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相似,如同:~如。过~不及。尚且:~且。~自。困兽~斗(喻濒于失败的人,虽走投无路还要顽强抵抗)。〔~豫〕迟疑不决。〔~疑〕迟疑。仍然,还(hái ):~然。记忆~新。……
1. 疑 [yí]2. 疑 [nǐ]疑 [yí]不信,猜度(duó):~惑。~问。~心。~团。~虑。~窦。~点。~端。猜~。怀~。半信半~。不能解决的,不能断定的:~案。~难。~义。存~。疑 [nǐ]安定,止息。古同“拟”,比拟。……
汉语拼音:yóu yi
唐 谷神子 《博异志·白幽求》:“ 幽求 犹疑未敢前。”《老残游记》第一回:“船主舵工听了,俱犹疑不定。” 老舍 《神拳》第一幕:“大哥,还犹疑什么呢?该死,活不了!输了命,不能输了理!”
Every girl easily thirst for love, easy implicitly love, easy to give up the love.
每个女孩子都易渴求爱,易犹疑爱,易放弃爱。In one month, it was enough to see how he works and his desire to win things. So it wasn't hard to make the decision to come to Chelsea.
梅雷莱斯说:“一个月足以看到他工作的积极和夺冠的欲望,所以转会至切尔西的决定不需我犹疑。”So don't delay -subscribe today to make sure you don't miss out on any of these treats.
别犹疑了----今天就开始订阅吧,不要错过了这么多美丽的花艺盛宴。She did not hesitate. Her simple answer was "I am the Lord's servant. . . May it be to me as you have said. "
然而,她没有犹疑,她的回答很简单:「我是主的使女,情愿照你的话成就在我身上。」Video: We're just sailing out of harbor now, and it's at this stage when one can have a bit of a wobble mentally.
录像:我们的船刚刚离开港湾,也就是在此时心头会涌起一丝犹疑。He did not doubt nor did he distrust the promise of God, and by being strong in faith, he gave glory to God.
对于天主的恩许总没有因不信而犹疑,反而信心坚固,归光荣于天主。The Democratic senator from Montana was a novice in the rough world of rodeo three decades ago, but when challenged he did not hesitate.
这位来自蒙大拿州的议员在30年前残酷牛仔竞技世界里还是个初出茅庐的新人,但是面对挑战,他毫不犹疑。"The present always occupies you in such scenes -- does it? " said he, with a look of doubt.
“你老是在为眼前的场合烦神,是不是?”他带着犹疑的眼光问。But the U. S. 's hesitant initial embrace of the revolt could reverberate as a democratic wave surges across the Arab world.