






1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:zhǎ yǎn jiān








  1. 瞬间。极言时间之短。

    元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第一折:“眨眼间白石已烂,转头时沧海重枯。”



  1. One day she was here and vibrant and in an instant there was a different story to tell.


  2. Immediately, a huge plank in the door beneath rises from the front door and winks to block up the sanctuary front door jail jail!


  3. In a jiffy I had slipped over the side, and curled up in the fore- sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off.


  4. Almost immediately, the beast lifted its head, shouldered me out of the way, and rocked itself up into a standing position.


  5. Whereas if you start trading derivatives, you can lose a million dollars (as much as you want, really) in the blink of an eye.


  6. This couple of years with you, Victoria, has gone by in a wink and has been the best years in my life.


  7. Now, just a word of caution. These little solar cells are very delicate so handle them with care or they'll snap in a heartbeat.


  8. Achieving one task after another builds confidence and momentum, and before you know it, the end result will be in sight.


  9. Suddenly, the past three seasons seemed to have slipped by in a wink, with so much unchanged.


  1. 眨眼间消失在云雾中。

    Blink between disappear in mist in.

  2. 生命可以在眨眼间消失。

    Life can be taken away from us in the wink of an eye.

  3. 生命可以在眨眼间消失。

    Life can be taken away from us in the wink of an eye.

  4. 眨眼间,你可能就错过了。

    Blink and you'll miss it.

  5. 它们在眨眼间就会消失。

    And they disappear in the blink of an eye.

  6. 眨眼间, 传来霹雳和闪电。

    All at once thunder and lighting began.

  7. 但是, 眨眼间, 毁谤已经造成了。

    But, wink, wink, the damage is done.

  8. 眨眼间已经喜欢你一年了。

    Blink between has liked you for a year.

  9. 在眨眼间, 我们便成为了过去,

    In a blink of an eye, we become a part of the past

  10. 这场战争在眨眼间就展开了。

    The war seemed to unfold in the blink of an eye.

  11. 在眨眼间飞鸽和美女就被变出。

    The pigeon and beauty are suddenly out without blinking your eyes.

  12. 生活就如我们所想象那般, 眨眼间瞬息万变。

    Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye.

  13. 生活就如我们所想象的那样,眨眼间瞬息万变。

    Life as we know can change in a blink of an eye.

  14. 生活就如我们所想象得那样,眨眼间瞬息万变。

    Life as we know can change in a blink of an eye.

  15. 时间流逝如风, 眨眼间, 我已是个成人了。

    Time goes wind the twinkling ofeye and i am now an adult.

  16. 眨眼间他坐到了凳子上, 用他的钢笔奋力工作

    He was on his stool in a jiffy, driving away with his pen

  17. 眨眼间, 初中生涯渐渐接近尾声, 而我也日渐长大。

    Blink, junior high school career close, and I gradually grew up and more.

  18. 我妈妈可以眨眼间就飞快地做好一份沙拉。

    My mother can whip up a salad in nothing flat.

  19. 眨眼间, 传来霹雳和闪电。她去世的消息犹如晴天霹雳。

    The news of her death came as a thunderbolt.

  20. 眨眼间, 大学三年的美好时间在不经意间悄然走过。

    Blink, university three years of good time in casual quietly passed.

  21. 金钱的问题会在眨眼间消失,并且,你永远都是富足的。

    That money problems can evaporate in the blink of an eye, and that you are eternally abundant.

  22. 眨眼间几个小时过去了, 我从干瘪的座位上站起。

    Winking a seat for a few hours passed by, I am from the crone ascends to stand to rise.

  23. 眨眼间,寒假是十分快的,一眨眼些学期就会来临。

    Blink of an eye, the winter is very fast, blink of an eye it will come more semester.

  24. 而眨眼间, 几番回首, 烟雨楼台中却已是西风吹尽。

    But wink, look back how many times, in the smoke rain balcony but is already the west breeze to blow to fulfil.

  25. 前些天她还在这里,充满活力,眨眼间就物事人非。

    One day she was here and vibrant and in an instant there was a different story to tell.