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阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……
1. 丁 [dīng]2. 丁 [zhēng]丁 [dīng]天干的第四位,用于作顺序第四的代称:~是~,卯是卯。成年男子。人口。从事某种劳动的人:园~。丁 [zhēng]〔~~〕象声词,形容伐木、下棋、弹琴的声音。……
汉语拼音:nán dīng
《魏书·太祖纪》:“﹝ 天赐 三年﹞六月,发八部五百里内男丁筑 灅南宫 ,门闕高十餘丈。”《隋书·食货志》:“其男丁,每岁役不过二十日。”《儿女英雄传》第十九回:“此去路上,男丁不多,除了我父子合 张亲翁 还有家丁十餘名。”
Three times a year all the men are to appear before the Sovereign LORD.
一切的男丁,要一年三次朝见主耶和华。Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord , the God of Israel.
你们一切男丁,要一年三次朝见主耶和华以色列的神。To destroy evidence , males and children are thrown into the open sea , and young women are escorted away, never to be seen again .
为了消灭证据证人,男丁和儿童被丢下海;年轻女人被带走后,都不知所终。Take a census of the whole Israelite community by their clans and families , listing every man by name, one by one .
你要按以色列全会众的家室,宗族,人名的数目,计算所有的男丁。Joab and all the Israelites stayed there for six months, until they had destroyed all the men in Edom.
约押和以色列众人在以东住了六个月,直到将以东的男丁尽都剪除。Today, I understood what must be born of rural people, especially male child, it is their hope is the motive and happy life.
如今,我才理解农村人为什么必须要生孩子,特别是男丁,那是他们的希望,是生活的动力与快乐的来源。When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it.
耶和华你的神把城交付你手,你就要用刀杀尽这城的男丁。All the males among the priests shall eat thereof: it is most holy.
凡祭司中的男丁都可以吃,这是至圣的。Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war.