


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……





汉语拼音:tóng dǎng









  1. 同伙,同类。亦指同伙、同类之人。

    汉 王充 《论衡·实知》:“巫与圣异,则圣不能神矣。不能神则贤之党也,同党则所知者无以异也。”《宋书·武帝纪上》:“即以 循 为 广州 刺史,以其同党 徐道覆 为 始兴 相。” 郭沫若 《我的童年》第三篇一:“坐在我正前面的也是两人的同党,他回过头来打帮槌。”

  2. 同一党派。

    《东欧女豪杰》第四回:“﹝我﹞和那位 苏姑娘 ,原是自幼认识,这会儿又是同党。” 许地山 《解放者》:“在一个不重要的篇幅上,登载着女教员 陈邦秀 被捕,同党底领袖在逃的新闻。”



  1. S. officials say, they simply do not know whether Padilla was a lone wolf, or had a network of confederates in America.


  2. It's when you move on to the next and much harder step that it helps most to be in a place where you can find peers and encouragement.


  3. If I can get sixty-five million accomplices to join me in this criminal absurdity, I become one of a great and glorious nation.


  4. For Sarah Palin and her pals, man-made global warming is nothing but a "bunch of snake oil science" .


  5. They and their colleagues were all over the city, spying on their countrymen.


  6. After a falling out with many of his fellow smugglers, Solo was left stuck on Tatooine with a hefty debt and hunters on his tail.


  7. The longer he stays away the more diplomatic ground he and the West seem to lose to Hamas and its friends.


  8. I was in a dangerous situation as he could easily speed off and drag me along, or those in the back seat could assault me.


  9. In old days torture was used to jog the memory of prisoners who would not betray their friends.


  1. 他们全是同党。

    They are all of a kind.

  2. 我还有同党却虎视眈眈

    I've got members of my own party.

  3. 国会中同党议员首领

    legislative party whip

  4. 接下来这个模式称为同党。

    The next movement is called mobs.

  5. 有一罪犯告发了同党。

    One of the criminals informed againston the rest of the gang.

  6. 我们会找出你的同党。

    We'll discover who your Confederates are.

  7. 他无法再同党作斗争了。

    He could not fight against the party any longer.

  8. 这同党的领导并不矛盾。

    This does not contradict the principle of Party leadership.

  9. 我们必须同党的政策保持一致。

    We must keep identical with the policy of the party.

  10. 我和同党党员将会参加总统会议。

    My comrades and I are going to the presidential conference.

  11. 我和同党党员将会参加总统会议。

    My comrades and I are going to the presidential conference.

  12. 在西部只有罪犯及其同党才希望分离。

    Only criminals and their friends in the West wish it to be separate.

  13. 他不停的说著好像我是他的同党。

    Hoping to conceal my emotion, I continued sharpening the razor.

  14. 匪徒们为一个同党的被杀而报复。

    Gangsters revenge the murder of one of their gang.

  15. 他同党内最反动的人混在一起。

    He's lining up alongside the most reactionary people in his party.

  16. 腐败现象同党的性质、宗旨是根本对立的。

    The corruption phenomena are opposite of Party's work style and aim.

  17. 属于全国范围的, 团中央同党中央商量。

    When it comes to work which should be done nationwide, the Central Committee of the Youth League should consult with the Party Central Committee.

  18. 我已经在党的会议上见到了同党的同志们。

    I've met my comrades at the party meetings.

  19. 我已经在党的会议上见到了同党的同志们。

    I've met my comrades at the party meetings.

  20. 他手下很多,这里的通缉犯全都是他同党。

    He has many men under him, most of them wanted.

  21. 我一向没有同党,同那伙人全不认得。

    Hitherto I had had no confederates nor any acquaintance among that tribe.

  22. 盖伊。福克斯和他的同党以叛国罪被处死。

    Guy Fawkes and his colleagues were executed for treason.

  23. 盖伊。福克斯和他得同党以叛国罪被处死。

    Guy Fawkes and his colleagues were executed for treason.

  24. 由于担心他的同党会设法营救他,总统下令将他转移。

    The President ordered him moved because of fears that his comrades would try to free him.

  25. 解说同盟, 同谋者, 同党美国南北战争时的南方政府。

    confederate ally. accomplice an adherent of the Confederate States of America or their cause.

  26. 如果在全国搜查同党的话,那也无异于大海捞针。

    And if there is a nationwide manhunt for any accomplices, that, too, is taking place off the radar.

  27. 如果威廉姆斯有罪, 那么我们可以推断他的同党也有罪。

    If Williams is guilty then so, by inference, are his associates.

  28. 落实科学发展观同党的执政能力建设的辩证关系

    On the Dialectic Relationship Between Establishing the Scientific Development Concept and Strengthening the Party's Governing Capacity

  29. 雷米吉奥 德 瓦拉金,你否认你同党的供词吗?

    Remigio de varagine, do you deny the confession of your accomplice?

  30. 我可不可以问一问,这位如此得力的同党到底是哪一位呀?

    Who is this very convenient partisan, may I ask ?


  1. 问:同党拼音怎么拼?同党的读音是什么?同党翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同党的读音是tóngdǎng,同党翻译成英文是 of the same party; member of the same party...



tóng dǎng ㄊㄨㄙˊ ㄉㄤˇ 同党