




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:tián tou









  1. 甜美的味道。如:味道怎么样?吃出甜头来了吧?2.好处,利益。

    《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“ 陈四哥 今日得了甜头,怎肯杀他?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四七回:“他不要想把这点小甜头来哄我。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部五:“ 朱暮堂 会有啥好甜头给人家尝吗?”



  1. If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see.

  2. Some men agreed but most did not; they demanded sweeteners in the form of extra dowry payments from the authorities.

  3. To tell you the truth, I tasted honey about that. I agree with you.

  4. If subsidies to encourage the use of natural gas in the transportation sector were part of any new energy plan, that would be another plus.

  5. TWENTY YEARS OF reform in Australia did not roll off without resistance, so sweeteners were needed to buy off opposition.

  6. If you want her to be your girlfriend, you need to sweet her up first.

  7. If I can give the Cerberus a sop, I shall be at rest for one day.

  8. Possessing a chorus so shimmery that it manages to turn Sharkey's rasp to sweetness, it may just be the Undertones' crowning achievement.

  9. the only way of teaching children to consider things with a long-term insight is to make them feel progressive so as to inspire them do so.


  1. 一点新的甜头

    another source of sugar shock.

  2. 要尝甜头,先吃苦头。

    He that will have egg must endure the cackle of hen.

  3. 他占了所有的甜头。

    He gets all the breaks.

  4. 吃过苦头,方知甜头。

    He knows Best what good is that has endured evil.

  5. 良药苦在甜头, 甜在心头。

    Remedy which was bitter to the taste, when inwardly receive was sweet.

  6. 良苦苦在甜头,甜在心头。

    Remedy which was bitter to the taste, when inwardly receive was sweet.

  7. 先来些甜头,再给些苦头。

    After a collar comes a halter.

  8. 尝着甜头,别忘了苦头。

    When you taste honey, remember gall.

  9. 我为何要给你分点甜头?

    Why should I give you a percentage?

  10. 他尝到了科学种田的甜头。

    He benefited from scientific farming.

  11. 他尝到了科学种田的甜头。

    He benefited from scientific farming.

  12. 脚下滑一跤,胜过甜头惹祸苗。

    Better the foot slip than the tongue.

  13. 只要知道你等的是什么甜头。

    And just so you know what it is you're waiting for.

  14. 他尝到了和同学们合作的甜头。

    He discovered the value of standing in with his classmates.

  15. 盛火陶瓷尝到了其中得甜头。

    Savor of pottery and porcelain flourishing fire among them benefit.

  16. 盛火陶瓷尝到了其中的甜头。

    Savor of pottery and porcelain flourishing fire among them benefit.

  17. 你已经尝到甜头了,那么到此为止!

    You had a good time, so that's enough now!

  18. 另外,索洛佐也会给他们一些甜头。

    Also, Sollozzo will give them a piece of the action.

  19. 每天做眼保键操对眼睛有甜头。

    Itnos good to do eye exercises every day.

  20. 一开始你就不能让他们吃到甜头。

    You gotta stop them at the beginning.

  21. 他刚尝到了自由的甜头,却又失去了。

    He had tasted freedom only to lose it again.

  22. 你也会在这些时间中享受到些甜头。

    You would enjoy a touch of luxury at the event, too.

  23. 运输使这个村尝到了农机化的甜头。

    Carry make this village savor agriculture machinery changed benefit.

  24. 网上聊天使我能尝到学英语得甜头。

    Online chatting made it possible for me to reap the benefits of English learning.

  25. 网上聊天使我能尝到学英语的甜头。

    Online chatting made it possible for me to reap the benefits of English learning.

  26. 洛希尔醉心于保守理念带来的甜头儿。

    Rothschild is revelling in the fruits of its conservatism.

  27. 洛希尔醉心于保守理念带来得甜头儿。

    Rothschild is revelling in the fruits of its conservatism.

  28. 连一点甜头都不让我尝么?时机非常的重要。

    Arent you going to tease me a little first Timing is everything.

  29. 所以,按时交稿或提前交稿,你可以赢得更多甜头。

    So, by delivering on time or early, you can score some major brownie points.

  30. 她说她已经尝到干这种事的甜头儿了。

    She said that she had already got sort of sugar plum out of that business.


  1. 问:甜头拼音怎么拼?甜头的读音是什么?甜头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甜头的读音是tiántou,甜头翻译成英文是 sweet taste; benefit

  2. 问:甜头拼音怎么拼?甜头的读音是什么?甜头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甜头的读音是tiántóu,甜头翻译成英文是 kicker




拼音:tiántou 基本解释 1. [sweet taste;pleasant flavor]∶稍甜的味道 2. [benefit;good]∶比喻好处或利益 极力主张在次要的财政问题上作出让步,给对方一点甜头 详细解释 甜美的味道。如:味道怎么样?吃出甜头来了吧?2.好处,利益。 《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“ 陈四哥 今日得了甜头,怎肯杀他?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四七回:“他不要想把这点小甜头来哄我。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部五:“ 朱暮堂 会有啥好甜头给人家尝吗?”