


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……


1. 系 [xì]2. 系 [jì]系 [xì]有联属关系的:~统。~列。~数。水~。世~。高等学校中按学科分的教学单位:中文~。化学~。关联:干~。关~。联结,栓:~缚。~绊。~马。维~。名誉所~。牵挂:~恋。~念。是:确~实情。把人或东……



汉语拼音:lián xì







  1. 犹联系。

    阿英 《敌后日记摘抄》:“军长报告遂临时改题为《整风问题》,分整风与干部关系、文件的意义、及与工作连系三大段。” 郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·李白在政治活动中的第二次大失败》:“ 李希言 的平牒抗威,很明显是和 李成式 一样,已经和 李亨 朝廷取得了连系,而 永王 却还蒙在鼓里。”



  1. Silence is one of the most profound ways to connect with your inner voice, with nature. Silence is the best part of speech.

  2. The last days of Prince Andrey had been a close bond between Natasha and Princess Marya.

  3. Both the bottom and the top are the most advanced steel structure put up by the 148 centre, and are composed a steel roof with supported .

  4. S. citizen with an Iranian passport charged in the case, had direct links and was paid and directed by individuals in Iran's government.

  5. At the lower end of each roof slope, eaves purlins are provided over the ceiling joists.

  6. Maybe I would have done better at school! When you study something and link it with something you really like, it can push you to do better.

  7. He may have owed someone lots of money. Even so, his parents are well off, and he had enough connections to escape.

  8. If you get very exhausted, only a tremendous sense of purpose can sustain you.

  9. This exhibition offers a "home" that brings both yours and mine together, and a setting for our minds and spirits to meet.


  1. 染色体连系

    chromosome linkage.

  2. 连系连接动词

    a copulative conjunction.

  3. 直接通讯连系

    Direct Communications Link

  4. 三合会连系

    triad affiliation.

  5. 向前连系效果

    forward linkage effect

  6. 向后连系效应

    backward linkage effect

  7. 媒体和我们连系。

    Media was connecting to us.

  8. 连系动词和表语

    The Link Verb and the Predicative

  9. 连系带固定用背心

    tie back vest

  10. 皇上命令你和他连系。

    The emperor commands you make contact with him.

  11. 他们彼此紧密地连系着。

    They are closely interconnected.

  12. 连结,连系有连系的系列或群体

    A connected series or group.

  13. 它将两个人连系了起来。

    It connected those two people.

  14. 香港与矽谷和印度建立连系

    Hong Kong networking with Silicon Valley and India

  15. 柱下独立基础连系梁设计

    Design of coupling beams of single foundation under column.

  16. 连系动词之后须带主语补语。

    Linking verbs are followed by a subject complement.

  17. 我将为那失去的连系而苦恼。

    I should fret to break the chain.

  18. 游戏的进行依靠网上连系起来的场景。

    It is progressing game based on scenario to be serialized in web.

  19. 而且神秘的连系持续的运作著它的奇迹。

    And the mystic bond continues to work its wonders.

  20. 母亲和孩子之间的连系减弱, 甚至割裂。

    The nexus between the mother and children weakens and breaks.

  21. 母亲和孩子之间得连系减弱,甚至割裂。

    The nexus between the mother and children weakens and breaks.

  22. 没有一个和你有连系的人是清白的。

    No one connected to you is innocent.

  23. 如有比赛资格上的问题, 请连系我们。

    For eligibility requirements. For contest entry questions, please call us.

  24. 我无法在头脑中把这两样东西连系起来。

    I cannot connect the two things in my mind.

  25. 这三点是来自相互连系相互依托的理解三角。

    The three an interdependent triangle and add up to understanding.

  26. 这三点是来自相互连系相互依托得理解三角。

    The three an interdependent triangle and add up to understanding.

  27. 我和大部分学生时代的朋友们都失去连系了。

    I'm out of touch with most of the friends of my school days.

  28. 社会语言学是研究语言与社会之间的连系的语言学分支。

    Sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistics which deals with the link between language and society.

  29. 之后,这名驾驶员并未再与塔台做任何连系。

    Since then,the pilot hadn't had any further contact with the control tower.

  30. 我使用许多时间在工作时与其他人发展连系。

    I spend a lot of time at work developing connections with others.


  1. 问:连系拼音怎么拼?连系的读音是什么?连系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系的读音是lián xì,连系翻译成英文是 nexus

  2. 问:连系数拼音怎么拼?连系数的读音是什么?连系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系数的读音是lián xì shù,连系数翻译成英文是 value-linking

  3. 问:连系筋拼音怎么拼?连系筋的读音是什么?连系筋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系筋的读音是lián xì jīn,连系筋翻译成英文是 binder

  4. 问:连系动词拼音怎么拼?连系动词的读音是什么?连系动词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系动词的读音是lián xì dòng cí,连系动词翻译成英文是 copular verb

  5. 问:连系杆件拼音怎么拼?连系杆件的读音是什么?连系杆件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系杆件的读音是lián xì gǎn jiàn,连系杆件翻译成英文是 tie element

  6. 问:连系母线拼音怎么拼?连系母线的读音是什么?连系母线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系母线的读音是lián xì mǔ xiàn,连系母线翻译成英文是 tie bus

  7. 问:连系角铁拼音怎么拼?连系角铁的读音是什么?连系角铁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系角铁的读音是lián xì jiǎo tiě,连系角铁翻译成英文是 fastening angle

  8. 问:连系动词的拼音怎么拼?连系动词的的读音是什么?连系动词的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连系动词的的读音是lián xì dòng cí de,连系动词的翻译成英文是 copulative



连系 lián xì 连接在一起,有关联,有联系,形容冥冥之中好像有一根绳子把两个人连或系在一起,彼此关系缠缠绵绵。