


1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……





汉语拼音:zhuī wèn








  1. 追根究底地问;追查。

    南朝 陈 周弘正 《和庾肩吾入道馆》:“逆愁归旧里,追问斧柯年。”《元典章·户部八·课程》:“但有答带餘盐或尅除觔重及支给失次刁蹬盐商者,随即追问是实。” 郁达夫 《过去》:“我想起了在 上海 的时候的她的那种怪脾气,所以就也不再追问。”



  1. "If it was to be secret, " said Jane, "say not another word on the subject. You may depend upon my seeking no further. "


  2. Gore, trailed by the press as he left the White House, allowed that he and Bush spent the whole time talking about global warming.


  3. I press him gently on the reasons for the implosion of his premiership, starting with his attempt to impose a "mining supertax" .


  4. The police were trying to pump her about this murder case.


  5. Surprisingly, I came out of the water dry. I chased him and asked him what he was talking about and told him I was due an explanation.


  6. And I when just the two of us are there you won't have to ask if i still care.


  7. Elizabeth found the interest of the subject increase, and listened with all her heart; but the delicacy of it prevented farther inquiry.


  8. Feather flat also want to ask, but cannot resist in anger, for he said now that had all together in peace feather ou, why can't nice to her?


  9. Men like a woman, but to come up with thousand reason, deal with her continued cross-examine.


  1. 他们再三追问。

    they insisted.

  2. 埃文追问道。

    Evan called after her.

  3. 我追问事实真相。

    I made a detailed inquiry about the facts.

  4. 我们如何追问哲学

    How do we inquire the Philosophy

  5. 基础教育的价值追问?

    What are valued in basic education?

  6. 你起来了吗?她追问。

    Are you up yet? she demanded.

  7. 别再追问我消息了。

    Stop trying to pump information out of me.

  8. 哲学本义追问及其启示

    The Inquiry and Enlightenment of the Original Meaning of Philosophy

  9. 如有, 访员追问场次

    If yes, interviewer to probe the number of concerts attended

  10. 我总是再三的追问你

    Siempre que te pregunto I am always asking you

  11. 大学生违纪的人性追问

    A Human Nature Perspective on University students'Violation of School Regulations

  12. 苦难的追问与终极的追寻

    Distressful examination and ultimate quest

  13. 但是哈里很少去追问。

    But Harry rarely goes questing.

  14. 追问对方到底是什么意思。

    Asking the exact meaning of what was said.

  15. 他巧妙地避开了追问。

    He evaded the questions skillfully.

  16. 他不得不追问事情的根底。

    He had to inquire into the cause of the matter.

  17. 这就是这首歌所追问的。

    And that's what the song is asking.

  18. 警方介入调查,公众不断追问。

    Police investigations and a public inquiry loom.

  19. 他不愿意媒体追问他的过去。

    He didn't like the media probing into his past.

  20. 一再追问, 才问出了来龙去脉。

    Repeatedly asked that question of origin.

  21. 朋友追问我为何要离开这里。

    My friend quizzed me about my reasons for leaving here.

  22. 我们追问他渔船失踪的原因。

    We questioned him to find out how the fishing boat disappeared.

  23. 推行安全生产系统追问的思考

    Consideration on practices of safety production system.

  24. 我爸妈一直在追问我的计划

    My parents have been bugging me for a plan.

  25. 他肯定追问过珍妮详细的情况。

    He must have pumped Janey for details.

  26. 他们向他追问他所知道的一切。

    They pumped him for everything he knew.

  27. 面试主持人把她追问得很窘。

    The interviewer had driven her into a corner.

  28. 你还没有回答我,她追问道。

    You haven't answered me,'she persisted.

  29. 成人教学艺术的生命本真追问

    Research on the Truth in the Artistic life of Adult Teaching

  30. 追问乃是对生存本体论的寻求。

    Questioning closely means existential ontological questing.


  1. 问:追问拼音怎么拼?追问的读音是什么?追问翻译成英文是什么?

    答:追问的读音是zhuīwèn,追问翻译成英文是 to question closely; to make a detailed inquir...




【读音】zhuī wèn

【英文】question closely; make a detailed inquiry; examine minutely

