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强迫,威胁:~迫。~促。~命。~使。~问。~租。~债。切近:~近。~真。~视。~肖(xiào )(很相似)。狭窄:~仄。~侧。~狭。……
汉语拼音:bī wèn
晋 葛洪 《<抱朴子>自叙》:“或为尊长所逼问,辞不获已,其论人也,则独举彼体中之胜事而已。” 唐 牛僧孺 《玄怪录·杜子春》:“左右竦剑而前,逼问姓名。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第十八段:“ 姚志兰 早疑心他们两人好,逼问几次, 小朱 还嘴硬,死不承认。”
Henry Waxman pushed Alan Greenspan for a more complete answer -- unlike the days when he was treated like a financial god.
亨利。韦克斯曼逼问艾伦•格林斯潘,提出更完整的回复:再也不象金融上帝那样(厚待)的日子了。Every injury accident about students is all relation with the administration responsibility of the school.
每一起学生伤害事故都会最终逼问学校的管理责任。Whether you remembered you to once usually force to ask him or not: Where do you come from?
你是否记得你曾经经常逼问他们:你是从哪里来的?;The company made good on this position, by keeping mum when pressed by reporters to disclose its new prices Thursday.
淡水河谷十分坚持这个立场。周四,尽管有多位记者再三逼问其新价格,这家公司仍三缄其口。Chin Hua princess merely also have not repeatedly continue to compel to ask her, silently corner round to walk.
清华郡主却也没再继续逼问她,默默地转身走了。Defendants are often denied the right to legal counsel and prosecutors have relied on confessions extracted through torture.
被告常不被允许寻求法侓谘询而执法人员则依据在酷刑下逼问出来的供词。When pressed, Ewing can't find much good to say about the endeavor except that some capable scientists and engineers have been employed.
在逼问之下,尤因仍说不出这计画有什麽特别的优点,除了一些聘请来的优秀科学家和工程师之外。"In the long term, we don't stop terrorist attacks by doing these things, " says Alexander, "we actually create more. "
“从长期看,通过逼问并不能阻止恐怖主义袭击,”Alexander说,“实际上我们制造了更多的袭击。”Soon, the two walked from the hotel, so high up will be stopped by two men, question closely what is the relationship between the two.