







汉语拼音:yǔ yì







  1. 禽鸟的翼翅。

    《管子·霸形》:“寡人之有 仲父 也,犹飞鸿之有羽翼也。” 汉 严忌 《哀时命》:“势不能凌波以径度兮,又无羽翼而高翔。” 宋 苏轼 《谢秋赋试官启》:“翻然如畀之羽翼,追逸翮以并游;沛然如假之舟航,临长川而获济。” 太平天囯 洪大全 《临江仙》词:“几时舒羽翼,万里取长风。”

  2. 指飞翔。

    唐 韦应物 《将往江淮寄李十九儋》诗:“如何不相见,羽翼有高卑。” 宋 王安石 《鸱》诗:“不知羽翼青冥上,腐鼠相随势亦高。”

  3. 辅佐;维护。

    《吕氏春秋·举难》:“﹝ 魏文侯 ﹞以私胜公,衰国之政也。然而名号显荣者,三士羽翼之也。” 高诱 注:“羽翼,佐之。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十三:“是説也,羽翼吾道,其功岂浅浅哉!”中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·天命诏旨书》:“又褒封 达 胞为 翼王 ,羽翼天朝。”

  4. 指庇护。

    郭沫若 《恢复·黑夜和我对话》:“罪恶,都是在你的羽翼之下长成;你的话十分靠不住呀,你要晓得!”

  5. 指辅佐的人或力量。

    汉 枚乘 《七发》:“独宜世之君子,博见强识,承间语事,变度易意,常无离侧,以为羽翼。”《三国志·魏志·陈思王植传》:“ 植 既以才见异,而 丁仪 、 丁廙 、 杨脩 等为之羽翼。”《三国志·蜀志·姜维传》:“ 维 自以练西方风俗,兼负其才武,欲诱诸 羌 胡以为羽翼,谓自 陇 以西,可断而有也。” 唐 杜甫 《收京》诗之二:“羽翼怀 商 老,文思忆帝 尧 。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·<木刻纪程>小引》:“别的出版者,一方面还正在绍介 欧 美 的新作,一方面则在复印 中国 的古刻,这也都是 中国 的新木刻的羽翼。”

  6. 党羽。

    《汉书·刘向传》:“夫乘权藉势之人,子弟鳞集於朝,羽翼阴附者众。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷八:“柔而易制者升为心腹,姦而可使者保为羽翼。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·微行》:“只怕他羽翼众多,人心叵测。” 鲁迅 《两地书·致许广平四八》:“现在一调查,则他所安排的羽翼,竟有七人之多。”



  1. The beginning of science as a fully fledged enterprise took place in relation to two important definitions of the Magisterium of the Church.


  2. So, from today, from now on, will dream wings hone, tomorrow, we will be able to leave under the sky the most beautiful one.


  3. Waiting for the migration ahead, she tones oily secretions over every bit of her fly equipment.


  4. "It is not an issue of integrating a European-style nation-state, but a full-fledged continental power, " he said.


  5. a result, their transparent wings, and water samples met the eye illusions do not know where to turn?


  6. Black wing the angel did not know from where knows. . .


  7. The wind hath bound them up in its wings, and they shall be confounded because of their sacrifices.


  8. In Paris it is possible to be homesick for space and a beating of wings.


  9. Emerging full grown, I get a perspective on the world, that other people who have been brought up in the thick of things entirely lack.


  1. 鸟翅,羽翼

    The wing of a bird.

  2. 羽翼下的风。

    The wind beneath my wings.

  3. 受伤的羽翼飘飘, 荡荡!

    Floating were the wounded wings of dreams, floating!

  4. 在你的羽翼下绽放

    And splits by your niceness

  5. 犹如一只飞翔的羽翼

    Among the nebulas like a flying wing

  6. 友谊是没有羽翼的爱。

    Friendship is love without his wings.

  7. 我将再次张开我的羽翼。

    I'll spread my wings one more time.

  8. 是你!是你!是你, 我羽翼下的风!

    You, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.

  9. 是你!是你!是你,我羽翼下得风!

    You, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.

  10. 当美丽的羽翼向你闪耀

    When the beautiful wings are shinning on you

  11. 我是在它的羽翼下长大的。

    I was brought up under its wing.

  12. 灵魂的羽翼在你身后张开。

    The wing of your sprit has grown plumpy.

  13. 灵魂得羽翼在你身后张开。

    The wing of your sprit has grown plumpy.

  14. 我的羽翼饱含着对天空的渴望。

    My wings are full of desire of the sky.

  15. 给我凤凰的羽翼以肆意飞翔。

    Give me new phoenix wings to fly at my desire.

  16. 啊,翱翔蓝天展翅高飞的羽翼。

    And oh ye high flown quills that soar the skies.

  17. 鸟有丰盈的羽翼到处飞翔著。

    Birds with bright feathers were flying here and there.

  18. 黄昏时刻红雀得羽翼四处拍打。

    And evening full of the linnets wings.

  19. 黄昏时刻红雀的羽翼四处拍打。

    And evening full of the linnets wings.

  20. 我将赋予你展翅高飞的羽翼

    I will give you wings to fly

  21. 友谊是没有羽翼的爱。英国诗人

    Friendship is love without his wings.George Gordon Byron, Bdritish poet

  22. 羽翼丰满长齐飞行所必需的羽毛

    To grow the plumage necessary for flight.

  23. 希望是灵魂中长着羽翼的东西。

    Hope is the thing with feather that perches in the soul.

  24. 她给羽翼下的风重填了词。

    She's reworked the lyrics to Wind Beneath my Wings.

  25. 她给羽翼下的风重填了词。

    She's reworked the lyrics to Wind Beneath my Wings.

  26. 妈妈会把你放在她的羽翼之下。

    Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing.

  27. 黑色羽翼的天使不知道从何而来

    Black wing the angel did not know from where knows

  28. 好让你那羽翼湿透的鸽子扑进来!

    And foldthe wet wings of thy dove.

  29. 你展开羽翼飞向那未知的世界

    You spread your wings you had flown away to something unknow

  30. 看起来就像是美丽而诡异的天使羽翼。

    But what it looks like is a beautiful, ghostly angel ring.


  1. 问:羽翼拼音怎么拼?羽翼的读音是什么?羽翼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羽翼的读音是yǔyì,羽翼翻译成英文是 wing; assistant

  2. 问:羽翼已就拼音怎么拼?羽翼已就的读音是什么?羽翼已就翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羽翼已就的读音是yǔyìyǐjiù,羽翼已就翻译成英文是 full-fledged

  3. 问:羽翼幕虫拼音怎么拼?羽翼幕虫的读音是什么?羽翼幕虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羽翼幕虫的读音是yǔyìmùchóng,羽翼幕虫翻译成英文是 Pterosceniumpinnatum

  4. 问:羽翼式铺开拼音怎么拼?羽翼式铺开的读音是什么?羽翼式铺开翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羽翼式铺开的读音是yǔ yì shì pū kāi,羽翼式铺开翻译成英文是 feathering



“羽翼”是个多义词,它可以指羽翼(写手), 羽翼(安全专家), 羽翼(词语概念), 羽翼(动漫作品), 羽翼(游戏名称), 羽翼(文学作品)。