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1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……
汉语拼音:qián hǎo
《左传·成公十一年》:“秋, 宣伯 聘於 齐 ,以修前好。” 杜预 注:“以前之好。” 三国 魏 阮瑀 《为曹公作书与孙权》:“离絶以来,於今三年,无一日而忘前好。亦犹姻媾之义,恩情已深。”
《国语·周语中》:“唯是先王之宴礼,欲以貽女。余一人敢设飫禘焉,忠非亲礼,而干旧职,以乱前好。” 韦昭 注:“前好,先王之好。” 汉 扬雄 《羽猎赋序》:“尚泰奢丽夸詡,非 尧 、 舜 、 成汤 、 文王 三驱之意也。又恐后世復修前好,不折中以泉臺,故聊因《校猎赋》以风之。”
"Page thirty-two, Mary, " she said, "page thirty-two, " and, picking up the yellow chrysanthemum, she held it to her lips to hide her smile.
“三十二页,玛丽,”美多斯小姐发话,“三十二页,”拾起黄色的菊花,她把花凑到唇前好遮掩自己的笑容。Oh yeah. I had lots of free time to eat too much. And I even got to a couple of movies and sit at the computer for long hours.
喔,是啊!我时间多到可以狂吃到撑。我还看了几场电影,还有坐在电脑前好几个小时。As the US gears up for another presidential election, the situation in Washington is not any better than it was four years ago.
目前美国正在备战新一轮总统大选,但华盛顿的形势却一点也不比四年前好。As China works its way up the value chain, lots of my clients are making things better than they did three or four years ago.
“因为中国会提升自己在产业链中的位置,如今我的许多客户做的东西都比他们三四年前好了很多”。Centre-back Per Mertesacker says he ignores the razor for a few days.
中后卫球员佩尔•默特萨克说他在比赛前好几天不刮胡子。Sir Michael believes the FCO is managed far better than it was a decade ago, although the transformation is not yet complete.
迈克尔爵士认为,英国外交部的管理比10年前好了很多,不过改革还没有完成。Trucks arrive stacked high with scores of cages packed with dogs that have not been fed or watered for days ahead of their slaughter.
卡车到了,上面拉着堆积如山的装满狗的笼子,这些狗在被屠宰前好几天就被停止喂食喂水。I went up to the fence and stood for a long while peeping through a chink.
我起身走向篱笆,站在篱笆前好一会儿透过一个裂缝偷看对面。Are you better off than you were eight years ago? For a growing number of middle-class Americans, the answer is 'No. '