


父亲:“军书十二卷,卷卷有~名”。祖父:~~。姥~。对长辈或年长男子的敬称:张大~。旧时对官僚、财主等的称呼:县太~。少(shào )~。对佛、神的称呼:佛~。财神~。……


父亲:“军书十二卷,卷卷有~名”。祖父:~~。姥~。对长辈或年长男子的敬称:张大~。旧时对官僚、财主等的称呼:县太~。少(shào )~。对佛、神的称呼:佛~。财神~。……







汉语拼音:yé yé nǎi nǎi



  1. When her grandparents took her to the same store, Bella headed for the toy section, but not when she was with her parents.


  2. Jenny goes to her grandparents' house with her mother, father, sister, brother and Brian.


  3. A game of Bingo draws smiles. Some look carefully for the numbers, while others require a bit of help.


  4. When I was a child, three of my grandparents, one widowed grandmother and a pair of grandparents, lived with us in our house.


  5. "You know, I telephoned my grandparents the other day, " he said.


  6. I reminded her that when her grandparents came over for her party she had to remember to say thank you for the balloons they gave her.


  7. I do not know why my grandmother grandpa opposes at the beginning I proceed the extreme limit sport.


  8. Even before he came out, he was teased enough, his grandparents say, that he was homeschooled on two separate occasions.


  9. I would also like to thank my grandfather, grandmother, their love, like the sun lit up like my soul every corner!


  1. 爷爷奶奶一辈

    the grandparents.

  2. 你爷爷奶奶呢?

    What about your grandparents?

  3. 爷爷奶奶的地方

    from grandpa and grandma.

  4. 爱你的爷爷奶奶

    With love from us both, Gran

  5. 清明, 怀念爷爷奶奶

    On the Pure Brightness Festival, Longed for Our Grandparents

  6. 我们是爷爷奶奶了

    We're grandparents.

  7. 祝爷爷奶奶多福多寿!

    Live long and proper to grandpas and grandmas!

  8. 我爷爷奶奶都是老寿星。

    My grandparents are rather ancient.

  9. 见见你的爷爷奶奶,你的堂兄妹

    Meet your grandparents, your cousins.

  10. 你的爷爷奶奶靠什么生活

    What do your grandparents rely on for life.

  11. 你多久看望爷爷奶奶一次?

    How often do you visit your grandparents?

  12. 我们待会儿要去看爷爷奶奶。

    We are going to see your grandma and grandpa later.

  13. 爷爷奶奶想和孩子呆在一起。

    The grandparents want to bond with the child.

  14. 我爷爷奶奶住得离我们很近。

    My grandpa and grandma live near us.

  15. 我们得爷爷奶奶们悬挂在绳套上。

    Our granddaddies swung on them nooses. Our grandmamas swung on them nooses.

  16. 我们的爷爷奶奶们悬挂在绳套上。

    Our granddaddies swung on them nooses. Our grandmamas swung on them nooses.

  17. 恺恩在爷爷奶奶的新家前锄草。

    Kevin mowing for grandpa and grandma in front of their Nalani home.

  18. 你的爷爷奶奶怎样打发一天的时光?

    How do your grandparents spend daytime?

  19. 小迈克正在参观爷爷奶奶的农场。

    Little Mike was visiting on his grandparents'farm.

  20. 他爷爷奶奶惯着他, 他要什么就给什么。

    His grandparents indulge him by giving him anything he asks for.

  21. 我去年和我的爷爷奶奶度过了暑假。

    I spent my summer vacation with my grandparents last year.

  22. 爷爷奶奶总爱溺爱他们的孙儿女。

    Grandparents just love to dote on their grandchildren.

  23. 学我爷爷奶奶他们啊,熊和猫结婚。

    Learn my grandfather grandma they ah, bear and cat marry.

  24. 小时候,她常常和爷爷奶奶一起度过夏天。

    She used to spend childhood summers with her grandparents.

  25. 孔融把最大的梨给了爷爷奶奶。

    Kong Rong gave the biggest pears to his grandma and grandpa.

  26. 爷爷奶奶候门外,文凭也能用钱买。

    Grandfather grandma awaits the outside, diploma also can spend money buy.

  27. 爷爷奶奶过分的爱把这孩子惯坏了。

    The child is spoiled by the excessive love from his grandparents.

  28. 瑶瑶和她爷爷奶奶想坐公共汽车去野生动物园。

    Yaoyao and her grandparents want to go to the safari park by bus.

  29. 我要帮父母做家务,然后去看爷爷奶奶。

    I'll help my parents with the housework and I'll visit my grandparents.

  30. 爷爷奶奶叹着气说情况变得如何如何糟糕。

    The grandparents sigh and say how things have changed for the worse.