







汉语拼音:liáo liàng








  1. 亦作“ 嘹喨 ”。声音清脆响亮。

    《初学记》卷四引 南朝 梁 刘孝绰 《三日侍华光殿曲水宴》诗:“妍歌已嘹亮,妙舞復紆餘。” 元 马致远 《汉宫秋》第三折:“猛听的塞雁南翔,呀呀的声嘹喨。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·舞盘》:“冰絃玉柱声嘹喨,鸞笙象管音飘荡。” 孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第二十章:“突然,嘹亮的军号响了。”



  1. I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh, followed by Daisy's voice on a clear and artificial voice.


  2. Playground on the Five-Starred Red Flag flying the wind, singing loud and clear the clouds straight.


  3. "We're going to Florida, " she said brightly. "I hear it's beautiful. "


  4. I am not used to loud to announce that this idea, we live in does not matter too long.


  5. The climax to the spectacle comes with a blast of loud Chinese pop music accompanied by a special clapping dance.


  6. Robot's father, buys him a trumpet, "The trumpet is loud and clear. you can be respected in the band. "


  7. Larks sprang up trilling one after another in the fields, like bubbles rising to the surface of water.


  8. Here there is less foot-traffic, and the sound of his erhu is stronger and clearer as it floats on Nanjing's humid breezes.


  9. He was not ringing orator, but after a while his speech became powerful by its tone of intense sincerity.


  1. 歌声嘹亮。

    The singing is loud and clear.

  2. 嘹亮的嗓音

    clear tones.

  3. 嘹亮的号角

    a clarion call.

  4. 歌声多嘹亮。

    The singing is so resonant.

  5. 嘹亮的男高音

    a rich tenor voice.

  6. 嘹亮的抵抗号召

    A clarion call to resistance.

  7. 整个广场歌声嘹亮,喜气洋洋。

    The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.

  8. 她轻巧地发出嘹亮歌声。

    The shimmering timbre of her voice projected effortlessly.

  9. 她轻巧地发出嘹亮歌声。

    The shimmering timbre of her voice projected effortlessly.

  10. 他的高音唱得真嘹亮!

    What a loud and clear high pitch he has!

  11. 他的高音唱得真嘹亮!

    What a loud and clear high pitch he has!

  12. 客人们受到嘹亮乐曲的欢迎。

    The guests were welcomed with a flourish of trumpets.

  13. 客人们受到嘹亮乐曲的欢迎。

    The guests were welcomed with a flourish of trumpets.

  14. 喇叭的声音没有军号的嘹亮。

    The blasts of the trumpet are not so resonant as that of the bulge.

  15. 听见牧羊人嘹亮的歌声,

    Lusty and clear from the goatherds throat heard,

  16. 琴声悠悠,舞姿翩翩,歌声嘹亮。

    The tweedle is leisurely, dance is elegant, and songs are loud singing.

  17. 他嗓音尖锐,但是嘹亮而清晰。

    His voice was shrill, but very clear and articulate.

  18. 北方的梆子腔高亢嘹亮。

    Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing.

  19. 北方的梆子腔高亢嘹亮。

    Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing.

  20. 欢快的人们歌声嘹亮,舞姿妖妖。

    Exciting people singing loudly and dancing smoothly.

  21. 沃森的嗓音美妙,高音嘹亮动听。

    Watson has a wonderful voice, with thrillingly clear top notes.

  22. 女演员把台词念得清晰嘹亮。

    The actress speaks out her part in a ringing voice.

  23. 会场上响起激昂嘹亮的歌声。

    The meeting hall resounded with impassioned, lusty singing.

  24. 嘹亮的号角声打破了清晨的宁静。

    A clarion call broke the morning stillness.

  25. 噢,风,唱起多么嘹亮的歌儿!

    O wind, that sings so loud a song!

  26. 嘹亮的小号声宣告了国王驾到。

    A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King.

  27. 我喜欢在清晨感受号角的嘹亮。

    I like in the early morning feeling the resonance of bugle.

  28. 吹起你嘹亮的号角,白日已临。

    Your clarion blow; the day is near.

  29. 微寒却不刺骨,靓鸟歌喉嘹亮。

    Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing.

  30. 仪式以一曲嘹亮的小号短曲开场。

    The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets.


  1. 问:嘹亮拼音怎么拼?嘹亮的读音是什么?嘹亮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘹亮的读音是liáoliàng,嘹亮翻译成英文是 clear


