







汉语拼音:yǐ zhì








  1. 亦作“ 以至于 ”。亦作“ 以至於 ”。连词。犹言直至,直到。表示在时间、程度、范围、数量上的延伸。

    《左传·昭公十六年》:“恃此质誓,故能相保,以至于今。” 金 王若虚 《五经辨惑上》:“盖人之所以陷于祸败以至失身者,由其愚暗妄行,不知理义故耳。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·丹铅新录八》:“古者妇人屨与男子同,自后妃以至命妇,制度质采,咸有等差,不得踰僭。” 明 王守仁 《大学问》:“君臣也,夫妇也,朋友也,以至於山川鬼神鸟兽草木也,莫不实有以亲之。”如:生产效率提高几倍以至十几倍。

  2. 连词。表示由于上文所说的情况,引出了下文的结果。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗二》:“ 德宗 时, 杨炎 、 卢杞 为宰相,皆奸邪用事,树立朋党,以至天子播迁,宗社几覆。” 张振金 《五峰如指翠相连》:“黎族人民对革命的忠诚,以及对建设山区的远大理想,激励着我,以至于使我忘记了山路的艰险。”



  1. His teeth were a little brown, from early backwoods neglect, but you never noticed that and he opened his mouth wide to guffaw at jokes.


  2. Denmark's is so hefty that buyers will be able to buy an electric Renault Fluence for a little over half the price of a conventional car.


  3. In the process, has directly or indirectly of the matter or energy to the marine environment and the expense of resources and human health.


  4. He cut such an archetypal gaucho figure that I found it hard at first to believe he was not some sort of costumed tourist attraction.


  5. In Britain, they emphasize being independent so much that they consider it a shame to ask for help if they could manage it by themselves.


  6. Let me give you some details so that you know where to go and who to see if you want to pay us a visit.


  7. Et it is so far away from us that it appears as a mysterious spot in the sky.


  8. The forlorn smile with which she said it, so touched him, that tears started from his eyes.


  9. She was instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to "kill" [ whited out] for failing to awaken.


  1. 循环往复以至无穷

    repeat itself in endless cycles

  2. 谨以至诚宣誓

    solemnly and sincerely declare.

  3. 漫天要价以至无人问津

    to price o.s. out of the market

  4. 漫天要价以至无人问津

    to price o.s. out of the market

  5. 以至我曾想去她家。

    As i offer to walk her home.

  6. 结构紧密以至不透水的。

    Of such close construction as to be impermeable.

  7. 卑屈以至做出欺骗行为

    stoop to cheating

  8. 太惊慌以至发冷或者战栗。

    so scary as to cause chills and shudders.

  9. 受恐吓以至屈服或者顺从。

    frightened into submission or compliance.

  10. 节奏逐渐加快,以至极快。

    The rhythm got steadily faster in this part, until it reached a crescendo.

  11. 不断做某事以至做到更好

    To do something again and again to get better

  12. 爱以至舍己才是真正的爱。

    True love is willing to sacrifice oneself.

  13. 不, 他以至不能算一个坏人。

    No, he can not even be considered a bad person.

  14. 太深, 以至不能测定其深度。

    too deep to determine the depth of.

  15. 她非常爱他以至丧失了判断力。

    Her love for him blinded her.

  16. 噢 天哪,太难以至信了。

    Oh my God, I can't believe it.

  17. 这个太好笑了,以至我狂笑不已。

    It's so funny that I laugh my head off.

  18. 他太过分劳累以至生病而卧床。

    He overworked too much that he fell ill in bed.

  19. 他太贫穷了,以至孩子无法上学。

    He's too poor to send his children to school.

  20. 他将断送自己的自由,以至生命。

    He will endanger his freedom and even his life.

  21. 她父亲太胖以至不能玩手球。

    Her father is too corpulent to play handball.

  22. 管理不当,以至损失了一万美金。

    The misconduct of the business resulted in a loss of 10, 000 dollars.

  23. 他这样兴奋,以至等不及这消息了。

    He was so keyed up that he couldn't wait for the news.

  24. 它太高了, 以至开始有点倾斜。

    The spire is so tall its now beginning to list.

  25. 我们使劲地拉以至把绳子拉断了。

    We tugged so hard that the rope broke.

  26. 很紧的以至于象紧紧依附在皮肤上。

    so tight as to cling to the skin.

  27. 原子这样小, 以至我们看不见它。

    An atom is so small that we cannot see it.

  28. 我喜欢书,以至到了疯狂的地步。

    I love books. Sometimes I am even crazy about them.

  29. 我给他一点食物, 以至他不会挨饿。

    Give him a little food so that he would not get hungry.

  30. 我心中狂喜以至口不能言

    So happy I can't speak.


  1. 问:以至拼音怎么拼?以至的读音是什么?以至翻译成英文是什么?

    答:以至的读音是yǐzhi,以至翻译成英文是 to such an extent that

  2. 问:以至于拼音怎么拼?以至于的读音是什么?以至于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:以至于的读音是yǐzhìyú,以至于翻译成英文是 So.

  3. 问:以至无穷拼音怎么拼?以至无穷的读音是什么?以至无穷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:以至无穷的读音是yǐ zhì wú qióng,以至无穷翻译成英文是 ad infinitum


