


1. 埋 [mái]2. 埋 [mán]埋 [mái]葬:~葬。把东西放在坑里用土、雪、落叶盖上:掩~。~地雷。隐藏:~没(mò)。~伏。~头。隐姓~名。埋 [mán]〔~怨〕因为事情不如意而对人或事物表示不满、责怪(“怨”读轻声)。……


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:mái tóu








  1. 形容专心致志。

    五代 齐己 《荆渚病中因思匡庐遂成三百字寄梁先辈》诗:“埋头逐小利,没脚拖长裾。” 宋 邵雍 《思山吟》:“果然得手情性上,更肯埋头利害间。”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“诸事已毕,就埋头作起举业的工夫来。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》一:“ 乐华 皱起眉头埋头再细细默读。”

  2. 不出名;无官职。

    元 岳伯川 《铁拐李》第一折:“他是埋头财主,我回哥哥话去。”



  1. I took with me a nineteenth century novel to one of these parties and lost myself in it.


  2. On a dull winter afternoon, Harry would sit by the fire and lose himself in a book.


  3. You may have been used to creating systems on the fly, but now your role is to explain to others what you want.


  4. Then go back and get properly stuck in: to your favourite dish if you have no taste for variety, otherwise to your favourite two or three.


  5. So many nights as you were playing cards, I buried myself in work, and while you were still in sound sleep, I was already in the office.


  6. Tala busied herself with looking for her shower things for a few minutes.


  7. Harry was almost glad that the exams weren't far away. All the studying he had to do kept his mind off his misery.


  8. It frustrated her to sit among a mountain of papers; but the role of a background worker, patiently picking up after Jo, also suited her.


  9. Yet, alas, the Fed seems to have decided to fall asleep and the administration has lost the initiative.


  1. 埋头绒头纱

    dead pile yarn.

  2. 埋头大头钉

    Flush head press in stud.

  3. 埋头弹火炮

    case telescoped ammunition

  4. 我埋头学习。

    I buried myself in studies.

  5. 他埋头书本。

    He buried himself in his books.

  6. 她埋头读书。

    Her head was bent over her book.

  7. 开始埋头读书

    Lapse into reading.

  8. 她埋头工作。

    She immersed herself in her work.

  9. 她埋头攻读。

    She engulfed herself in her studies.

  10. 黄铜埋头铆钉

    brass countersunk rivet

  11. 埋头学习功课

    plod away at his lesson.

  12. 这么埋头苦学

    All nose to the grindstone.

  13. 他们埋头於工作。

    They buried themselves in their work.

  14. 埋头做某事

    to knuckle down to something

  15. 她埋头于学习。

    She immerses in learning.

  16. 她埋头于工作。

    She was bound up in her work.

  17. 新型埋头弹火炮

    A New Type of CTA Gun

  18. 埋头于文牍工作

    be submerged by paperwork

  19. 他埋头于工作。

    He immersed himself totally in his work.

  20. 她在埋头读书。

    Her head was buried in the book she was reading.

  21. 她埋头攻读数学。

    She plugged away at her math.

  22. 我们正埋头工作。

    We are up to the elbows in work.

  23. 他埋头研究数学。

    He steeps himself in mathematics.

  24. 他只顾埋头读书。

    He cloistered himself away with his books.

  25. 钻埋头孔夹具

    countersinking fixture

  26. 他埋头干他的工作。

    He plugged away at his work.

  27. 她正埋头苦思。

    She was wrapped in thought.

  28. 他埋头于工作中。

    He immersed himself totally in his work.

  29. 他妻子埋头做家务。

    His wife buckled down to her housework.

  30. 埋头于课题的学者

    scholars who immerse themselves in their subjects.


