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汉语拼音:péi jiǔ
宋 辛弃疾 《满江红·游清风峡和赵晋臣敷文韵》词:“人似秋鸿无定位,事如飞弹须圆熟,笑君侯,陪酒又陪歌,阳春曲。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“一日, 邢大舅 、 王仁 都在贾家外书房喝酒,一时高兴,叫了几个陪酒的来唱着喝着劝酒。”《白雪遗音·马头调·独占花魁二》:“移步如梭,来到他家。 九妈 説道:‘小女陪酒才出外。’”
But her mother did not discourage her. In a fit of anger, she returned to Taipei and went to work at a bar.
但是做妈妈的竟然没有阻止她,她就负气回到台北,就去酒家陪酒。Her father was there to keep me company because I was a guest of honor and usually women did not eat with the guests.
她父亲把我们当作贵客所以要陪酒,而女人一般是不和客人同桌的。She gets about 40 inquiries a week from women looking for hostess jobs, twice as many as before the downturn.
她每周约接到40个谋求陪酒工作的咨询,是经济危机前的两倍。Li guang ming: vernon, please live at our storage room. Barmaid fee is for your rent money.
李光明:天骐,就麻烦你住储藏室。陪酒费抵房租喔。Even one member of the Japanese Parliament, Kazumi Ota, was a hostess.
甚至日本议会中的一名成员,太田和美,也曾是陪酒女。The chairs are for guests, and bar maids can only sit on stools.
椅子是给客人坐的,陪酒的只能做小板凳。Her 17-year-old sister, who also wants to be a hostess, may succeed her.
她17岁的妹妹也想成为陪酒女,或许可能接替她。Atsushi Miura, an expert on the issue, says hostessing will be popular among Japanese women as long as other well-paying jobs are scarce.
三浦展,一位这方面问题的专家,说陪酒工作将在日本女性中越来越流行,因为其他如此高收入的工作十分稀少。I' ll be at the airport all morning with Mr. Sakai.
Her father was there to keep me company because I was a guest of honor and usually women did not eat with the guests.