  28. 醉酒得男士和女士冲入, 夹杂着放荡得笑声, 醉生梦死。

    MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell.

  29. 醉酒的男士和女士冲入,夹杂着放荡的笑声,醉生梦死。

    MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell.

  30. 霍斯怎能测量入梦者纷繁复杂的情感?

    How was Hoss able to gauge the dreamer's turmoil


  1. 问:入梦拼音怎么拼?入梦的读音是什么?入梦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入梦的读音是rùmèng,入梦翻译成英文是 to fall asleep