  1. 问:埋头拼音怎么拼?埋头的读音是什么?埋头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头的读音是máitóu,埋头翻译成英文是 bury oneself in

  2. 问:埋头工作拼音怎么拼?埋头工作的读音是什么?埋头工作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头工作的读音是Máitóu gōngzuò,埋头工作翻译成英文是 to bury oneself in one's work

  3. 问:埋头苦读拼音怎么拼?埋头苦读的读音是什么?埋头苦读翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头苦读的读音是máitóu kǔdú,埋头苦读翻译成英文是 bury oneself in serious reading

  4. 问:埋头于拼音怎么拼?埋头于的读音是什么?埋头于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头于的读音是,埋头于翻译成英文是 devoted

  5. 问:埋头孔拼音怎么拼?埋头孔的读音是什么?埋头孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头孔的读音是mái tóu kǒng,埋头孔翻译成英文是 counter bore

  6. 问:埋头的拼音怎么拼?埋头的的读音是什么?埋头的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头的的读音是,埋头的翻译成英文是 countersunk

  7. 问:埋头钻拼音怎么拼?埋头钻的读音是什么?埋头钻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头钻的读音是mái tóu zuàn,埋头钻翻译成英文是 counter sinling bit

  8. 问:埋头销拼音怎么拼?埋头销的读音是什么?埋头销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头销的读音是mái tóu xiāo,埋头销翻译成英文是 countersunk head pin

  9. 问:埋头键拼音怎么拼?埋头键的读音是什么?埋头键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头键的读音是mái tóu jiàn,埋头键翻译成英文是 inserted key

  10. 问:埋头刀片拼音怎么拼?埋头刀片的读音是什么?埋头刀片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头刀片的读音是mái tóu dāo piàn,埋头刀片翻译成英文是 counter sinking blade

  11. 问:埋头垫圈拼音怎么拼?埋头垫圈的读音是什么?埋头垫圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头垫圈的读音是mái tóu diàn quān,埋头垫圈翻译成英文是 countersunk washer

  12. 问:埋头孔角拼音怎么拼?埋头孔角的读音是什么?埋头孔角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头孔角的读音是mái tóu kǒng jiǎo,埋头孔角翻译成英文是 countersink angle

  13. 问:埋头工具拼音怎么拼?埋头工具的读音是什么?埋头工具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头工具的读音是mái tóu gōng jù,埋头工具翻译成英文是 counter sinking tool

  14. 问:埋头柱塞拼音怎么拼?埋头柱塞的读音是什么?埋头柱塞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头柱塞的读音是mái tóu zhù sāi,埋头柱塞翻译成英文是 hidden plunger

  15. 问:埋头绞刀拼音怎么拼?埋头绞刀的读音是什么?埋头绞刀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头绞刀的读音是mái tóu jiǎo dāo,埋头绞刀翻译成英文是 countersunk reamer

  16. 问:埋头螺丝拼音怎么拼?埋头螺丝的读音是什么?埋头螺丝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头螺丝的读音是mái tóu luó sī,埋头螺丝翻译成英文是 sunk screw

  17. 问:埋头螺帽拼音怎么拼?埋头螺帽的读音是什么?埋头螺帽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头螺帽的读音是mái tóu luó mào,埋头螺帽翻译成英文是 counter nut

  18. 问:埋头螺栓拼音怎么拼?埋头螺栓的读音是什么?埋头螺栓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头螺栓的读音是mái tóu luó shuān,埋头螺栓翻译成英文是 countersunk bolt

  19. 问:埋头螺母拼音怎么拼?埋头螺母的读音是什么?埋头螺母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头螺母的读音是máitóuluómǔ,埋头螺母翻译成英文是 counter nut

  20. 问:埋头螺钉拼音怎么拼?埋头螺钉的读音是什么?埋头螺钉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:埋头螺钉的读音是mái tóu luó dīng,埋头螺钉翻译成英文是 dormant screw




拼音:mái tóu . 基本解释 1. [be immerse oneself in;be engrossed in]∶专心致志,不分散精力, 埋头工作. 2. [duck]∶低下头. 她冲着雨埋头继续赶路. 详细解释 1. 形容专心致志。

五代 齐己 《荆渚病中因思匡庐遂成三百字寄梁先辈》诗:“埋头逐小利,没脚拖长裾。” 宋 邵雍 《思山吟》:“果然得手情性上,更肯埋头利害间。”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“诸事已毕,就埋头作起举业的工夫来。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》一:“ 乐华 皱起眉头埋头再细细默读。” 2. 不出名;无官职。

元 岳伯川 《铁拐李》第一折:“他是埋头财主,我回哥哥话去。”