







汉语拼音:jiè yán








  1. 在战时或其他非常情况下,所采取的严密防备措施。

    《三国志·魏志·贾逵传》“ 太祖 心善 逵 ” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》:“ 太祖 欲征 吴 而大霖雨,三军多不愿行。 太祖 知其然,恐外有諫者,教曰:‘今孤戒严,未知所之,有諫者死。’” 宋 王禹偁 《授节度使左金吾卫上将军制》:“尔其戒严黄道,警肃紫垣,致高枕于宸居,是予繄赖,法钩陈于环卫,在汝恪恭。”《儒林外史》第八回:“适值 江西 寧王 反乱,各路戒严。” 巴金 《灭亡》第十五章:“他们只知道 上海市 要戒严了。”



  1. Stay away from people places and situations which might tempt you to smoke at least for few weeks after quitting .


  2. The fight took place in what is known as the city's "triangle business zone, " and the police cordoned off the area, Mr. Li said.


  3. Residents said the area where the rioting took place was cordoned off Sunday and was being patrolled by the police.


  4. He said the Taliban did not prevent people from leaving during the suspended curfew.


  5. Xinhua said the street the bank sits on had been cordoned off while police and medical workers worked.


  6. c. "The Duke of Wellington said: I contend that martial law is neither more nor less than the will of the general who commands the army. "


  7. I know how much we want to report but please this is a MARTIAL LAW.


  8. Security forces have orders to shoot anyone trying to enter the curfew zone.


  9. ZetaTalk has stated that Martial Law, even if imposed in the hours leading up to the pole shift, will not succeed.


  1. 森严的戒严令

    the rigor of martial law.

  2. 戒严令的实施

    the imposition of martial law

  3. 戒严令现已解除。

    Martial law has now been lifted.

  4. 政府撤消了戒严令。

    The government lifted martial law.

  5. 解除禁令, 封锁, 戒严等。

    lift a ban, embargo, curfew, etc.

  6. 广场戒严了, 不准通车。

    The square is under martial law, no car can go over.

  7. 这个国家目前在戒严中。

    The country is now under martial law.

  8. 只能对洛杉矶实行戒严令。

    But to impose Marshal law on the city of Los angeles.

  9. 警察在车站戒严, 搜捕逃犯。

    The police cordoned off the railway station to search for the escaped prisoner.

  10. 宣布戒严令的布告已经贴出。

    The placards declaring martial law have gone up

  11. 黑人居民正在反抗戒严和镇压。

    The black population is defying curfew and repression.

  12. 戒严期间不准让任何人进入。

    Nobody is allowed to let in during the curfew.

  13. 解除戒严的程序与决定戒严的程序相同。

    The procedure for lifting the martial law is the same as the procedure for deciding to impose it.

  14. 军方于2000年5月30日宣布实行戒严。

    Martial law was declared by the military on30 May2000.

  15. 俄国国会被迫休会并宣布戒严。

    The Russian parliament was suspended and martial law was declared.

  16. 我们得想法搞出一天戒严来。

    We get Gen pop locked down for a day.

  17. 事实上, 戒严令其意义, 根本不是法律。

    In fact, martial law means no law at all.

  18. 看起来你的戒严的主意不够好呀嗯?

    Looks like your lockup idea didn't work out too good, huh?

  19. 看起来你得戒严得主意不够好呀嗯?

    Looks like your lockup idea didn't work out too good, huh ?

  20. 军事行动和戒严并非镇压的仅有手段。

    Military action and curfews are not the only instruments of repression.

  21. 可是英方有藉口在孟加拉实施戒严了。

    But it gave them an excuse to impose martial law throughout bengal.

  22. 戒严就是证明英方在做困兽之门。

    And martial law only shows how desperate the British are.

  23. 克拉克总统今日签署一项法案, 颁布戒严令。

    President Clark has signed a decree today, declaring martial law.

  24. 不要让我因为一片口香糖戒严整个机场。

    Don't make me shut this airport down for a piece of gum.

  25. 此外,由于军事戒严和封锁,580多所学校一直关闭。

    Moreover, over580 schools had been closed because of military curfews and closures.

  26. 我们已经预防了他们发布对大众有害得戒严令。

    We have prevented them from declaring martial law which would have been detrimental to the masses.

  27. 我们已经预防了他们发布对大众有害的戒严令。

    We have prevented them from declaring martial law which would have been detrimental to the masses.

  28. 塞弗里奇和夸里奇已经宣布全面进入紧急戒严状态。

    Selfridge and Quaritch have gone to a state of full emergency martial law.

  29. 最后,总统终于下达了军事戒严令企图恢复国内秩序。

    Finally, the President declares martial law in an attempt to restore order in the nation.

  30. 在戒严时,警方无需指控或逮捕令就可以逮捕嫌疑人。

    Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.


  1. 问:戒严拼音怎么拼?戒严的读音是什么?戒严翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒严的读音是jièyán,戒严翻译成英文是 impose martial law

  2. 问:戒严令拼音怎么拼?戒严令的读音是什么?戒严令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒严令的读音是jièyánlìng,戒严令翻译成英文是 martial law; an order issued by a government tha...

  3. 问:戒严法拼音怎么拼?戒严法的读音是什么?戒严法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒严法的读音是jièyánfǎ,戒严法翻译成英文是 law on the state of siege

  4. 问:戒严地区拼音怎么拼?戒严地区的读音是什么?戒严地区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒严地区的读音是jiè yán dì qū,戒严地区翻译成英文是 District under Martial Law

  5. 问:戒严状态拼音怎么拼?戒严状态的读音是什么?戒严状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戒严状态的读音是jiè yán zhuàng tài,戒严状态翻译成英文是 state of siege