







汉语拼音:jìng xīn








  1. 谓使心灵安定宁静;安定心神。

    《庄子·达生》:“臣将为鐻,未尝敢以耗气也,必齐以静心。” 唐 欧阳詹 《泉州六曹新都堂记》:“足以寧肌静心,釐厥职者也。”《清史稿·颖毅亲王萨哈璘传》:“尔其静心调摄,以副朕望!” 叶紫 《夜哨线》四:“他将眼睛牢牢地闭着,他想静心地能想出一个好的办法来。”



  1. In my vision, education is nothing but another form of meditation.


  2. The 20-year-old hazelnut clarity, calm on the ship, except for a few small fish, and reflection of the mountains around the meditation.


  3. During the festivities, a newly circumcised bride spends much of the celebration in her mother's hut in the company of her best friend.


  4. Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, Kupchak and Jackson will sit down in the next couple of days to assess the team's future.


  5. All that usually goes on in the name of education is secondary. The priority should be given to meditation -- education of the inner.


  6. To me, if education is right it will be just a part of meditation; meditation will be the last point in it.


  7. As I recited the Serenity Prayer, all the procedures I had learned during training to deal with a hijacking flooded back to me.


  8. All these meditations that I tell you to do are just pushing the mind to the wall, to the very end.


  9. Unfortunately, the injection did not work and despite much medication to calm his heart, he passed away in the early hours of the morning.


  1. 跑步能成为静心。

    Running can be a meditation.

  2. 七步静心法

    The Seven Steps to Quieting Your Mind.

  3. 水静流深,人静心深。

    Still water run deep.

  4. 让它变成伟大的静心。

    Let it be a great meditation.

  5. 让它变成伟大得静心。

    Let it be a great meditation .

  6. 请忍耐,静心聆听我的话。

    Do bear with me and listen carefully.

  7. 他要静心修炼,闭关49天。

    He will stay secluded for49 days to cultivate himself.

  8. 他要静心修炼,闭关49天。

    He will stay secluded for 49 days to cultivate himself.

  9. 夜静心中赋小诗

    Reciting Poems in Tranquil Night

  10. 这是个静心冥想的好地方。

    It is a place of quiet contemplation.

  11. 没有静心,一个人就无法完整。

    And without meditation, a man remains incomplete.

  12. 所有静心的方式都帮助你回归。

    All meditative methods help you to go back.

  13. 陈静心里又是一片黑暗。

    The ray of hope quickly faded. Chen Jing was frustrated.

  14. 医生嘱咐他一定要静心安养。

    The doctor said he must avoid excitement in order for the disease to heal.

  15. 医生嘱咐他一定要静心安养。

    The doctor said he must avoid excitement in order for the disease to heal.

  16. 你以为我在试图打扰你的静心吗?

    Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation?

  17. 也可静心冥想睡眠时所得的知识。

    Also, meditate on knowledge that comes during sleep.

  18. 为了静心等候邮件, 她一早就起床了。

    She got up early to be ready for the post.

  19. 如果他需要休息, 那么休息应是他的静心。

    If he needs rest, then rest should his meditation.

  20. 所有这些都应当被转化成静心。

    All these things have to be transformed into meditations.

  21. 通常所谓的教育几乎都是反对静心的。

    Ordinarily that which is called education is almost against meditation.

  22. 静心没有包含在慈善里,显得如此奇怪。

    It is so strange that meditation is not included in charity.

  23. 当你只有一天大的时候, 你静心。

    When you were just one day old, you meditated.

  24. 尼采不知道静心 那是硬币的另一半。

    Nietzsche knows nothing of meditation, which is another half of the coin.

  25. 静心是你的自由,而不是生理上的需要。

    Meditation is your freedom, not a biological necessity.

  26. 他正在静心思索很多事情的起因。

    He was quietly wondering about the causes of things.

  27. 在静心的阅读中, 你的学识逐渐得到增长。

    In the reading chary, you are inproving your knowledge.

  28. 忍耐就是静心地等待, 毫不怀疑上帝的爱。

    Patience means awaiting God's time without doubting God's love.

  29. 在我卧床养伤期间, 静心照顾我, 让我高兴起来。

    During my stay in bed, they took good care of me and cheered me up.

  30. 如果你能够热爱任何环境, 那么你就是在静心。

    If you can love any environment, then you are in the pause.


  1. 问:静心拼音怎么拼?静心的读音是什么?静心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静心的读音是jìngxīn,静心翻译成英文是 Become quiet or still.



活动你的身体,活动你的能量,改变你的生活 AUM静心意思是Awareness understanding and meditation,觉知,领悟和静心