







汉语拼音:qǐ làng






  1. 揿起波浪。亦喻生事。

    宋 苏轼 《送李供备席上和李诗》:“擘水取鱼湖起浪,引杯看剑坐生光。” 明 冯梦龙 《酒家佣·李燮渡江》:“西风起浪发跑跑,扯起子篷儿弗用摇。”粤剧《搜书院》第四幕:“可叹大户高门,往往无风起浪。”



  1. Saw the WTC memorial yesterday. It's beautiful, but be warned: when the wind gets up it's like standing near Niagara Falls. You get sprayed.


  2. This leads to a "no smoke without fire" culture that may be pervasive and hard to overcome.


  3. The wind heaves the waves.


  4. By late afternoon the swell began filling in and we enjoyed a couple hours of chest-high waves before heading back to Sanya.


  5. People told me Mr Wong would resign soon, but he denied it. I think there is no smoke without fire.


  6. cf zip is wavy . please watch tension when sewing.


  7. C: come one, no fire no smoke; no story no gossip.


  8. I don't believe what he has said; where there is smoke, there is fire.


  9. where there's smoke, there's fire.


  1. 无风不起浪

    There is no smoke without fire.

  2. 无风不起浪。

    No smoke without fire.

  3. 无风不起浪。

    If there is a wave there must be a wind.

  4. 风吹起浪。

    The wind heaves the waves.

  5. 常言道, 无风不起浪。

    As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.

  6. 俗话说,无风不起浪。

    As the saying goes,'There's no smoke without fire.'

  7. 常言道,无风不起浪。

    As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.

  8. 常言说得好无风不起浪。

    There's no smoke without fire as the saying goes.

  9. 无风不起浪, 有火必有烟

    There are no waves without wind and wherever there is smoke there is fire

  10. 无火不生烟,无风不起浪。

    There is no smoke without fire.

  11. 下面是起浪和清楚的水。

    Below is wavy and clear water.

  12. 无风不起浪, 我想她肯定做过那种事

    She must have done that sort of thing. Where there's smoke there's fire

  13. 起浪时水手抓住绞盘棒以保持平衡。

    As waves crested the sailor grabbed onto the handspike to maintain balance.

  14. 它补充说, 非洲的提案并非无风起浪。

    It added that the African Proposal did not come from without.

  15. 瞧,他是个不错的小伙子,但是无风不起浪呀。

    Look, he's a nice guy, but there's no smoke without fire.

  16. 尽管没有被指控,但人们总会说无风不起浪。

    Despite not being charged, people will always say there is no smoke without fire.

  17. 尽管没有被指控,但人们总会说无风不起浪。

    Despite not being charged, people will always say there is no smoke without fire.

  18. 他不承认他和他的秘书有染,但是无风不起浪啊。

    He's denied having an affair with secretary but of course there's no smoke without fire.

  19. 行动是进步得帆, 只有用勇气鼓风才能为帆起浪。

    Fan action is a sign of progress, and only with courage can blast fan troubles.

  20. 行动是进步的帆,只有用勇气鼓风才能为帆起浪。

    Fan action is a sign of progress, and only with courage can blast fan troubles.

  21. 后机头拉松起浪, 注意合骨位时要调松车线。

    Bk pkt looks asymmetry, please precrease with template and take care sewing to improve for bulk.

  22. 大量喷射作用见于瀑布中和风吹起的拍岸浪中。

    A considerable amount of spray action can be seen in waterfalls and in windblown surf.

  23. 大浪托起一艘艘船。

    A rising tide lifts all boats.

  24. 涌起, 卷起卷, 突然转向。用于形容浪

    To roll and break. Used of waves.

  25. 船头在浪中时起时落。

    The boat's bow dipped into the wave.

  26. 风吹得庄稼泛漾起阵阵细浪。

    The wind rippled the surface of the cornfield.

  27. 当时风高浪急, 他甚至起了放弃的念头。

    At that time, the wind was high and the waves were pressing. He even had the idea of giving up.

  28. 细浪正开始在晨玫瑰号的舰首周围涌起。

    Little waves were beginning to creep around the bows of the morning rose.

  29. 夕阳西下,一股凉爽的风从海上吹起白浪。

    As the sun sank in the late afternoon, a brisk wind from the ocean whipped up whitecaps.

  30. 大风吹起的积雪和大浪摧毁了芝加哥的湖岸。

    Snow swirled and waves crashed along the lakeshore in Chicago.


  1. 问:起浪拼音怎么拼?起浪的读音是什么?起浪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起浪的读音是qǐ làng,起浪翻译成英文是 swell

  2. 问:起浪点拼音怎么拼?起浪点的读音是什么?起浪点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起浪点的读音是qǐ làng diǎn,起浪点翻译成英文是 surge point

  3. 问:起浪的拼音怎么拼?起浪的的读音是什么?起浪的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起浪的的读音是,起浪的翻译成英文是 fretful