


1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……





汉语拼音:yǔ jìng






  1. 语言环境。

    陈原 《社会语言学》2.2:“在特定语境中它也能学会懂得它所说的是什么。”



  1. Mr Perlstein's biggest contribution to his subject is to set Nixon's private resentments in the context of a broader culture of resentment.


  2. A name "looked up in the context of an expression" is looked up as an unqualified name in the scope where the expression is found.


  3. "Great poem sequence" , as well as all of the Confucian poetics are in such a historical and cultural context in an unstructured way.


  4. The two passengers want to sit together. I'm wondering if it would be possible for you to exchange your seat with his.


  5. No mention has been made of whether the analysis of context as a hierarchy can be applied to linguistic context .


  6. You should weigh rate of speech, tone of voice, posture, and hand gestures against what you know, along with the context of the situation.


  7. Objective uncertainty is about what Donald Rumsfeld (in a different context) referred to as the "known unknowns" .


  8. By situational context, I mean if you're trying to start the next Google or if you want to start a new shoe company.


  9. The children can pick up a language quicker because of the environmental reasons. But they have to be in the situation to speak it.


  1. 进化论语境

    the Context of evolutionism

  2. 新文化语境

    new cultural context.

  3. 语境经验论

    contextual empiricism.

  4. 意识形态的语境

    context of ideology

  5. 指别语境, 指示语境

    deictic context

  6. 译语文化语境

    target cultural context.

  7. 语境化释义

    contextualized explanation.

  8. 后现代主义语境

    the context of postmodernism

  9. 揣摩语境选取语义

    Choosing the Meanings of English Words from Their Contexts

  10. 语境论的世界观

    a contextualistic worldview

  11. 语境寓与词汇意义

    The lexical meaning involved with the context

  12. 论外语学习的语境

    What context facilitates foreign language learning.

  13. 认知语境与会话含义

    Cognitive Situation and Conversational Implicature

  14. 语境意义产生的必然性

    On Inevitability of Contextual Meaning

  15. 特定语境下的隐涵

    The Inexplicit Phenomena in the Special Context.

  16. 浅谈语境对词的制约

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Restrictions of the Linguistic Context towards the Words

  17. 语用模糊与动态语境

    Pragmatic Ambivalence and Dynamic Context

  18. 具体语义还要看语境。

    It kind of depends on the situation.

  19. 语用模糊与语境关联

    Pragmatic Ambivalence and Contextual Relevance

  20. 语境与现代汉语的运用

    Context and the Use of Modern Chinese

  21. 确指限制与语境存在

    Definiteness Restriction and Contextualization Existence.

  22. 英汉翻译中的文化语境

    Cultural context in EnglishChinese translation.

  23. 语境对应用文写作的制约

    The Contextual Restriction on Applied Writing

  24. 学生习作评语的语境认知

    The Cognition on the Context of Students'Composition Remark.

  25. 网络化语境中的帝国霸权

    The Imperialist Hegemony Exposed in the Context of Cyberspace

  26. 英语语言中语境变体研究

    A Study of the Variation of the Context in the English Language

  27. 英汉翻译中的语篇语境

    Context in English Chinese Translation

  28. 讯问语境妙用的个案分析

    Analysis of Individual case of interrogative linguistic surrounding

  29. 语境制约下的语篇分析

    Discourse Analysis Restricted in Contexts

  30. 语境制约下的语篇翻译

    Textual translation restricted in contexts


  1. 问:语境拼音怎么拼?语境的读音是什么?语境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境的读音是yǔjìng,语境翻译成英文是 context

  2. 问:语境化拼音怎么拼?语境化的读音是什么?语境化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境化的读音是yǔ jìng huà,语境化翻译成英文是 contextualize

  3. 问:语境分析拼音怎么拼?语境分析的读音是什么?语境分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境分析的读音是yǔjìngfēnxī,语境分析翻译成英文是 contextual analysis

  4. 问:语境因素拼音怎么拼?语境因素的读音是什么?语境因素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境因素的读音是yǔjìngyīnsù,语境因素翻译成英文是 contextual factors

  5. 问:语境效果拼音怎么拼?语境效果的读音是什么?语境效果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境效果的读音是yǔjìngxiàoguǒ,语境效果翻译成英文是 contextual effect

  6. 问:语境机制拼音怎么拼?语境机制的读音是什么?语境机制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境机制的读音是yǔ jìng jī zhì,语境机制翻译成英文是 context mechanism

  7. 问:语境格式拼音怎么拼?语境格式的读音是什么?语境格式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境格式的读音是yǔjìnggéshì,语境格式翻译成英文是 contextual configuration

  8. 问:语境自由拼音怎么拼?语境自由的读音是什么?语境自由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境自由的读音是yǔ jìng zì yóu,语境自由翻译成英文是 CF

  9. 问:语境冗余规则拼音怎么拼?语境冗余规则的读音是什么?语境冗余规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境冗余规则的读音是yǔjìngrǒngyú guīzé,语境冗余规则翻译成英文是 contextual redundancy rules

  10. 问:语境自由语法拼音怎么拼?语境自由语法的读音是什么?语境自由语法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语境自由语法的读音是yǔ jìng zì yóu yǔ fǎ,语境自由语法翻译成英文是 context-free grammar