







汉语拼音:zhǒu bù






  1. There's nothing tidy about sticking your arm deep into a cow's backside, getting up to your elbows in warm and gooey bovine innards.


  2. Apply lipstick, and paint her nails, and he holds her elbow and walks with her around their grounds and talks to her in a soft, sweet voice.


  3. Let us synthesize the heart chakra, shoulders , elbows and hands into a complete rainbow of tones, without beginning and without end.


  4. He made his third stunning save of the match when he kept out a Crouch effort with his elbow in the second half.


  5. He picked up a serious elbow injury in a heavy clash with an opponent throughout the club's worst performance of the season.


  6. He looked back at the screen and noticed that the man's jacket sleeves appeared to be wet . . . all the way up to his elbows.


  7. Jens Lehmann pulled out of the second German game. His elbow has blown up, it is bad bruising so we have to be patient with him.


  8. After a minute, a paper came out and said that he had tennis elbow . And he should put his elbow in warm water for the next two weeks.


  9. Assess external rotation by having him place his hands behind his neck with his elbows out to the sides.


  1. 肘部的结茧。

    Callous skin on the elbow.

  2. 肘部蹼状疤痕

    web cicatricial contracture at the elbow

  3. 我的肘部严重擦伤。

    I have a nasty graze on my elbow.

  4. 滑板时,我肘部受伤。

    I injured my elbow while skateboarding.

  5. 宽松地围量肘部。

    Measure around the elbow, using the elbow as a guide, fairly generously.

  6. 我把肘部弄脱了。

    I got my elbow dislocated.

  7. 他肘部扭伤,疼痛难忍。

    He suffered a painful twist of the elbow.

  8. 前肢直,肘部贴近身躯。

    The forelegs are straight with elbows close.

  9. 肘部尺骨神经通过处

    funny bone

  10. 我感到肘部一阵刺痛。

    I felt a prick in my elbow.

  11. 肘部以下开口的宽袖子

    mandarin sleeve

  12. 他感到肘部一阵刺痛。

    He felt a sting in the elbow.

  13. 这件外套的肘部补过。

    The coat has a mend on the elbow.

  14. 肘部有皮补丁的外套

    a jacket with leather patches on the elbows

  15. 她的肘部有严重的擦伤。

    She has a severe graze on her elbow.

  16. 他把肘部架在桌子上。

    His elbows were on the table.

  17. 她的肘部靠在桌子上。

    Her elbows rested on the table.

  18. 我得毛衣肘部已磨坏。

    My jumper has gone at the elbows.

  19. 我的毛衣肘部已磨坏。

    My jumper has gone at the elbows.

  20. 我衬衫的肘部有个洞。

    There is a hole on the elbow of my shirt.

  21. 肱动脉走行从肩部到肘部。

    The brachial artery runs from the shoulder to the elbow.

  22. 看,全靠肘部的动作的,朋友

    See, it's all in the elbow, my friend.

  23. 她肘部以下都是肥皂沫子。

    She was up to her elbows in suds.

  24. 他的破上衣露出了肘部。

    His worn jacket revealed his elbows.

  25. 这件毛衣的肘部绽线了。

    The sweater has raveled at the elbow.

  26. 这件毛衣得肘部绽线了。

    The sweater has raveled at the elbow.

  27. 我得毛衣得肘部都磨破了。

    I've gone through the elbows of my sweater.

  28. 我的毛衣的肘部都磨破了。

    I've gone through the elbows of my sweater.

  29. 在套头毛衣肘部加补钉

    reinforce the sleeves of a jumper, eg with elbow patches

  30. 尺神经经过位于肘部的通道。

    The ulnar nerve passes through a tunnel right at your elbow.


  1. 问:肘部祝蛾拼音怎么拼?肘部祝蛾的读音是什么?肘部祝蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肘部祝蛾的读音是zhǒubùzhù'é,肘部祝蛾翻译成英文是 Cubitomoris aechmobola

  2. 问:肘部阻挡拼音怎么拼?肘部阻挡的读音是什么?肘部阻挡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肘部阻挡的读音是zhǒu bù zǔ dǎng,肘部阻挡翻译成英文是 elbow block

  3. 问:肘部祝蛾属拼音怎么拼?肘部祝蛾属的读音是什么?肘部祝蛾属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肘部祝蛾属的读音是zhǒubùzhù'é shǔ,肘部祝蛾属翻译成英文是 Cubitomoris



肘前区皮肤薄而柔软,浅筋膜疏松,浅静脉粗大,位于皮下。头静脉与前臂外侧皮神经行于肱二头肌腱外侧;贵要静脉与前臂内侧皮神经行于肌腱内侧。肘正中静脉通常从头静脉斜向上内,连于贵要静脉,吻合呈“N”形 ;或由前臂正平静脉至肘前区分为头正中静脉和量要正中静脉,呈“Y”形分别汇入头静脉和贵要静脉。上述静脉管径粗大、位置表浅,比较固定,是临床上作静脉穿刺及导管插入的常用部位。 肘浅淋巴结位于肱骨内上髁上方,贵要静脉附近,又名滑车上淋巴结;收纳手与前臂尺侧半的浅淋巴,其输出管注入腋淋巴结。