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1. 旁 [páng]2. 旁 [bàng]旁 [páng]左右两侧:~边。~侧。~门。~出。~听。~若无人。其他,另外:~人。~的话。触类~通。责无~贷。~证。~白(戏剧角色背着台上其他剧中人对观众说的话)。~落。广,广泛:~征博引。邪、……
汉语拼音:páng rén
南朝 宋 鲍照 《代别鹤操》:“心自有所存,旁人那得知。” 唐 杜甫 《堂成》诗:“旁人错比 扬雄 宅,懒惰无心作《解嘲》。” 明 高启 《效乐天》诗:“旁人笑寂寞,寂寞吾所欲。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第二回:“咱们跟你表哥说说,另外派个旁人去不行啊?”
清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异四·银杏》:“友人不应,问再三不已,旁人皆匿笑。”
I'm just coming out and I'm going to clearly be myself- I write what I feel, I never worry what others think.
我勇于表现自我,并且真实的做我自己。我记录下我的感受。我从不在乎旁人会怎么评价我。That he was moved to act just a week before one will raise the suspicion that the Fed knows something that markets don't.
在离下次会议仅有一个星期的时候采取行动,使人怀疑联储会知道一些旁人不知道的事情。talent did not go through the way other people and he did not to find with open up the new area.
卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。They have conferred on the poor, on widows and orphans, the right to have their meadows mown three days in advance of every one else.
他们给了穷人、寡妇和孤儿一种特权,使他们可以比旁人早三天割他们草场上的草料。Idiots are those who do nothing but admiring, not knowing how much the admired have done.
蠢蛋只懂羡慕旁人,从不去想旁人为此如何努力。Uncle Gen stepped up to give a hand, but he was chased out right at the moment since he was nothing but a loafer in people's eyes.
根叔自告奋勇说帮忙,旁人一看是吊儿郎当的根叔,就把他往外赶。The children in the front, directly below the stage, however, had a hard time seeing.
紧靠着舞台坐的孩子们看得费劲一些,不时有一些孩子踩在旁人的肩头上观看。However, later inquiries revealed that the driver was wronged. The road had to be covered with such a speed to keep up with the schedule.
后来向旁人打听,说是冤枉司机了,这条路就得这么飚,才能按照时刻表的要求到达。Before long, he drank up the wine, walked out with his hands and disappearing while the people were still laughing.