


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:mén shēng








  1. 东汉 时指再传弟子。

    《后汉书·贾逵传》:“皆拜 逵 所选弟子及门生为 千乘王国 郎。” 宋 欧阳修 《<集古录>跋尾·后汉孔庙碑阴题名》:“其亲授业者为弟子,转相传授者为门生。”

  2. 后世亦指亲授业的学生。

    唐 杨炯 《遂州长江县先圣孔子庙堂碑》:“门生七十,仰天路以无阶;弟子三千,望宫墙而不入。” 明 唐顺之 《载迭前韵二首赠莲渠》之二:“字许门生问,诗从海上求。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》五三:“我教一点钟的课,也是师生,不能眼看我的门生遭荼毒。”

  3. 依附世族在其门下供役使的人。

    《后汉书·郅寿传》:“ 宪 ( 竇宪 )尝使门生齎书诣 寿 ,有所请托, 寿 即送詔狱。”《宋书·谢灵运传》:“迁相国从事中郎,世子左衞率。坐輒杀门生,免官。”《魏书·薛安都传》:“朝于京师,大见礼重,子姪羣从并处上客,皆封侯,至于门生无不收叙焉。”参阅 清 顾炎武 《日知录·座主门生》、 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·门生》。

  4. 门客,幕僚。

    宋 司马光 《礼部尚书张公墓志铭》:“临终前一日,呼门生问西边用兵今何如?朝廷法令无復变更否?其忠爱之心盖出天性,非有为而为之也。” 宋 陆游 《静镇堂记》:“ 乾道 八年七月二十五日,门生左承议郎权 四川 宣抚使司干办公事兼检法官 陆某 谨记。”按, 陆游 时在 四川 宣抚使 王炎 幕下。

  5. 科举考试及第者对主考官自称“门生”。

    唐 白居易 《洛下送牛相公出镇淮南》诗:“閫外君弥重,樽前我亦荣。何须身自得,将相是门生。” 五代 裴皞 《示门生马侍郎胤孙》诗:“三主礼闈年八十,门生门下见门生。”《儒林外史》第七回:“ 范进 道:‘门生终身皆顶戴老师高厚栽培。’”参阅 清 顾炎武 《日知录·座主门生》、 清 陆以湉 《冷庐杂识·受业》。

  6. 宋 朝因荐举而改官者对举主自称“门生”。

    宋 赵昇 《朝野类要·升转》:“其举主各有格法限员,故求改官奏状,最为艰得,如得,则称门生。”



  1. Yuan to positive end of the tidying up of its disciples, was the essence of which more than 580 articles, classified compilation of a book.


  2. What Ia silly thing Love is, said the Student as he walked away.


  3. After graduating from college with thousands of dollars in student loans, Scott Gerber moved back in with his parents in New York.


  4. He never founded a college, but all the schools put together cannot boast of having as many students.


  5. In schools, there are more than 50% of the population has tried marijuana at least once.


  6. And of course, the best nightclubs have the biggest velvet ropes and the pickiest doormen .


  7. DMAE was originally studied for potential as a treatment for hyperactivity in students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD).


  8. This part is the consolidation of the key structure, and also is an extensive activity for the Ss.


  9. Her seat was next to her friend Dr Roux , who had been Pasteur's most devoted disciple .


  1. 那男生是老师的得意门生。

    That boy is the teacher's pet.

  2. 那男生是老师得得意门生。

    That boy is the teacher's pet.

  3. 某著名小提琴家的年轻门生

    A young protege of a famous violinist

  4. 他是多么好的一个门生!

    What a good student he is!

  5. 是的,他也是老师的得意门生呢。

    Yes, he is the teacher's pet, too.

  6. 他把女儿嫁给了他的得意门生。

    He gave his daughter in marriage to his favourite pupil.

  7. 他决心把这门生意做红火。

    He was determined to make a success of the business.

  8. 主要是其篆刻艺术是对门生的影响。

    Mainly in the Art of Seal Carving is a protege of.

  9. 我们觉得汤姆是班上最好的门生之一。

    We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class.

  10. 愚笨的门生在画室里急剧探讨了变乱。

    The stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio.

  11. 她读小学时就一贯是最优秀的门生。

    In junior school she had been a straight A student.

  12. 一次逢王的生日, 他的门生想给他祝寿。

    On his birthday, his students wanted to give him a party.

  13. 不止一百名门生听了这场音乐会。

    More than one hundred students have attended the concert.

  14. 你想和我的门生个宝宝吗?, 二等兵?

    You trying to make a baby with my barracks door, private?

  15. 他是个好门生,我期望他有一个美妙的将来。

    He is a good student. I hope he will have a wonderful future.

  16. 那老师把女儿嫁给了他的一位得意门生。

    The teacher gave the hand of his daughter to one of his best students.

  17. 那老师把女儿嫁给了他得一位得意门生。

    The teacher gave the hand of his daughter to one of his best students.

  18. 假如你们整天吊儿郎当,就永久也成不了好门生。

    You will never be good students so long as you goof around.

  19. 浅谈木门生产中手糊薄木的工艺及其利弊

    On the production of wooden doors veneer hand lay process and its pros and cons.

  20. 大多数的门生充分利用时候, 全身心投入到学习中去。

    Most students are making full use of their time and devoting themselves to their studies.

  21. 三十名门生都设法主意去追念他们做了什么。

    Thirty children tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher may have found out.

  22. 最好的夜总会有着最大的天鹅绒拦绳和最挑剔的门生。

    And of course, the best nightclubs have the biggest velvet ropes and the pickiest doormen.

  23. 这篇文章得目得是报告门生怎么培育精采得进修风俗。

    The purpose of article is to tell the students to develop good study habits.

  24. 他声名远扬,国人皆知,于是许多门生都来到他门下学习。

    His reputation extended far and wide throughout the land and many students gathered to study under him.

  25. 这篇文章的目的是报告门生怎么培育精采的进修风俗。

    The purpose of article is to tell the students to develop good study habits.

  26. 你以为我杀害了他的得意门生,他不会和我反目成仇吗?

    Do you disagree that murdering his favorite student might have turned him against me?

  27. 这得确是苏格拉底及其得意门生柏拉图得既定观点。

    This indeed was the considered opinion of Socrates and his great pupil, Plato.

  28. 这的确是苏格拉底及其得意门生柏拉图的既定观点。

    This indeed was the considered opinion of Socrates and his great pupil, Plato.

  29. 学习战略对门生有用地学习英语起着至关重要的作用。

    Learning Strategies plays a critical role in effective English learning.

  30. 她坐在她的朋友罗大夫的旁边,他是巴斯特最忠实的门生。

    Her seat was next to her friend Dr. Roux, who had been Pasteur's most devoted disciple.


  1. 问:门生拼音怎么拼?门生的读音是什么?门生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门生的读音是ménshēng,门生翻译成英文是 pupil; follower; student

