


相似,如同:~如。过~不及。尚且:~且。~自。困兽~斗(喻濒于失败的人,虽走投无路还要顽强抵抗)。〔~豫〕迟疑不决。〔~疑〕迟疑。仍然,还(hái ):~然。记忆~新。……





汉语拼音:yóu yù








  1. 亦作“ 犹移 ”。迟疑不决。

    《楚辞·离骚》:“心犹豫而狐疑兮,欲自适而不可。” 三国 魏 曹植 《洛神赋》:“感 交甫 之弃言兮,悵犹豫而狐疑。” 明 沉鲸 《双珠记·西市认母》:“尚未卜是否何如,悲喜集中生犹豫。” 邹韬奋 《艰苦奋斗》:“时势的危迫实在不能让我们犹豫了!” 洪深 《申屠氏》第二本:“ 方六一 意尚犹移。经不得 方蛟 ‘毛遂自荐’,一力担承。 方六一 点头允可。”按,“犹豫”为双声字,以声取义,本无定字,故亦作“ 犹与 ”、“由与”、“尤与”、“ 犹夷 ”等。旧说以“犹”、“豫”为二兽名,性皆多疑,非是。参阅 清 黄生 《义府·犹豫》。



  1. Jack sat on the fence for weeks before he made up his mind to go out for baseball instead of track.


  2. If you want to know more about me, please do not hesitate to drop me a line and I shall reply to you soon.


  3. She looked at him with amazement, and hesitated for a while.


  4. Her startled indecision quickly turned to indignant impulse when some of the men began to gather up drying clothes from a nearby line.


  5. Qi, hearing this hesitated back to: "this called" virtual bodhi clear Dan Dan is against the day of survived the heart the use.


  6. To his brothers during the war, he was their astute and fearless leader, ready to face death without a moment's notice.


  7. We looked up to Chris and he looked down at us a bit hesitant. I don't blame him the poor guy.


  8. There was no further hesitation, at least on the part of Miss Smith, as to what was to be done.


  9. The Bank of Japan has kept interest rates close to zero but remains otherwise oddly reluctant to take stronger action.


  1. 眨眼,犹豫。

    the blink, the hesitation.

  2. 犹豫了片刻

    Hesitated for a moment or two.

  3. 他犹豫地说。

    He spoke haltingly.

  4. 我还在犹豫。

    I am still hesitating.

  5. 别在犹豫了。

    Do not hesitate any more.

  6. 论艺术的犹豫

    Of Refinement in the Arts.

  7. 那你为何犹豫?

    Then why do you hesitate?

  8. 那你为何犹豫?

    Then why do you hesitate?

  9. 他犹豫不定。

    He wavered in his resolution.

  10. 我犹豫了片刻。

    I hesitated for a moment or two.

  11. 不用再犹豫了!

    Desuetude anew waver know clearly!

  12. 没犹豫的方向。

    For there is no way to turn around.

  13. 我几乎没犹豫。

    I hesitated a millisecond too long.

  14. 请不要犹豫。

    We are proud of our new manager. Please do not hesitate to.

  15. 别犹豫,尽管开枪。

    Go ahead.Shoot me.

  16. 没有犹豫的余地。

    There is no room for hesitation.

  17. 讲话犹豫支吾地讲话

    To speak hesitatingly stammer.

  18. 容不得片刻犹豫。

    There was no longer any time for delay.

  19. 我犹豫了一会儿。

    For a fraction of a second, I hesitated.

  20. 回家犹豫症

    homecoming depressing.

  21. 这种犹豫就是害怕

    This back and forth is just fear.

  22. 犹豫。踌躇。不愿

    Show signs of uncertainty or unwillingness in speech or action

  23. 请不要再犹豫!

    Please do not hesitate any more!

  24. 请不要再犹豫!

    Please do not hesitate any more!

  25. 不要犹豫,请讲。

    Don't hesitate to speak up.

  26. 他犹豫了一会。

    Then he had a moments hesitation.

  27. 他们犹豫不决。

    They hesitate.

  28. 我犹豫了近10年

    I've come around in the last 8 years.

  29. 犹豫, 忧虑, 猜疑, 恐惧。

    Hesitation, anxiety, mistrust, f ear.

  30. 他不犹豫,不休息。

    He is never irresolute or inactive.


  1. 问:犹豫拼音怎么拼?犹豫的读音是什么?犹豫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫的读音是yóuyù,犹豫翻译成英文是 hesitant

  2. 问:犹豫不决拼音怎么拼?犹豫不决的读音是什么?犹豫不决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫不决的读音是yóuyùbùjué,犹豫不决翻译成英文是 be unable to make a decision

  3. 问:犹豫地拼音怎么拼?犹豫地的读音是什么?犹豫地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫地的读音是,犹豫地翻译成英文是 vacillatingly

  4. 问:犹豫的拼音怎么拼?犹豫的的读音是什么?犹豫的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫的的读音是,犹豫的翻译成英文是 faltering

  5. 问:犹豫不定拼音怎么拼?犹豫不定的读音是什么?犹豫不定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫不定的读音是,犹豫不定翻译成英文是 weaken

  6. 问:犹豫停顿拼音怎么拼?犹豫停顿的读音是什么?犹豫停顿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫停顿的读音是yóu yù tíng dùn,犹豫停顿翻译成英文是 hesitation pause

  7. 问:犹豫形式拼音怎么拼?犹豫形式的读音是什么?犹豫形式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫形式的读音是yóuyùxíngshì,犹豫形式翻译成英文是 hesitation form

  8. 问:犹豫不决的拼音怎么拼?犹豫不决的的读音是什么?犹豫不决的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犹豫不决的的读音是,犹豫不决的翻译成英文是 indecisive



“犹豫”是个多义词,它可以指犹豫(诗人密茨凯维奇的诗作), 犹豫(汉语词语), 犹豫(BEYOND的粤语专辑), 犹豫(基本概念)。