







汉语拼音:nǎi zhì







  1. 以至;甚至。

    《战国策·赵策二》:“天下之卿相人臣,乃至布衣之士,莫不高贤大王之行义。”《晋书·礼志中》:“ 汉祖 草创,因而不革。乃至率天下皆终重服,旦夕哀临,经罹寒暑。” 清 洪亮吉 《意言·天地》:“不能自造其形,乃至降而学人之形,有是理乎?” 老舍 《龙须沟》第一幕:“他们终日终年乃至终生,都挣扎在那肮脏腥臭的空气里。”



  1. So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did.


  2. Therefore, the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years.


  3. However, it is often the perception of these differences that provokes violence.


  4. And at the end of months or years of this, you were often cheated of your wages.


  5. We had been so close that when she was dying, her last words were to ask that I should be looked after.


  6. In fact, among the many difficulties of life and even the failure, can only be regarded as a bunch of years of uncoordinated Song notes.


  7. Others believe that two years of saving won't be enough to cure a decade or more of overspending.


  8. What he did not say was that he should have pulled the cord months, if not years, ago.


  9. UK officials are instead beginning to turn their attention to how a triumphant Col Gaddafi can be contained in the months and years ahead.


  1. 健康乃至宝。

    Good health is the best wealth.

  2. 头晕, 头昏眼花乃至昏厥

    dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

  3. 二级,三级,四级乃至十级

    two, three, four, and up to ten.

  4. 乃至无老死, 亦无老死尽。

    Until We Come to No Old Age and Death and No Ending of Old Age and Death.

  5. 贤德之妻乃至高奖赏。

    A good wife is a good prize.

  6. 我的声音我的边幅。乃至我的气味。

    My voice, my face. even my smell.

  7. 他的上颌骨,乃至整个上颚

    his maxilla, his whole upper jaw.

  8. 再见,爱情、友情,乃至万般温柔。

    Farewell, loves and friendships, ye dear tender ties.

  9. 这包裹有八磅乃至十磅重。

    The parcel weighs between eight and ten pounds.

  10. 乃至我飘渺的,我把你的视线。

    And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight.

  11. 禽流感蔓延亚洲乃至全球的疫情

    Bird Flu A Rising Pandemic In Asia And Beyond

  12. 头版头条,乃至社论页越来越丰富。

    The headlines, the front page, even the editorial page are now richer in news.

  13. 乃至这条旧的百衲被罩也是一样!

    Even the old patchwork quilt is the sherewoulse!

  14. 他在国内乃至海外都很有影响。

    He's very influential, in his own country and even overseas.

  15. 如是乃至因空因塞, 同于明暗。

    It is the same with emptiness and solid objects.

  16. 然而, 这些差异常常引发争论乃至暴力。

    However, it is often the perception of these differences that provokes violence.

  17. 他精通英语,法语,德语,阿拉伯语乃至世界语。

    He a good command of English, French, German, Arabic and even Esperanto.

  18. 医生有否实现对癌症乃至衰老的控制。

    Shed want to know how doctors ended up curing cancer and senility.

  19. 上述和解乃至庭审的重要性不应夸大。

    The importance of the settlements and even the court case should not be exaggerated.

  20. 朋友是可爱得。朋友是高得。我们是朋友,一个乃至全部。

    Friends are cute. Friends are tall. We are friends, one and all.

  21. 朋友是可爱的。朋友是高的。我们是朋友,一个乃至全部。

    Friends are cute. Friends are tall. We are friends, one and all.

  22. 在这个兵谋生存上去的几率乃至更小。

    The odds a morest survival in this crev are even worse.

  23. 科学选材,是育才乃至运动员成材的第一步。

    Selection of player is the first step of training elite athletes.

  24. 及外,则筑起语言的分野乃至文化的边界。

    Outside the community, a linguistic and even cultural boundary is built.

  25. 有些国家的有些部门出现了复苏乃至增长的苗头。

    Some branches of some countries appeared to anabiosis and even the symptom of growth.

  26. 我为你落的第一滴泪乃至以后流的血

    The first tears that I fall for you is to hereafter flow of blood

  27. 外国股东乃至债权人无可避免地排在最后。

    Foreign shareholders and even creditors are inevitably at the end of the queue.

  28. 这是四十年乃至几千年未曾成就过的? ?。

    This is a marvellous feat never before achieved, in forty, in thousands of years.

  29. 这种做法导致经济和社会的不平等,乃至不安定。

    Such practices led to economic and social inequalities, and to instability.

  30. 观察站对我国乃至全世界人民都狠重要。

    Observation post on China's relentless and even the important people all over the world.


  1. 问:乃至拼音怎么拼?乃至的读音是什么?乃至翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乃至的读音是nǎizhì,乃至翻译成英文是 even




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