







汉语拼音:xiǎo diǎn








  1. 唐 时博戏之一。

    唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“今之博戏,有长行最盛……又有小双陆、围透、大点、小点、游谈、凤翼之名,然无如长行者。”

  2. 批点诗文的符号,用于一句中的停顿处。

    明 徐师曾 《文体明辩·批点法》:“ 宋 真德秀 批点法:点,句读小点。语絶为句,句心为读。”

  3. 小供应点。如:多设小铺、小点,方便居民。



  1. And when I kindly told him to turn that down a little bit. He shouted at me.


  2. UK scientists at Kings College recently declared that there was no proof that the female hyper-pleasure center exists.


  3. Leader: (1) Row of dots used to lead the eye across a page. (2) A length of blank paper or magnetic tape used FOR loading purposes.


  4. Picking classes was far more arcane than I had expected (or than it would have been at a smaller school).


  5. "It was a bit overwhelming, " he said.


  6. The surface of the ball has also been covered with raised nubbins to help with tactile feel on the foot.


  7. Up, up, until the hut below has become a little. When he arrived, he climbed to the top of a large cloud, and in a castle in the nearby.


  8. Whisper it quietly, and be prepared for accusations of heresy to rain down on your head, but that might be a deal worth making.


  9. Et it is so far away from us that it appears as a mysterious spot in the sky.


  1. 声音小点。

    Keep your voice down.

  2. 请小点声。

    Inside voices,please.

  3. 嘘,小点声。

    Shh!Keep your voice down.

  4. 泪小点狭窄

    punctual stenosis.

  5. 嘘,小点声。

    Shh! Keep your voice down.

  6. 逐次极小点

    successive minimum points

  7. 自己做做小点心。

    Maybe make yourself a snack.

  8. 自己做做小点心。

    Maybe make yourself a snack.

  9. 小点刺绣针迹

    seed stitch.

  10. 别,嘘,小点声。

    No.Shh.Keep your voice down.

  11. 别,嘘,小点声。

    No. Shh. Keep your voice down.

  12. 等变压极小点

    isallobaric minimum.

  13. 哦,波特,小点声。

    Oh, Porter. Shh.

  14. 把音乐声关小点!

    Turn the music down!

  15. 字写小点,别动

    Okay, then write smaller. Be still, please.

  16. 你需要小点号的。

    You need a smaller size.

  17. 你没有小点的吗?

    Do not you have a smaller one?

  18. 只是擦伤了一小点。

    It was a mere scratch.

  19. 我喜欢烤制小点心。

    I am partial to baking cookies.

  20. 请把收音机关小点。

    Please turn the radio down a bit.

  21. 对不起,我就关小点。

    I'm sorry I'll turn it down.

  22. 贝,声音放小点!谢谢!

    Bay, Bay, turn it down!Thank you!

  23. 告诉那孩子小点声。

    Tell that kid to stop making so much noise.

  24. 赶快把收音机关小点!

    Turn that radio down at once!

  25. 赶快把收音机关小点!

    Turn that radio down at once!

  26. 让瘦小点的在前面

    is to go small in the front.

  27. 叫她把音量关小点。

    Tell her to turn it down.

  28. 都会损失一小点体积

    you lose a little bit of volume, you lose a little bit of size.

  29. 猕猴桃正是健康的小点心。

    Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.

  30. 有小点的有小斑点、点或凹陷的。

    Having tiny spots, points, or depressions.


  1. 问:小点心拼音怎么拼?小点心的读音是什么?小点心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点心的读音是,小点心翻译成英文是 munchies

  2. 问:小点兵鲶拼音怎么拼?小点兵鲶的读音是什么?小点兵鲶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点兵鲶的读音是,小点兵鲶翻译成英文是 Elegant corydoras

  3. 问:小点吻鱥拼音怎么拼?小点吻鱥的读音是什么?小点吻鱥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点吻鱥的读音是,小点吻鱥翻译成英文是 Western blacknose dace

  4. 问:小点地梅拼音怎么拼?小点地梅的读音是什么?小点地梅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点地梅的读音是xiǎodiǎndìméi,小点地梅翻译成英文是 Androsace gmelinii

  5. 问:小点猫鲨拼音怎么拼?小点猫鲨的读音是什么?小点猫鲨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点猫鲨的读音是xiǎodiǎnmāoshā,小点猫鲨翻译成英文是 gata

  6. 问:小点电鲶拼音怎么拼?小点电鲶的读音是什么?小点电鲶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点电鲶的读音是,小点电鲶翻译成英文是 Malapterurus punctatus

  7. 问:小点苔蛾拼音怎么拼?小点苔蛾的读音是什么?小点苔蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点苔蛾的读音是xiǎodiǎntáié,小点苔蛾翻译成英文是 Hyposiccia parvula

  8. 问:小点锈斑拼音怎么拼?小点锈斑的读音是什么?小点锈斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点锈斑的读音是xiǎo diǎn xiù bān,小点锈斑翻译成英文是 isolated pitting

  9. 问:小点波纹蛾拼音怎么拼?小点波纹蛾的读音是什么?小点波纹蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点波纹蛾的读音是xiǎodiǎnbōwén'é,小点波纹蛾翻译成英文是 Horipsestis minuta

  10. 问:小点裸胸鯙拼音怎么拼?小点裸胸鯙的读音是什么?小点裸胸鯙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点裸胸鯙的读音是,小点裸胸鯙翻译成英文是 Gymnothorax microstictus

  11. 问:小点斑啄木鸟拼音怎么拼?小点斑啄木鸟的读音是什么?小点斑啄木鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点斑啄木鸟的读音是xiǎodiǎnbān zhuómùniǎo,小点斑啄木鸟翻译成英文是 Little Spotted Woodpecker; Campethera caill...

  12. 问:小点枝背舟蛾拼音怎么拼?小点枝背舟蛾的读音是什么?小点枝背舟蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点枝背舟蛾的读音是xiǎodiǎnzhībēizhōu'é,小点枝背舟蛾翻译成英文是 Harpyia microsticta

  13. 问:小点枝背舟蛾中国亚种拼音怎么拼?小点枝背舟蛾中国亚种的读音是什么?小点枝背舟蛾中国亚种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小点枝背舟蛾中国亚种的读音是xiǎodiǎnzhībēizhōu'é Zhōngguóyàzhǒng,小点枝背舟蛾中国亚种翻译成英文是 Harpyia microsticta baibarana