




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:rén wài yǒu rén








人外有人 [rén wài yǒu rén]
  1. 《济公传.第一八八回》




  1. Got it? Our Olympic knowledge is not less than you. We just want to tell you a truth: there may be another person smarter than you.


  2. Rich advocate, it is you let me understand the somebody outside ' person deeply, universal one day ' this word.


  3. The building lord, is you let me comprehend the words " someone outside the person, day outside have day" profoundly.


  4. Is really that there is day outside the day, someone outside the person, I just know originally a teacher to also can be so.


  5. floor lord, is you let me comprehending the ' someone outside the person profoundly, there is day outside the day' this words. thank you !


  6. We should learn to be modest and understand the truth that there is always someone who is better than us.


  7. Pass the exam, I finally understand the mountains outside the mountain, and people beyond.


  8. Who is, In your pride when remind you of "the mountains there are, who was outside" ?


  9. This fable about the "outside people person, there is day, " the reason I like this parable.


  1. 山外有山, 人外有人。

    Behind an able man there are always other able men.

  2. 山外有山,人外有人。

    Behind an able man there are always other able men.

  3. 但是人外有人,天外有天。

    But there are also people who are even cleverer.

  4. 首次深度空间飞行, 众人方知天外有天, 人外有人。

    The first deep space flights reveal numerous planets capable of supporting life.

  5. 它也不是将自己与他人比较的结果,因为人外有人。

    Neither is it a result of comparing ourselves with others,because there is always someone better.

  6. 她听到墓园外有人喊叫着。

    She heard shouting outside in the churchyard.

  7. 除那人外还有谁会失败呢?

    Who should fail but that man?

  8. 像人有一种身在世外的错觉。

    As there are people who are living outside an illusion.

  9. 他有人的外型,所以他仍旧会跟人交往。

    He still associates with other people because of his human figure.

  10. 除了工作外她还和这里得什么人有关系吗?

    Did she interact with anyone here besides jos ?

  11. 除了工作外她还和这里的什么人有关系吗??

    Did she interact with anyone here besides jos ?

  12. 身在万物中,要有人无我。心在三界外,要有我无人。

    Show selfless concern for others. Transcend the three realms of existence by cultivating yourself.

  13. 其实真的有人 用科学的方式去搜寻外星智慧。

    It turns out there are real people who go out and search for extraterrestrials in a very scientific way.

  14. 除交易人外, 是否有他人管理或指导本帐户得交易?

    Will any person other than Trader control, manage, or direct the trading in this account?

  15. 除交易人外,是否有他人管理或指导本帐户的交易?

    Will any person other than Trader control, manage, or direct the trading in this account?

  16. 口外的人有自己的生活习惯!

    People north of Zhangjiakou have their own habits and customs.

  17. 口外的人有自己的生活习惯!

    People north of Zhangjiakou have their own habits and customs.

  18. 界外效应指的是一个人的行为对其周围的人有冲突。

    An externality is the impact of one persons actions on the wellbeing of a bystander.

  19. 至庭审结束,大约有四五百人在法院外围观。

    There were about four to five hundred people watching outside the court till the trail ended.

  20. 要粮有粮, 要人有人

    have both provisions and manpower ready

  21. 我这个人有人气, 还有脚气。

    My someone gas, Still there is the beriberi.

  22. 只有一人被俱乐部拒之于门外。

    Only one man was dinged by the club.

  23. 甚至还有关于,是否能和团体外的人通婚的争论。

    There were debates about whether it was okay to marry outside of that boundary.

  24. 有些人相信有来自外星球的外星人访问地球。

    Some people believe that alien visit Earth from other planets.

  25. 昨晚在酒吧外,有一个摩托党帮派埋伏在那儿准备袭击一个人。

    Last night, outside the bar, there was a biker gang waiting to jump someone.

  26. 全人类都有, 即使是那个在我公寓外, 乱扔垃圾的人也有。

    All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters.

  27. 当街头发生意外事件的时候,立刻就有一群人聚集起来。

    A crowd soon collects when there's a street accident.

  28. 有谁能说出那些被排斥在外得人此时感到高兴还是懊丧呢?

    Who could tell whether they were amused or resentful at their exclusion?

  29. 有谁能说出那些被排斥在外的人此时感到高兴还是懊丧呢?

    Who could tell whether they were amused or resentful at their exclusion?

  30. 不论外表上显得怎样精明世故,人总有其纯朴的人性一面。

    Seem to be externally in spite of how smart ways of the world, the person always has it simple and honest human nature one side.