




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:biǎo lǐ








5.比喻人体的肌肤和脏腑。 6.比喻地理上的邻接。 7.谓呼应;补充。



  1. 表面和内部,内外。

    《管子·心术下》:“表里遂通,泉之不涸,四支坚固。”《淮南子·缪称训》:“﹝道﹞包裹宇宙而无表里。” 宋 司马光 《初春登兴国寺塔》诗:“为君作意登高处,试望皇州表里春。”

  2. 事物的内外情况,一切原委。

    《史记·孝武本纪论》:“究观方士祠官之言,於是退而论次自古以来用事於鬼神者,具见其表里。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·关于<子见南子>》:“有以上十一篇公私文字,已经可无须说明,明白 山东 曲阜 第二师范学校演《子见南子》一案的表里。”

  3. 衣服的面子与里子。

    《太平御览》卷五九七引 汉 桓谭 《新论》:“《左氏传》於《经》犹衣之表里,相持而成,《经》而无《传》,使圣人闭门思之,十年不能知也。”《金瓶梅词话》第三回:“又布施了老身一套送终衣料,紬绢表里俱全。”

  4. 泛指衣料。

    《儒林外史》第一回:“朝廷果然遣一员官,捧着詔书,带领许多人将着綵缎表里,来到 秦老 门首。”

  5. 比喻人体的肌肤和脏腑。

    晋 嵇康 《养生论》:“又呼吸吐纳,服食养身,使形神相亲,表里俱济也。”

  6. 比喻地理上的邻接。

    《宋书·自序》:“且表里强 蛮 ,盘带疆埸。”《金史·地理志上》:“取 淮 之中流为界,而与 宋 为表里。”

  7. 谓呼应;补充。

    《汉书·孔光传》:“﹝ 光 ﹞又重忤 傅太后 指,由是 傅氏 在位者与 朱博 为表里,共毁譖 光 。”《后汉书·卢植传》:“今《毛诗》、《左传》、《周礼》各有传记,其与《春秋》共相表里。” 李贤 注:“表里言义相须而成也。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷二:“昔人五岳之游,所以开扩其胸襟眼界,以增其识力,实与读书、学道、交友、歷事,相为表里。”



  1. Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the United States!


  2. Later, I got to know that she had charged that hour to a client of hers, in the time sheet.


  3. "She has one chance in - let us say, ten, " he said, as he shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer.


  4. He said he had known Ms Letizia's father for years and dropped by when a gap arose in his schedule.


  5. On the Sex Scandal Richter Scale, Representative Weiner's misdeeds barely move the needle, at least in light of recent history.


  6. This praise is of a piece with Erasmus's dislike of scholastic philosophy and of learned doctors whose Latin was un classical.


  7. The guest reviews express the personal opinions of Booking. Com customers who filled out a questionaire after their stay at the hotel.


  8. If it is only "available for sale" it is marked to market on the balance sheet, but losses are not recognised in the income statement.


  9. Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called "solitary fu-organ" .


  1. 表里,中外

    internal and external.

  2. 表里倒置地

    the wrong side out.

  3. 要表里一致。

    Be what you seem.

  4. 表里不一的人

    a douBle dealer

  5. 这人表里不一。

    This man isn't what he appears.

  6. 表里双色缎

    satin alcyonne.

  7. 表里换层组织

    surface and inner layer exchange weave

  8. 表里之间的部位

    space between the exterior and interior

  9. 表里不一的人。两面派

    a double dealer

  10. 表里之热迫肺

    external and internal heat invading the lung

  11. 表里阳气俱虚

    YANG QI deficiency in both the exterior and interior

  12. 问题是它表里不一。

    The question is not so much what it is as how it looks.

  13. 过去我媳妇表里不一。

    Armour In the past my daughterinlaw duplicity.

  14. 盾的两面。事物的表里

    both sides of the shield

  15. 过着表里不一的生活

    leading a double life

  16. 字母表里有26个字母。

    There are twenty six letters in the alphabet.

  17. 字母表里有多少字母

    How many letters are there in the alphabet

  18. 我在表里查了一下。

    I looked it up in a table.

  19. 你的角色是否表里不一?

    Does your character have any sort of criminal record ?

  20. 小心那些表里不一的人。

    Careful of people who are never what they appear to be.

  21. 小心那些表里不一的人。

    Be careful of people who are never what they appear to be.

  22. 辨表里先后缓急

    distinguishing the exterior from the interior the first from the next and the important from the trivial

  23. 肾与膀胱相表里

    exterior and interior relation between kidney and bladder

  24. 心与小肠相表里

    the heart and the small intestine share a paired relationship

  25. 我们不喜欢表里不一的人。

    We don't like people with a double face.

  26. 我们不喜欢表里不一的人。

    We don't like people with a double face.

  27. 在表里填上正确的字母。

    Write the correct letters in the boxes.

  28. 邪正分争于表里之间

    pathogen and vital QI conflicting each other between the exterior and interior

  29. 他不时地往单词表里加单词。

    He adds words to the vocabulary from time to time.

  30. 人物个性更加鲜明, 有力, 表里不一。

    The personalities emerge sharper, firmer and more duplicitous.


  1. 问:表里拼音怎么拼?表里的读音是什么?表里翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表里的读音是biǎolǐ,表里翻译成英文是 in and out; inside out; exterior and interior...

  2. 问:表里不一拼音怎么拼?表里不一的读音是什么?表里不一翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表里不一的读音是biǎolǐbùyī,表里不一翻译成英文是 saying one thing but meaning something differe...

  3. 问:表里如一拼音怎么拼?表里如一的读音是什么?表里如一翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表里如一的读音是biǎolǐrúyī,表里如一翻译成英文是 consistency between the inside and the outside...