


1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……


极,无比的:~大。~高。~初。~终。~为(wéi )。聚合:忧喜~门。合计:“~大将军青凡七出击匈奴”。……



汉语拼音:huì zuì







  1. 关键。

    宋 程大昌 《考古编·三宅三俊三》:“顾 成王 之资,不及 文 武 ,则其操总之法,尤当得要。故 夏 之三宅,在 武王 时,尤为用人会最也……此三职者,以授任则甚重,以择任则甚要。”

  2. 会萃,集合。

    章炳麟 《訄书·序种姓上》:“然上世自母系废絶,诸姓会最而为父系同盟,则邦邑、种族、姓氏三者,时瞀乱弗能理。”

  3. 总计;汇总。

    宋 叶适 《庐州钱公墓志铭》:“会最郡用,除其冗复,岁省万五千餘緡。” 宋 叶适 《跋义役》:“保正长会最督促而已,何用自费数百千及百餘千,甚或兼倍,以至破家荡产乎?”

  4. 见“ 会撮 ”。



  1. You know that's what I'm going to miss the most. Times like these when it's just you and me. But now you have the doc.


  2. But even the SEC's highest- profile cases have let the defendants off lightly, and did not lead to criminal prosecutions.


  3. The most prominent symbols of the Olympic Games today did not originate in classical times.


  4. The most minor infringements of his camp rules were to be dealt with by severe beatings and other forms of torture.


  5. Since the representation is not part of the definition, we are free to choose whatever is easiest or most efficient to implement.


  6. One of the most important responsibilities of a board is to hire, motivate, evaluate and, when necessary, replace the chief executive.


  7. Athletics is one of the oldest events in Olympic Games. It has produced. . .


  8. Wikipedia is the Foundation's most popular project, and is utilized in numerous educational programs throughout the developing world.


  9. Senior Chinese security officials have said Xinjiang separatists are one of the most pressing threats to the Games.


  1. 你会最想谁?

    who you gonna miss the most?

  2. 我觉得我会最想你,稻草人

    I think I'm gonna miss you most of all, Scarecrow.

  3. 生物量的增加速率会最快。

    The increasing of the biomass is at its highest.

  4. 以色列人将会最早看到。

    Israelis will be the first to see Windows Vistas official face.

  5. 每年会最多生长和丢弃20磅的骨骼。

    Up to 20 pounds of bone grown every year and discarded.

  6. 每年会最多生长和丢弃20磅得骨骼。

    Up to 18 pounds of bone grown every year and discarded.

  7. 你们觉得我们几个当中, 谁会最早结婚?

    Which one of us do you think is gonna be the first one to get married ?

  8. 谁为常识的呐喊最高,谁的回报也会最丰厚。

    The largest bonuses go to the most articulate cheerleaders for the conventional wisdom.

  9. 谁为常识得呐喊最高,谁得回报也会最丰厚。

    The largest bonuses go to the most articulate cheerleaders for the conventional wisdom.

  10. 圣言会最早期对香港传教工作始于1879年。

    SVD started its mission in Hong Kong in 1879 when the first missionary to China, Fr.

  11. 跟上形势的变化那么形势会最可能地帮助你。

    Keep up with the change of the situation then the situation will help you the most possible.

  12. 每个属会最多可获分配一个单车停泊位。

    Maximum of ONE parking space will be assigned for each affiliated club.

  13. 把最重要的事做完才会最大地改善你的生活。

    Getting the most important things done will improve your life and world the most.

  14. 把最重要得事做完才会最大地改善你得生活。

    Getting the most important things done will improve your life and world the most.

  15. 所以,你会最容易对你的朋友和同盟者产生同情心。

    And so, you wind up most easily extending compassion to friends and allies.

  16. 人脑就像降落伞,只有在打开的时候才会最有用。

    The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is opened.

  17. 儿童在食物短缺时会最早显现出营养不良的迹象。

    Children are the first to show signs of malnourishment during a food shortage.

  18. 我相信靠我们的努力和团结, 这个集体一定会最棒!

    I believe that through our efforts and solidarity, the collective will be the best!

  19. 皮鞋的颜色会最大程度上影响到海军蓝西装的正式程度。

    The leather color mostly affects the formality and attitude of a navy suit.

  20. 如果没有电,高度工业化国家生活上的麻烦将会最大。

    Most of the trouble of life without electricity would hang over the highly industrialized nations.

  21. 如果你是一个好的榜样,你的孩子会最尊重你的意见和建议。

    Your child will respect your opinions and advice the most if you are a good role model.

  22. 平整的绣线会最大程度地反射阳光使绣品看起来鲜亮。

    Spiraea will be formed to maximize the reflection Embroidery looks bright sunlight.

  23. 第一个转捩点将会最早出现在星期六,下周将会有更多。

    Your first turning point could appear early as Saturday, with more to come next week.

  24. 她最会装了

    She knows how.

  25. 最会摆架子的女人


  26. 最会投资的人了

    for our money than you.

  27. 本领最小得人,最会吹牛

    They Brag most who can do least.

  28. 本领最小的人最会吹牛。

    They brag most who can do least.

  29. 最会夸夸其谈得人也最会说谎。

    A great talker is a great liar.

  30. 最会夸夸其谈的人也最会说谎。

    A great talker is a great liar.