




1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:gē pài






鸽派 [gē pài]
  1. 鸽为和平的象徵,故主张以和平的手腕解决纷争的一派,称为「鸽派」。


鸽派 [gē pài]
  1. 鸽为和平的象徵,故主张以和平的手腕解决纷争的一派,称为「鸽派」。 




  1. Military leaders, key allies and opportunistic enemies were all keen to know just how dovish the anti-Iraq-war President intended to be.


  2. Doves think the Jewish state will never be safe unless the Palestinians have the satisfaction of a state of their own.


  3. Such a compromise would also ease some of the tensions between Lib Dem hawks and Tory doves in the coalition.


  4. "I did not moult from a hawk into a dove, " says Mr Gates.


  5. Mr Santos is hardly a dove, but he argues that the only way to get Venezuela's help against the FARC is to normalise relations.


  6. Mr Bush's second administration was marked by an intense battle between hawks and doves over Iran.


  7. And Aristotle's pigeons went with the Church. They had flocked to praise Galileo to the skies, now they begin to peck him to death.


  8. And, as Mr Thompson himself points out, his book's title, "The Hawk and the Dove" , is slightly misleading.


  9. The polls consistently show the parties of his coalition well ahead of Kadima, Labour and the other dovish parties combined.


  1. 内阁中的鸽派

    The dove view within the cabinet.

  2. 一些国家不能充当鸽派角色。

    Some countries cannot be a dove.

  3. 一些国家不能充当鸽派角色。

    Some countries cannot be a dove.

  4. 我可没有从鹰派蜕变成鸽派。

    I did not moult from a hawk into a dove, says Mr Gates.

  5. 她不知道奇泽姆是鹰派还是鸽派。

    She didn't know whether Chisholm was a hawk or a dove.

  6. 在最近与西方的对峙中, 克里姆林宫要变鸽派了?

    Is the Kremlin turning dovish in its most recent confrontation with the West?

  7. 不过在书中,罗斯福很快让鸽派人士黯然失色。

    Yet the doves are soon eclipsed in his book by Roosevelt.

  8. 鹰派和鸽派的斗争

    A struggle Between hawks and doves

  9. 最后鹰派将可能被鸽派所取代。

    At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace.

  10. 与会的鹰派和鸽派成员都有发表意见的机会。

    Both hawks and doves had their say at the meeting.

  11. 鹰派和鸽派都充分阐明了各自的停战条件。

    Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war.

  12. 这一分歧横跨两党,也非传统的鹰派和鸽派分歧。

    The discord cuts across party lines and is not between traditional hawks and doves.

  13. 鸽派和鹰派

    doves and hawks dove

  14. 醒醒吧,茶党的鸽派们!

    Wake up, tea party doves!

  15. 他既不是鸽派,也不是鹰派,而是中间派。

    He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.

  16. 历史的发展趋势或许站在鸽派一边。

    The trend of history may be with the doves.

  17. 有些人在越南问题上是鸽派, 在伊朗问题上是鹰派。

    Some were doves on Vietnam and hawks on Iran.

  18. 从对这场战争的态度可以看出他是鸽派的。

    You can tell from his attitude towards the war that he's one of the doves.

  19. 从对这场战争的态度可以看出他是鸽派的。

    You can tell from his attitude towards the war that he's one of the doves.

  20. 党内鸽派和鹰派在策略上似乎将要出现明显的分歧。

    A clear split over tactics appears to be emerging between doves and hawks in the party.

  21. 与会的鹰派成员和鸽派成员都发表了意见。

    Both hawks and doves on the council had their say.


  1. 问:鸽派拼音怎么拼?鸽派的读音是什么?鸽派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鸽派的读音是gēpài,鸽派翻译成英文是 As doves are mild, they are often used as a metapho...

  2. 问:鸽派的拼音怎么拼?鸽派的的读音是什么?鸽派的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鸽派的的读音是,鸽派的翻译成英文是 dovish


