




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:huò sè








  1. 财货和女色。

    《书·伊训》:“敢有殉于货色,恒于游畋,时谓淫风。” 孔 传:“殉,求也。昧求财货美色。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十三:“一顾倾城,再顾倾国,色也;大者倾城,下者倾乡,富也。货色之不祥如此哉。”

  2. 货物的品种和质量。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八三回:“一分钱,一分货,甚么价钱是甚么货色。” 张天翼 《大林和小林》第三章:“现在皮皮商店要拍卖这许多货,货色都是最上等的。” 茅盾 《林家铺子》二:“阿弟,买洋伞么?便宜货,一只洋卖九角!看看货色去。”

  3. 对人的蔑称。

    《警世通言·宋小官团圆破毡笠》:“当初只指望半子靠老,如今看这货色,不死不活。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二八:“他是个什么货色,难道还瞒得过 戚先生 他们的眼睛?”



  1. Phoebe: Oh, oh, but y' know , you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys.

  2. He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence.

  3. She will have at least two very expensive mobile phones, both Nokia or Ericson - none of that cheap Chinese shit.

  4. You can make sure you know a man well by dating him on weekends and vacations. If he's unsure about committing, DUMP him. No excuses.

  5. First clerk: Well I had a lady customer come in who wanted to buy a pair of shoes. And you know we've got a really good range.

  6. Collect many goodies as you can, while you can. Then, get into the preparation for your next project.

  7. Of course, this half a month to pour also received some common, but a lower bound to get these a, is to compare the same gourmet.

  8. It's a good place for a guy like you that's got some sort of inner resources.

  9. A dress is like a label. It lets you know its brand but no clue about its quality.


  1. 货色齐备。

    Goods of every description are available.

  2. 他们俩一路货色。

    They are two of a kind.

  3. 商店里货色齐备。

    The store carries a complete stock.

  4. 他不是个好货色。

    He is not a decent person.

  5. 货色,他们分完了!

    They've finished dividing up the property.

  6. 我们的货色最齐全。

    We have the widest selection in town.

  7. 那是小报上的货色。

    That's just tabloid rubbish.

  8. 时间是最重要的货色。

    Time is ths most important thing.

  9. 时间是最重要得货色。

    Time is ths most important thing.

  10. 问题是,我也是这类货色。

    The point is, so am I.

  11. 伏拉雷也是同样的货色。

    Volare was in that same category.

  12. 你知道他是什么货色吗?

    Don't you know what stuff he is made of?

  13. 这种酒是十分低劣的货色。

    This wine is very inferior stuff.

  14. 两样货色齐备, 各有各的用处。

    They keep both kinds of goods in stock and find a use for each.

  15. 他盼望和咱们一起去买货色。

    He hope to go shopping with us.

  16. 她发现你是什么货色,杰夫?

    What kind of person did she find out you were, jeff?

  17. 有些很好的货色在减价出售。

    There's some very good stuff in the sale.

  18. 他们两个完全是同样的货色。

    They're both cut out of the same piece of cloth.

  19. 那本杂志登的尽是这种货色。

    That magazine is nothing but a load of such trash.

  20. 又来了,又是你那些时髦儿货色。

    You and your newfangled notions!

  21. 货色如果转运,我们得多付运费。

    In case of transhipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.

  22. 这些货色正在运赢外丧失落了。

    The goods were lost in transit.

  23. 本店货色齐全,花色多样,任凭挑选。

    We have a good assortment of goods to choose from.

  24. 有一些很好的货色在削价出售。

    There is some very good stuff in the sale.

  25. 他俩是同类货色,都是不可靠的人。

    They are two of a kind and totally unreliable.

  26. 这家商店局面虽不大, 货色倒齐全。

    This store is not large, but it has a huge selection of goods.

  27. 你眼皮子也太低了, 这样的货色你也要。

    Your way of looking at things is so cheap, you even want this rubbish.

  28. 你眼皮子也太低了,这样的货色你也要。

    Your way of looking at things is so cheap, you even want this rubbish.

  29. 维多利亚的秘密也不是什么好货色。

    Victoria's secret is just as bad.

  30. 我要去我们商号看看货色,弄些新样品。

    I'm going to study stock at our place and get new samples.


  1. 问:货色拼音怎么拼?货色的读音是什么?货色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:货色的读音是huòsè,货色翻译成英文是 goods; rubbish; garbage



〖goods〗∶商品的品种或质量. 〖rubbish〗∶比喻人或思想言论、作品等(含贬义). 〖stuff〗∶价值不大的著作、演说或主意. 〖propertyandbeauty〗∶财货和美色. 货色也有被某些网民们用来当形容词 褒义贬义都可以用,如:妈呀,你长得太货色了 至于这句子是说你长得丑还是长的美,就得看你们的了