







汉语拼音:qián xīn








  1. 亦作“潜心”。专心。

    汉 扬雄 《法言·问神》:“敢问潜心於圣。”《三国志·蜀志·向郎传》:“潜心典籍,孜孜不倦。” 宋 苏籀 《栾城先生遗言》:“想尔时与 坡公 同学,潜心稽考,老大著述大成。” 茅盾 《雨天杂写之二》:“佛教虽盛极一时,真能潜心内典的和尚却有许多不自由。”



  1. She had concentrated on her job of teaching other people' s children. Sometimes she longed for one of her own.


  2. Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting.


  3. He stayed in the control rooms and soaked up whatever he could until they asked him to leave.


  4. For a while he just absorbed himself in short-term projects.


  5. Although she is often portrayed as a femme fatale, Cleopatra was deeply religious and studied to be a nun.


  6. In the German capital he studied the pictures in museums but then, with war about to break out, he hurried home to Russia, and Vitebsk.


  7. Within a month, her mood swings had virtually ceased, but now Allan felt he was living with a librarian studying to be a nun.


  8. Royce was extremely sad but he also kept on researching, and made an outstanding achievement for the company.


  9. Two developers in their respective territory, Sabre-rattling, and began operating as a property across the western two pillars.


  1. 可以潜心钻研

    You know, the whole immersion thing.

  2. 则潜心于散文。

    in prose.

  3. 他潜心研究科学。

    He devotes himself to science.

  4. 他的长期潜心从政

    his long immersion in politics

  5. 他埋头用功,潜心学习。

    He is all application now, all study.

  6. 潜心作研究的科学家。

    a scientist who devotes himself to doing research.

  7. 因此我就潜心研究它。

    So I dove into that.

  8. 约翰潜心研究古罗马史。

    John has been diving into the history of ancient Rome.

  9. 他潜心创作, 杜门谢客。

    He is concentrating on writing and refuses to see visitors.

  10. 他潜心创作,杜门谢客。

    He is concentrating on writing and refuses to see visitors.

  11. 潜心于锻炼或开发智力

    Devotion to exercise or development of the intellect.

  12. 我一辈子都潜心研究书籍。

    I've devoted my whole life to the written word.

  13. 我一辈子都潜心研究书籍。

    I've devoted my whole life to the written word.

  14. 他毕生潜心致力于他的工作。

    All his life he had been wrapped up in his work.

  15. 全身的投入, 潜心钻研, 探究。

    To plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto.

  16. 钻研全身的投入,潜心钻研,探究

    to plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto

  17. 简在教堂里不能潜心冥思。

    Jane could not recollect herself in church.

  18. 他将潜心研究作为故事的素材。

    He based his story on careful research.

  19. 约翰一直在潜心研究古罗马史。

    John has been diving into the history of ancient Rome

  20. 我潜心于转变响应的积极措施。

    What I'm involved with is the transition response.

  21. 他退出新闻工作以便潜心写作。

    He withdrew from newspaper work to devote his full time to writing.

  22. 他一直在潜心研究美国20世纪文学。

    He has been delving into the American literature of20th century.

  23. 有几个人能够真正潜心研究学问。

    Very few men can immense themselves completely in research work in a true sense.

  24. 于是, 墨家选择了组织并潜心经营。

    Then, Mohism has been chosen to organize and manage with great concentration.

  25. 她摆脱了一切烦恼,潜心研究科学。

    She quit herself of all worries and devoted herself to the study of science.

  26. 他在书房里潜心研究一些旧资料。

    He was in his study laboring away over some old papers.

  27. 感悟于斯,我潜心于当好语文教师。

    Inspired by this thought, I'm determined to be a good teacher of chinese.

  28. 毕业以后,他继续潜心于这项研究。

    After he graduated, he continued to devote himself to the research.

  29. 三是在潜心研究中修正、回归、发展。

    The third revises, regresses and develops in the study with great concentration.

  30. 晓剑近几年仍潜心于创作剧本。

    Xiao Jian is still concentrated in recent years on the script creation.


  1. 问:潜心拼音怎么拼?潜心的读音是什么?潜心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潜心的读音是qiánxīn,潜心翻译成英文是 with great concentration; devote oneself to s...





【拼音】qián xīn潜心

【基本解释】用心专一、深沉。详细解释用心专一、深沉:潜心于科学研究;潜心典籍,孜孜不倦。专心致志地做一件事,入:潜心修学、潜心工作等。汉·扬雄 《法言·问神》:“敢问潜心於圣。”《三国志·蜀志·向郎传》:“潜心典籍,孜孜不倦。” 宋·苏籀 《栾城先生遗言》:“想尔时与坡公同学,潜心稽考,老大著述大成。” 茅盾《雨天杂写之二》:“佛教虽盛极一时,真能潜心内典的和尚却有许多不自由。”