


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……


1. 络 [luò]2. 络 [lào]络 [luò]像网子那样的东西:~头。经~。脉~。网~。橘~。用网状物兜住,笼罩:笼~。缠绕:~纱。~丝。~线。相连续,前后相接:~穴(针灸穴位分类名)。~续。~绎。联~。络 [lào]义同(一),用……



汉语拼音:lián luò







  1. 犹联络。

    《旧唐书·朱敬则传》:“分山裂河,设磐石之固;内守外御,有维城之基。连络徧於域中,胶葛尽於封内。”《红楼梦》第四回:“四家皆连络有亲,一损俱损,一荣俱荣。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·狂人日记》:“所以他们大家连络,布满了罗网,逼我自戕。”

  2. 连接;衔接。

    郭沫若 《初出夔门》三:“那些片子大约是 德国 的或者 俄国 的所谓‘消息片’,是报道着当时的重要的世界新闻的,所以各张片子毫无连络,而字幕上的说明也不是英文。” 艾青 《街》诗:“看,房子被揭去了屋盖,墙和墙失去了连络。”



  1. "Israel will contact us today (18th) to confirm whether to hold a meeting tonight or tomorrow, " said the Palestinian official.


  2. If want and understand about this machinery in detail, can click and select to watch catalogues, or contact inquiring with us!


  3. The contact with extraterrestrials is just a call of alert, but the true keys are within ourselves.


  4. Describe in detail the four well-defined stages that European contacts and the rest of the world have gone through since the renaissance.


  5. it is constructed to hold a large amount of water in tubes or other passages which provide a large area in contact with the atmosphere.


  6. To avoid further public embarrassment, the young man turned inward, keeping to a small group of friends.


  7. The Contacts Management application template helps teams manage contact information that needs to be shared among team members .


  8. So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.


  9. This contact is not associated with a KDE address book entry, where the email address is stored.


  1. 立刻兴警方连络。

    Contact the police immediately.

  2. 和脚的球连络目标。

    Contact target with the ball of the foot.

  3. 这是国防部连络局。

    This is Liaison Bureau of the ministry of National Defense.

  4. 你跟伦敦连络上了吗?

    You already contacted London?

  5. 他们在兵荒马乱中失去连络。

    They lost contact with each other during the chaos of the war.

  6. 他们正入港,我连络不上。

    They're headed into port, but I can't raise them.

  7. 你已经有六周没连络了。

    It's been six weeks since you've been in touch.

  8. 我们需要尽快连络广东的制造商。

    Wendy We need to contact manufacturers in Guang Dong ASAP.

  9. 如果问题仍然存在, 请连络支援部门。

    If the problem persists, contact support.

  10. 的电连络中的时候, 流电的腐蚀发生。

    Galvanic corrosion occurs when dissimilar metals are in electrical contact in the same electrolyte.

  11. 我们设法与远方的老朋友保持连络。

    We tried to keep up with old friends far away.

  12. 辩君无法连络对爱有什麽阻碍吗?

    Argument Would the ack of communication impede love.

  13. 申请你的要求,请连络基于信用的代理人。

    To file for your claim, please contact the fiduciary agent.

  14. 对小内刈接背负投连络技的初探

    Study on the Technology of the Connection Between Leg Skill and Hand Skill in Judo Sport

  15. 请输入想传送即时讯息的连络人名称。

    Please provide the name of the buddy you'd like to IM.

  16. 假如我能提供其他资料, 请随时与我连络。

    If I can provide additional information, please feel free to contact me.

  17. 请为进一步得细节连络你得地方性得票出口。

    Please contact your local ticket outlet for further details.

  18. 请为进一步的细节连络你的地方性的票出口。

    Please contact your local ticket outlet for further details.

  19. 如果你有任何的疑问,确实觉得自由连络我。

    Do feel free to contact me if you have any query.

  20. 那位女仕将会如何跟那间武术学校连络?

    How will the woman get in touch with the arts school ?

  21. 与特瑞达斯总公司连络讨论特瑞达斯的工厂运营。

    Interface with Tridus HQ to coordinate and discuss Tridus China factory operations.

  22. 你一定做的唯一事物是把照片附在连络。

    The only thing you must do is to attach the picture to the contact.

  23. 你受欢迎连络我, 如果你有其他的嵌板质询。

    You are welcome to contact me, if you have other panel inquiry.

  24. 小内刈接背负投就是最常见,有效的连络技。

    Connecting leg skill with hand skill is the most effective and common kind of connection skill.

  25. 一位记者从连络人接受面谈然后准备疑问开始。

    A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.

  26. 我没办法连络上克莱儿。她一定是出城去了。

    I couldn't get a hold of Claire. She must be out of town.

  27. 多数的被动力化的纱锭桥被有角连络球轴承支援。

    The majority of the motorized spindle shafts are supported by angular contact ball bearings.

  28. 连络角度在举止的光线和轴坚硬上有大的影响力。

    The contact angles have a large influence on the radial and axial stiffness of the bearings.

  29. 连络角度在举止得光线和轴坚硬上有大得影响力。

    The contact angles have a large influence on the radial and axial stiffness of the bearings.

  30. 单位主管可以连络人力资源部训练组洽询本训练的纲领。

    Supervisors may obtain an outline of the program calling the Training Section of HR Department.


  1. 问:连络拼音怎么拼?连络的读音是什么?连络翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连络的读音是,连络翻译成英文是 reach

  2. 问:连络船拼音怎么拼?连络船的读音是什么?连络船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连络船的读音是,连络船翻译成英文是 ferryboat

  3. 问:连络配线法拼音怎么拼?连络配线法的读音是什么?连络配线法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连络配线法的读音是lián luò pèi xiàn fǎ,连络配线法翻译成英文是 link distributing system

  4. 问:连络用对讲电话装置拼音怎么拼?连络用对讲电话装置的读音是什么?连络用对讲电话装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连络用对讲电话装置的读音是,连络用对讲电话装置翻译成英文是 intercom



连接;衔接。 郭沫若 《初出夔门》三:“那些片子大约是德国的或者俄国的所谓‘消息片’,是报道着当时的重要的世界新闻的,所以各张片子毫无连络,而字幕上的说明也不是英文。” 艾青 《街》诗:“看,房子被揭去了屋盖,墙和墙失去了连络。”